Just turned 32

>just turned 32
>no gf, no friends, no hobbies

Any advices?

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now you are saved

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You're gay.



Raise hell and improve your life. We all die someday and don't waste em being a bitch. Do what you gotta do user.

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Be Reconciled TO The Lord God

Go to the gym faggot

Buckle up for the great happening

the usual
>identify the problem
>come up with solutions
>execute the plan

Hobbies are simple to find just keep trying thing until you find something that catches your attention with hobbies come friends with friends come interactions with the girls and interacting with girls leads to gf having trouble staying interested in a hobbie clean diet and exercise lay off being a coomer

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gf, friends, and hobbies are overrated

You’re fucking pathetic.

Go here

Create my friend, create. You have the power inside of you. Write, sculpt, brew beer, make cheese, cook, draw, paint, etc. Whatever. If it’s hard at first it’s supposed to be. Keep pushing.

This guy knows.

Give out handjobs behind the yard?

& mkst importantly, post this faggotry elsewhere
Get gf get friends get hobbies

If you have money to burn, buy a hobby. That's what I do. I enjoy cars, modifying them, making them faster, etc.

>get new clothes
>buy a cool car

thank me later

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Gf is overrated if you’re fucking a random skank every week or

Friends and hobbies are essential user I suggest you find something that draws your attention to it and pursue it full throttle

You have so much growing up to do, boi.

*pats head* You'll get there, promise.



Get a gf, get some friends, find a hobby. Might help if you stop jacking it to underage anime girls

Make money. Buy a house. Get a young wife. Have children. You’re welcome.

>Get a gf, get some friends, find a hobby
woah why didn't he think of that :0

Get a skill, improve yourself

HEMA or if your a retard like me SCA
men can get their shit together in time for their 40s and still squeeze by with a young wife and healthy family

Friends are people that you think are your friends, but they're really enemies with secret indentities. Snakes that hid their true colors.

Lift, bro. Lift.

Do martial arts (boxing and judo are cheap af), become a one man army, gain confidence, get chicks and marry one of em.

suicide is painless.

Learn a trade get jacked as fuck, find a young women and have 8 kids, learn chess, make us proud

>Any advices?

Lift. Read. Get a job. Fuck bitches.

This but only if you do it with a mind that there is probably not gonna be a happening. muh happening is a good larp to get the will to go out into the woods, prep and garden, as hobbies. These hobbies will do the rest.

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Why is the dude from Drive dressed up like Lil Peep?

Spend all your time on Pol. It will do wonders for your career and social life and general outlook towards life

And theres a million of us just like me, who cuss like me, walk talk and act like me...

Chad Glanton rejects societal norms and has no friends, destroy civilization and rape it of it's money

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it brings on many changes

>inb4 I‘m an old fag

No you‘re not, I started Judo above 30 myself. Stop being a whiny bitch.

Play piano?

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Who just dont give a FUCK like me.

>take care of your appearance but you don't need to go over the top
>get more male friends that have a social life
>find 2-3 interests and start developing them, keep at least one of them long term
>when lockdowns are over travel alone abroad at least 2 weeks

You want easy mode, learn an instrument like drums guitar or bass and join a band.
all at the same time.

Play vidya you normie.