Tfw we tried to start this decade with a good happening but that's failed

>tfw we tried to start this decade with a good happening but that's failed

Attached: happeningfags btfo.jpg (914x577, 40.54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

wait 2 weeks

>it's another shill thread
Really made me check the record.

Attached: statsgraph.png (1280x720, 48.23K)

Its over. Pack it up boys!

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-12 New York Post on Twitter China's new coronavirus cases rise to near six-week high https t co MveiMnZ2[...].png (598x673, 579.19K)


>2 weeks

Attached: TrumpDisBig.jpg (732x325, 41.72K)

The flu was never the happening. The happening is the power they've seized and what will need to happen to reclaim it.

>not subtracting the recoveries
retard detected, the recoveries per day is almost as much as the new cases per day, absolute nothing burger

Attached: 1.jpg (729x1204, 222.06K)

Wait ‘til the “recovered” get reinfected.
ELE incoming.

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What are you /cvg/ fags going to do when this is all over? Spam Yellowstone happening threads too?

Attached: shill btfo.jpg (960x698, 61.47K)

>thinking you can get reinfected with the virus
did you finish highschool?

>nothingburgers think worldwide SARS is no big deal
You people are idiots

It isn't

>He thinks its impossible for viruses to become dormant and reappear
Is that a cold sore on your lip?

>believing chinese lies

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Or reactivation. It’s unknown so far. Yas Forums has known this since January. There is no real recovery.

M-muh recovered patients are ticking time bombs waiting to reinfect themselves and everyone else they come into contact with.
This ride is only just getting started. Two years from now, when the smoke has settled and we’re back to the stone age, you can call me retarded again,

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Were you around during SARS? there was a lot of doomsday talk and crazy predictions then when it was all over people realised it was only ever 1/10 as dangerous as we were led to believe. The same is happening now due to the media profiting from sensationalism.

Nothing burgers have learnt from the past and wont fall for the same scam again, some people arent smart enough to learn from their mistakes even when the data shows it's not very dangerous.

Buy the dip faggots

yes, # of faulty tests rising

literally a nothing disease

Attached: JUST A FLU BACK TO WORK SLAVE.png (533x381, 298.42K)


> We
Seriously if you’re hiding at home and not encouraged people to get out and about to spread the virus.. you ain’t done shit.

pretty much this
>j-just wait goyim! you'll see dead bodies pouring out of your anus!

>Yas Forums has known this since January.
Only the schizos in /cvg/ who want to believe any retarded thing because they are desperate for a happening, the data just isnt there, sorry, this is not a happening outside of the elites exploiting it.

Do you know what a cytokine storm is?

ill cya on the way to the fema death camps faggot, ill make sure to push you to the front for the first death.

>cytokine storm
>wait two weeks
>stay the heck in

Attached: ex3xwox6cmr11[1].png (1083x1128, 51.04K)

> cytokine storm
> dormant period
> infectious after recovery
> disease is worse second time around

These are hard facts retard, no schizos here. The select few high-IQ researchers of /cvg/ have been citing articles in NEJM and The Lancet since January, have you been following?

This is literally the apocalypse and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Fortunately SARS was easy to contain because transmission occurred after symptoms manifested. Even if coronavirus's spread becomes diminished during the summer its in both hemispheres so its not going away for good.

digits confirm

>This is the apocalypse

Wishful thinking must be nice.
SARS-CoV-2 means the end of human civilization and deep down you know it to be true.

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If only i wish it was, our only last hope for the apocalypse is the fucking comet and that might not even happen haha

did you?
do you not understand how virus strands work? how do you think you can keep getting flu again and again?

look how many there is already
until they mass vaccinate everyone, this is gonna be seasonal
china is already getting reinfected by returning retards from europe

Cases already peaked a week and a half ago.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-13 Coronavirus Graphs Worldwide Cases and Deaths - Worldometer.png (703x400, 11.47K)

What kind of retard depicts dates with a bar graph?

wow, it was already over on fab 23!

pretty much happening over

Fuck off, you don't have to rub it in. What an L. Hoping there's some form of economic collapse from all the shutdowns to make up for it.

> thinking vaccines work against RNA-based viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 and the common cold

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Then why is the average age of death still the average life expectancy age?

The idiot is using number of confirmed cases which means the graph can only go up. He sees a line going up and thinks that proves his point

It was over before it started, nothing burger

that'd be fun but i want an instant death like the comet or yellowstone.

Where are all the deaths we were promised asshole? You're so full of shit. Stop trying to get our hopes up and hope for violence stemming from lockdown and economic collapse

whatever helps you cope

What are you nothing burger retards going to do when your fake graphs don't line up with reality, and people keep continuing to die?
>hurr look at this graph I pulled out my ass hurr durr also I don't understand averages hurrrr

Attached: statsdeath.png (1280x720, 24.25K)

amerilards have no attention span. within a month they'll be back having gay orgies in public.

Pic related is him

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That would be fine too. Just something at least

You did it again

SARS is worldwide since more than a decade, there were 4 coronaviruses around the world before this """new"""
Search the french study fear vs data of march 19 2020

stay mad kike happening over nothing will take out this world

> hoping for violence and devastation
> rageposting on Easter

You need to get right with your soul, user.

The graphs show both you absolute fucking god damn retard.
t. kike mad his globohomo plan is being utterly btfo by a chink flu

repopulate the earth and purge any surviving subhumans what else

Bro, 20k people dying isn't a happening. 100,000 people dying worldwide isn't a happening. A million people in the US would of been a happening, and that's obviously not going to happen. Give it up dude

No shit NewFag

alot of Yas Forumsacks are just tired of the nothing burgers and want something actually huge

>data only to 4/8
Fucking plebe, that's 3 days old info chang.

>thinking Yellowstone would be instant death for everyone
You're this retarded

I kinda wanted an actually happening to take everything out but this isn't working it's slow and not even apocalyptic.

Apocalyptic sorry faggot, it'd still end up killing everyone on earth atleast

The line should be over the brown bars not add them all together, if you do this like you should then it is clear it has peaked at a statistically insignificant number.

6k deaths per day, compared to the 150k that die worldwide perday. Almost all of these deaths were people that were expected to die within the next year anyway. It is so abysmally small that im not sure what it would take for you happening schizos to realise it's a nothingburger


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Don't have one friend, never had a chance. Let me feast on suffering and human misery and I'll let you do whatever it is people with empathy do

welp why not and i actually can't tell my color, im a little colorblind.

The real happening is the upcoming economic crash. They'll keep pushing for continuing shutdowns into next year to ensure it happens too.

>No excuses! The Federal Government is there to help!
>gear up
I don't get it, help with what? Gear up for what? It's Easter. The virus is over, right?

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Trust the ham

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Nah it would devastate a massive amount of the populous but humanity would live through it. You listen to the news far too much faggot

Oh wow, that is a large number...

Jk, dumb nigger, that is completely normal for a virus, unless it has a meaningful mutation it is irrelevant.

>this is going to be seasonal
Wow, 200k deaths of people over 70 per season worldwide, what a tragedy..........

>he needs a line to tell him what the numbers mean
Jesus fucking christ you nothing burger fags are quiet literally retarded.

The earth would not be survivable to live on for years upon years faggot, it'll be a genocide of a shitton of humans and say even some people find a bunker it's not gonna be stocked up enough to survive even the elite.
