Scott adams takes the bluepill

continued from last thread

Attached: scott being a faggot, very sad.png (1216x440, 112.24K)

what part of voluntary do you not understand, though?

This fucking kike was bought from the beginning. you didn't actually buy le suave persuasion man meme did you?

>scott adams

The part where it can never possibly be voluntary and right below this tweet he says he would be okay with involuntary.
I used to be a big fan of his and I still think he is a very smart guy and I am thankful for him opening my eyes on a lot of important, apolitical issues but I always could tell he was a boomer and not in the same boat as me. He has since gotten much worse.

Attached: literal sociopath.jpg (1594x900, 112.64K)

This is getting stupid.

Attached: flagrant.png (594x626, 173.16K)

>it can never possibly be voluntary
what are you on about?

This is the third person I've seen who announced that they will block people who disagree with them.

Why does cuckchan hate every good eceleb but not the bad ones? This shithole has to be a democrat psyop.

Attached: 9876546789.jpg (224x225, 8.58K)

Please enlighten him at your leisure.

So to answer the user from the last thread who asked what specific thing Scott Adam's said that indicates he knows more about social power structures than he lets on. Scott mentioned offhand that there are half a dozen groups that run things in this country. He was asked to name them and he said no way, in the "you've got to be fucking kidding me" tone of voice.

So if you're smart enough to know that much, then what are the odds that some flavor of Jewry isn't among those 6 groups? Pretty small since Jewish power is so outlandishly large compared to their population.

This is not to imply that Scott Adams is redpilled on the Jewish Question, in fact since he's a boomer he's probably not. But I think he is both aware of Jews as a group and smart enough to see that broadcasting that awareness is a 3rd rail that he would not come back from.

Scott Adams cares about his comfort above all, and nobody stays comfortable speaking truth to power.

Is this a boomer rally call?

Why would anyone give a shit, especially if you're as famous as Scott Adams? Why does he give a fuck what someone else thinks?

The controlled opposition b team is being exposed. Once Hannity and Rush start trying to convince the right to accept tyranny then we we will know it is almost over.

How can anyone that owns an angroid phone deny that you are being tracked 24/7.

Hannity started already. Rush hasn’t.

hes not wrong. fucking retards dont understand how bad this is just wanna muh libertay bullshit when they just gave up there rights during bush admin among other shit

like with almost everything in technology, first it becomes optional than it becomes mandatory.
before you didn't need a phone, or a car, or an e-mail, or the internet. now a lot of things are necessary. a lot of jobs will not hire you if you don't have these things.

That was me, current OP. I appreciate the response.

Yeah I think you're spot-on. He can be aware of it without really 'getting' it. It's hard to imagine living in California on purpose as a white man for all these years and not being bluepilled. A lot of these guys really do find ways to convince themselves they don't have a problem with niggers fucking their daughters and such.


You mean the opposition being over?

I'm an accelerationist literally cheering for deaths to go up and today was really hard for me because I'm realizing that they're slowing down and starting to fall, this whole thing is a joke.

>This is not to imply that Scott Adams is redpilled on the Jewish Question, in fact since he's a boomer he's probably not. But I think he is both aware of Jews as a group and smart enough to see that broadcasting that awareness is a 3rd rail that he would not come back from.
I've never understood how guys like this, even Boomers, can be aware of Jewish power and control, yet they refuse to acknowledge it. Fear? Are they afraid that they're going to be attacked publicly, sued, or have future opportunities for work taken away? You can't unknow what you know. If what he said in your quote is true, he probably is referring to Jews.

shit i (you'd) myself, meant for you

>I'm an accelerationist literally cheering for deaths to go up and today was really hard for me because I'm realizing that they're slowing down and starting to fall, this whole thing is a joke.
They're going up or they're going down. It's nothing to worry about and is exagerrated or it's going to get a lot worse. I'm reading a lot of contradictory statements on Twitter from people who are supposedly in the same camp.

The charade.

you aren't forced to work. it's voluntary. you're free to go and starve. go fuck yourself ASSHOLE take a hike

flag checks out.

You'll have to ask Scott that. He was in the last thread, > maybe he'll make an appearance here. But you can't tell me that Scott Adam's doesn't care what the internet thinks, after he was caught running sock puppet accounts.

This country was lost after we took in Jews. Everything else has been metastasizing of the cancer.

YW, fren. Scott Adams lives a very comfortable life. It's easy to be bluepilled when you're comfortable. Adams has no children and appears to have no dreams other than wanting to continue living a comfortable life. It's pretty unlikely that he's going to redpill himself on the Jewish Question, and even less likely that he's going to squawk about it.

Carrot and stick. Keep your mouth shut, keep making millions and dumping your nuts into a hot bitch every day. Open your mouth and become Bobby Fischer.

>Open your mouth and become Bobby Fischer.
Yeah, I geuss that's a good point. Bobby was living in Tokyo for a while when he was on the run.

This is a hard issue to make sense of. I have several contradictory takes on it I alternate between (being an accelerationist is a lot of work lol). Don't trust people who claim to understand this entirely.

the eternal boomer must remain absolutely determined to leave the planet worse off than how they found it


Rush is dying and i dont think he'll do anything other then start dropping megadoses of redpills. He's been shitting on Fauci for a while and thinks the whole thing is bullshit. No way he supports trannies

In his current livestream he's basically apologizing and backtracking right now, but in a really bitch-ass way.

>Don't trust people who claim to understand this entirely.
That's about where I am, also. I'm skeptical, but I don't really know what's going on and for what reason. I watched Roosh's 5-hour stream last week, and he had some interesting ideas about what is happening. But it was sinister.

>Rush is dying and i dont think he'll do anything other then start dropping megadoses of redpills.
Since he's dying, he should just go balls to the wall on the Jews and White traitors.

They’ll yank him off the radio in a second.

It's a combination of feeling bad for jews because of the holohoax propaganda, fear (for the jews) that they will get attacked again by nazis lurking just under the surface, and also fear for themselves that they could be nazi by saying anything and that by saying something they could get attacked by the anti-nazis they consider their friends.

The only solution for such psyop mental damage is death I'm afraid. Rehabilitation is not possible.

He's also saying a lot of retarded boomer shit