Nazi Suicides

Why were they so cowardly?

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Ah, yes, the classic bait post
Nazis invented blitzkrieg where they literally run toward the enemy as fast as they possibly can. They fucking played COD irl.
Implying killing yourself to avoid certain death is cowardly. Suicide is the exact opposite of being a coward, you need balls of steel to end your own life.
>This thread is now closed.

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>Fight to the death
>But kys when it gets too hard

>Knowing what Happened in Bolshevic Russia
>It's all so tiring
I would say ((Some people)) delight In torture and horrid ways of death, so they opted out. I also doubt many did suicide but obviously you'd point it out to show how weak Nazi were...

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>When it gets too hard
>I guess I'm a pussy for downing a cyanide pill when I have 5 mosins pointed at me, should of just let them blow my brains out

I like how the soviets didn't kill themselves. Must have been real men instead of master race LARPers

kys and find out

See, you understand what it means to be a coward. Any reply you give will be evidence of such.

Wow so brave of OP to come out as gay, you know comrade, I also like to suck cock from time to time, thank you for this inspiring coming out, I will now get back to drinking gallons of fun, as I am sure you are doing currently, goodbye comrade

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Yeah except for the thousand people who did it in one town over the course of 72 hours you retard.

Commies mad they couldn't parade them around.

How is suicide cowardly? In order to end your own life you need balls of fucking steel idiot.

Better than torture.
They knew what happens when communists win a war. They will rape and torture you.
Rather than cyanide they should have used suicide bombs.

>you need balls of steel to shoot yourself instead of facing the consequences of your actions and standing up to a foreign invader!
Maybe you should kys user

Depends if they shot themselves or just drifted off to sleep on a pill overdose.

>why didn't you let the Soviets capture you, mutilate your genitals, threaten to rape your wife and daughter, force you to admit to war crimes you didn't commit, and then unceremoniously murder you if you're lucky enough to avoid gulag
Gee I wonder.

Also since we're talking about cowards, remember that time Stalin forced his men to stand rear guard and kill anyone who retreated? They had so many cowards in the red army that they had to murder them to get them to move towards the Germans.

So much for the new soviet man.

It's a logical way out when you can't imagine life in prison and the abuse that will come with your capture.

>you need balls of steel to shoot yourself instead of facing the consequences of your actions and standing up to a foreign invader!
>Maybe you should kys user

So are you implying failing at your mission you deserve to get cock and ball tortured by the enemy for weeks until you die of starvation is a "mans death"
No user that's just retardation and the entire thread is a bait post.
It isn't cowardly to end your own life to avoid torture until you die of starvation or torture, it's smart and you aren't a girl for blowing your own brains out.

genital mutilation

>force you to admit war crimes you didn't commit
I guess those 13 million Soviet civilians just killed themselves it totally wasn't the SS. It's not like Germany didn't outline a plan of how they were going to try and kill everyone in Eastern Europe for living space. Idiot

>Be brutally tortured by subhuman communist slavs in the streets after peacefully surrendering.
>Take a less painful way out via cyanide capsule.
Gee I guess I am a coward to not want to be the Bolsheviks snuff entertainment.

>It's not like Germany didn't outline a plan of how they were going to try and kill everyone in Eastern Europe for living space.
They didn't

Or you know you could just not surrender lol fight to the death you're the master race lmao

Fuck off kike

>It isn't cowardly to end your own life to avoid torture until you die of starvation or torture, it's smart and you aren't a girl for blowing your own brains out.
100% agree and this bait thread gets a sage from me.
Stay vigilant against obvious "1 post by this ID threads".
Make Yas Forums less shitty again

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Actually they did, it happened in every army and every nation. Failure was not an option and it is bad for morale if people learn you were killed for failure by your own people as punishment for failure its not a good look. If you take your own life out of shame or you just kill yourself and they tell everyone you died in glorious combat, everyone wins.

It’s not easy if you ran out of bullets.

Yes. The entire thread is pure contradiction, suicide takes balls to do, and being a butt-toy for Sergei is just fucking retarded when you can down a cyanide pill. It doesen't make you a man to have that happen to you especially when you can kys

>fair trial
>oy vey!
>inevitable execution
German efficiency cutting out the middlemen

>this thread is retarded because it further reinforces what cowardly little bitches the Germans were for getting a taste of their own medicine by the very people they tried to exterminate

They swore an oath to be loyal till death. Surrender was not an option for these men, for it would force them to break their oaths.

After defeat, they killed themselves, for it was the honorful thing to do, similar to the samurai.

Guess it was honorable for them to cut off food to your country and induce a famine too. I think you need to shine Han's boots some more bud.

>this thread is retarded because it further reinforces what cowardly little bitches the Germans were for getting a taste of their own medicine by the very people they tried to exterminate

You aren't possibly getting butthurt because you realise how retarded this thread is now that i've redpilled you, are you?

And clearly you have no idea what the germans had in terms of goals and ambitions.
I mean can you imagine being this fucking pathetic you are making a nazi hate thread shit talking dead soldiers from 81 years ago? Because apparently avoiding extreme torture until starvation is cowardly and girly.
Do you even know a majority of the Wehrmacht had no idea what was going on behind the scenes and were just fighting for their own country?

>No, of course you dont.

Go polish Rabbi Shekelstein’s cock.

Sure user you red pilled me on things that I am clearly more knowledgable than you on.
>bu bu but my clean Wehrmacht
They locked people in barns and murdered them user. They killed civilians in reprisals. They burned down an entire city. They corralled soviet soldiers into pens and starved them to death.

>They locked people in barns and murdered them user. They killed civilians in reprisals. They burned down an entire city. They corralled soviet soldiers into pens and starved them to death.

Who cares? that was almost 90 fucking years ago and you're still whining about them on the internet, you are just as bad as you depict the germans to be.
Btw you got off topic OP clearly my MOG is getting to you by now.

I'm not picking sides, you brainwashed twat. Just stating a historical fact.

My topic was about how the Germans in ww2 were dumb pussies who deserved their shit fate. And if people shouldn't care about what happened 75 years ago then why are their still people playing pretend as national socialists?