Did Nazi Germany really kill homosexuals?

you have successfully redpilled me anons, now I question everything I've heard about ww2... but I've always heard about the oppression of homos in NS Germany. Is it true? If so, why???

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Yes, but it was mostly pushed by Himmler. Originally Hitler turned a blind eye since Rohm, head of the SA, was gay. After they squashed the SA however they actively targeted homos because they pushed in their racial/social theories of what was deemed acceptable.

A lot of neo-Nazis do not realise that Himmler and other leadership actively encouraged promiscuity out of wedlock to encourage childbirths. After WWII, 40% of german youth had an STD, and not because of the Russians. Even in the western side of germany.

>Himmler and other leadership actively encouraged promiscuity out of wedlock to encourage childbirths
Cool where's the sauce for this? I haven't heard this one.

It should be noted that most of the gays who went to camps were known in communities for their homosexuality, or attended gay bars. prior to WWII Germany was a very accepting country for gays, perhaps the most accepting in Europe behind the Netherlands.

If someone was reported for homosexuality, but little evidence existed, they generally gave men a warning or short prison sentence to discourage any homosexual acts in future.

No but they shouldve

No, not even Germans could resist pounding boipucci

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>Cool where's the sauce for this? I haven't heard this one.
It’s called the Lebensborn initiative. There’s quite a lot of writing about it and about it’s implementation.

This is misinfo. Himmler pushed breeding programs to increase the population including volunteer swedish and other woman and SS men (the singer of ABBA was born like this) out of wedlock but it was for procreation to build a future army not some kike degenerate BS.

And the STD thing is made up. Mabey by the 1970s that was true, but that is because of the terrible plague of drug and sex abuse pushed on German city youth post WW2. Watch the disturbing true story movie "Christiane F: We children from the Bahnhof Zoo" to see the grotesque conditions, it didnt take long for Weimar Germany to return.

Nazis were homosexuals. So was Hitler.

They were all on meth and blowing each other.

How is this even an inquiry?

The "Homo Youth."

you'll get no reply. faggots were segregated away from heteros and put to work. the only one we get to hear about is the "25 centimeters of wood" faggot

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>This is misinfo
>breeding programs for an army not degeneracy!

Lol children raised out of wedlock in orphanages are gonna be fucked up and degenerate. The fact you think because the intention wasn’t ‘degenerate’ means it won’t result in a degernate outcome is retarded. Himmler was a fugly failed chicken farmer who got some power and thought it made him smart.

Theres a funny speech by Himmler where he says homosexuality was the biggest threat next to Bolshevism and he ranted about how homo Germans are. Look it up on Google.

your fantasies don't count as history, rabbi

Yes, and Catholic priests and Jehovah witnesses and gypsies and WW1 veteran soldiers in psychiatric hospitals and intellectually disabled kids and Jews and educated Poles like doctors, teachers, mayors, nurses, university lecturers.

>A lot of neo-Nazis do not realise that Himmler and other leadership actively encouraged promiscuity out of wedlock to encourage childbirths.
I think that the Wehrmacht operating field brothels gave that away

Haha jews projecting their degenerate fantasies. Classic

Maybe if your shit country had a breeding program you wouldn't be outnumbered and beaten by fucking birds.

Hitler was part of a subclass in Vienna that had many male prostitutes who did what they did to eat and pay for doss houses. There would be nothing remarkable for a failed unemployed want to be artist like him to have done so. Let me be quite clear, I find homosexuality as repugnant as communists and Nazis. They all devalue human life, make it bestial and are the triumph of the idiot and depraved over everything that is best in mankind..

They killed a shit ton of normal hard working Germans and other Europeans..with some helps from Allies firebombing cities...

I don't think you have to be a Jew, or indeed anything to find the top of the Nazis/SS and stalins clique/nkvd have been filled with depraved human thrash, very like the lgbt self mutilators. It goes with having no morals or righteous fear of God.

>You will never be a Red Solider chad "Liberating" east Germany only to come across a bunch a surrendered little Hitler Youth Boipussy that you have total power and control over.

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>I don't think you have to be a Jew, or indeed anything to find the top of the Nazis/SS and stalins clique/nkvd have been filled with depraved human thrash, very like the lgbt self mutilators. It goes with having no morals or righteous fear of God.

Paedophiles should be castrated, Nazis and commies and instigators of political violence given hard labour for 20 years. This is the way, Faith, Family, Land, Nation. All thrash must be swept up.

Lebensborn was to stop whores from getting abortions. There was no avtive encouragement for bastards you kike.

>claims to be redpilled
>follows an anti European ideology
You do realize Nazis were controlled opposition, Jews were placed into safe camps away from war. Camps that had swimming pools and movie theaters. Meanwhile countless European boys were sent to kill each other.

Yes, a lot of them committed suicide.

you glow

>Yes, and Catholic priests and Jehovah witnesses and gypsies and WW1 veteran soldiers in psychiatric hospitals and intellectually disabled kids and Jews and educated Poles like doctors, teachers, mayors, nurses, university lecturers.

yep sounds based to me

Imagine being proud of being half annunaki lizard...These are a bunch of lizard hybrids you fucking retard.

Hitler was a Rothschild. The whole point of Nazism is to create the idea of white nationalism. Which has unironically suceeded. Because it's not about white vs black. Its about Neanderthal vs Cro Magnon. But whites are blind to the Neanderthal Question.

it's always the Yas Forums ones

yep, there were lots of homosexual nazis.

this is just another way to get a group of people(gays in this case) to see Nazis as the big bad and convert them to their marxist anti-white agenda

I will guarantee the vast majority of gays who were persecuted by the time were persecuted not for being homosexual, but for being communist.

There were even batallions that allowed gays to request to be in the same unit as they believed it would increase thier commradery and spirit. This is a homage to pagan customs.

95% of Soviet ranking officials were Jews.

>these fuckers
Were they even trying when they made these forged photos?

Forgot pic my bad

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"Under Röhm, the SA often took the side of workers in strikes and other labor disputes, attacking strikebreakers and supporting picket lines. SA intimidation contributed to the rise of the Nazis and the violent suppression of right-wing parties during electoral campaigns, but its reputation for street violence and heavy drinking was a hindrance, as was the open homosexuality of Röhm and other SA leaders such as his deputy Edmund Heines.[32] In June 1931, the Münchener Post, a Social Democratic newspaper, began attacking Röhm and the SA regarding homosexuality in its ranks and then in March 1932, the paper obtained and published some private letters of his that left no doubt about his homosexuality; these letters were confiscated by the Berlin police back in 1931 and subsequently passed along to the journalist Helmuth Klotz.[33]

Hitler was aware of Röhm's homosexuality. Their friendship shows in that Röhm remained one of the few intimates allowed to use the familiar German du (the German familiar form of "you") when conversing with Hitler.[12] In turn, Röhm was the only Nazi leader who dared to address Hitler by his first name "Adolf" or his nickname "Adi" rather than "mein Führer".[34] Their close association led to rumors that Hitler himself was homosexual.[35] Unlike many in the Nazi hierarchy, Röhm never fell victim to Hitler's "arresting personality" nor did he come fully under his spell, which made him unique.[36]"

The social democrats were gayshaming the nazi's lol