this triggers the leef
This triggers the leef
what leafs desperately want to be american, look at all their cities, all of them are huddled up on the american border, leafs would love this
what is this, what am i being triggered by?
I don't like the shape anymore. Therefore I vote no.
why do leafs have such low IQ?
understandable, but i mean worst case scenario we just turn the three territories (which combined have under 100k people) into an Antarctica like shared resource/research/military zone and leave Canada as just Ontario and the Maritimes separated by Canada
>separated by Quebec
a good portion of leafs posters are carribean niggers and middle eastern goatherders
I'm mad that a thread got archived before I could post, so I'm putting this here as a bump:
To give you a rundown, the war started over a lot of reasons, including tariffs and slavery (slavery was declared a big cause of secession in documents). The civil war was basically inevitable, but people just kept kicking the issues on for many years. Take Texas as an example of the divide between North and South, the union was reluctant to annex Texas because it would mean an extra slave state, which would upset the balance of power, since there was supposed to be an equal number of free and slave states.
An incident in Kansas got the North and South to really resent each other though, known as bleeding kansas. The idea was that the to-be state of Kansas would have its citizens vote themselves if they wanted to allow slavery or not, but thousands of Northerners and Southerners from other areas of the country flocked to Kansas to vote for their interests. This caused lots of violence, and things would get more complicated as other territories wanted to be states.
Then fast forwarding to Southern secession, Lincoln wanted to supply the Fort Sumter in South Carolina, which was federal property, but South Carolinians claimed it as theirs. Lincoln sent ships to supply the fort anyway, as he didn't recognize or want to recognize the South's secession as legal. Thus, the South attacked fort Sumter, and war was declared.
I'd say the mainstream narrative about the South, when it comes to secession over slavery, is corect. States rights are really just the right to own slaves, and the South did secede over slavery. Albeit, the union wasn't fighting to liberate slaves, at least not until Lincoln ordered all slaves free (though he freed them largely because Britain wouldn't want to join a war that would support slavery.)
There's a lot that goes on during the actual war, but I know a good documentary on General Sherman on youtube, and I'm sure there's tons on the eastern front.
We support this Endeavour.
Actually can we get Vancouver Island as well? That place is pretty sick
Does the light green belong to China? Might as well...
Can all of Canada join up with New England instead as a constitutional monarchy under Queen Elizabeth II? Everything else is good though, except Hawaii and California should be separate.
Enact a Propertarian Constitution and I'm all for it.
I would welcome this change
We cant let them join
they're psycho and will take over
dont underestimate these people
Alberta would probably join you. Saskatchewan maybe, but probably not. There is not a chance that Manitoba would put up with your shit.
implying manitoba would have a choice, or canada would have a choice if the states wanted to do anything to canada.
I wouldn't want to be a burger right now
Berta’fag here. My province would 100% prefer to be american.
Yes, this does trigger me. It triggers me because it won't happen ;___;
Fuck that. We need a prairie kingdom, and annex northern bc and Yukon.
"this triggers the leef"
I'm a leaf living in the states and no, it doesn't. In fact, id like to see it.
great job op, 10/10, would establish french canadian republic
How do you people pass middle school geography. NEWFOUNDLAND ISN'T A PART OF THE FUCKING MARITIMES.
It's not a hat, it's a shower cap
>How do you people pass middle school geography. NEWFOUNDLAND ISN'T A PART OF THE FUCKING MARITIMES.
No one cares.
Ah I’m tired I thought I was replying to a leaf lmfao. You’re good burger nigger.
>this triggers the leef (sic)
Less and less every day Ameribro. If only you knew how bad things really are.
Manitoba is garbage anyway. We're taking the oil
We shouldve done it in 1812
I’m from Vancouver island and that west coast country is retarded. We literally produce and do nothing
There are lots of whores in Vancouver
i am so fucking OK with this that i will mass produce triggers for you and ship them to you by the skid for the purposes of assembling instruments of freedom and ensure your noted statement above is honest