

Idk if there has been any threads about this but lmfao this is literally them wagging their dicks in our face and getting normies to pay for their MKULTRA.

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Other urls found in this thread:

wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/?q=Marina Abramovic&mfrom=&mto=&title=¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=6

Bump. Gates is laughing at all the normies who memory holed Spirit Cooking. Lady Gaga, Will Ferrel, Jay Z, Beyoncé are all in on it.

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If the jannies kill this thread user, starts another mr one.

Tell me why this isn’t just art faggots being art faggots.

T. Art faggot.

It is, but edgy artfags scare normies, hence the thread.

I really don’t feel the quality of her work, and I don’t mind modern art, rich people seem easy dupes. Zero evidence of it being anything other than a bit boring or creepy has ever been posted here.

Because modern art fags have lost any idea what art is. This shit started with dadaism

Lol no it’s satanic rituals disguised as art.

There has been many threads

Attached: Satan's Demons.jpg (720x866, 100.39K)

Ive seen 6 threads so far today

Disagree. Dadaism has a sense of play, and absurdity, this is just body horror for people who have a home in the Hamptons.

Dadaism is garbage anti-art. It was the bulwark of jews destroying art.

That’s kind of the point. Guess what? Art still exists. It was a temporary and fun blow-up, and you are a schizo.

Needs to become a meme. “Oh so you believe the elite aren’t Satanists? As a caption for this photo

They might be, but this is just bad performance art. The fake blood aesthetic is everywhere and it just kind of sucks.

>Comments are turned off
Yeah I bet. That's code for we know whatever we're doing here is shit and dont need 15k comments to that effect.

*rubs it in your FUCKING face so as to say what are you gonna do about it GOY*

Oh ho ho. I guess they havent figured out the code to turn off that down vote button.

Satanism is psychological suggestion, magic, often sex magic. Based on Sabbateanism. Introduced to Murrica by a Jew of the church of Satan in the 60s.

Rabbinical Judaism itself is actually polytheistic and beyond good and evil. What matters is the accuracy of the ritual. Not whom you pray to. You may pray to Satan. AND MANY DO ->

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Everyone knows this bitch sacrifices chickens to moloch. To discredit her bullshit is daming and shill pilled.

kek she's afraid of death. uploading herself in VR. nothing can stop what's coming

I’m ok thanks.

Ok tell me why this is art and my next post is anti semitism

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It's the same act by the same people with different context
If these "artists" think cannibalism and child abuse is art we need to ask why they think this is ok and remove them from our society

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It looks like cake to me. But I’m sure it impressed somebody. I prefer painting, but I don’t make the rules.

She can feel the fires lapping at her feet.

You think there is no renaissance art that depicts this?

Explain this then.
wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/?q=Marina Abramovic&mfrom=&mto=&title=¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=6

Attached: MNLGniU.png (1000x1545, 2.01M)

Type in podesta art and this cunt
You know it isnt right

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