China is going to absolutely pummel in the West this century

China is going to absolutely pummel in the West this century.

>High IQ
>Youth focused on education
>Already leading in multiple fields such as 5g and AI research

>Victim mentality
>Youth focused on vlogging, thotting and rapping
>Stagnating, trillions in debt

Your only hope was Trump, but half of you idiots hate him.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Too bad chinks can't fight for shit.

Your youth organization's gonna throw you into a wood chipper as soon as you've outlasted your usefulness, bootlicker.

Your time would be better spent trying to gain citizenship with a western nation than one that will gladly and publicly kill and/or disappear you to maintain "social cohesion".

Agreed with you until the final sentence. Trump is probably the most egregious example of America's decline

They steal all their tech and do a horrible job remaking it. Ugly people that appear to have no soul and you are weak in every sense.

>the camouflage on every single medic bag is different


Let China destroy all beauty in the world. They deserve to live in a damaged earth while I watch from heaven.

They literally don't have the expertise to manufacture or even use it.

This is just one example. They're breaking into every corporate network we've got with impunity and vacuuming up terabytes of info with the expectation that they'll grow into it.

They're fucking rats.

Fuck off, cultist.

China will replay the US in the 1900s; does great for the first half, then she gets subverted and destroyed by 2150.

Based. I can't argue against the truth.
Too bad they never wanted to fight so they just made you collapse your own economy by peddling you a fake virus
Mutt cope is real. Don't go out of the house mutt. Corona will get you and you'll die of the coof.
Bluepilled anti-brexiter
>They steal all their tech
They actually BOUGHT it from your greatest ally. KEK!
>and do a horrible job remaking it.
>Ugly people that appear to have no soul and you are weak in every sense.
When all other coping mechanisms fail the mutt will just tell himself that his enemies are ugly, soulless and weak.

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>unstable government
>Fujian planing separation

>Your only hope was Trump, but half of you idiots hate him.
Basically agree with everything upto this point, you ruined it by adding this turbo brainlet statement at the end. Trump is emblematic of the decline of white hegemony and the replacement of a European intellectual and spiritual vanguard with a Jewish one. He's not the great white hope, he's the great white fraud, unfortunately.

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Trump is an actor and he does a very good job of fooling boomer QAnon brainlets like you.

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Say 'gas all kikes and kill all trannies' so I'll take your post seriously, filthy discord tranny.

50 cent banana
>learn better English
>get them Western ideas
>become imported case

You aren't wrong. Western culture, we have become soft. Too much time at the top does that. We just arent "hungry" enough. This is how Rome fell. From within

Cool discord tranny tier posts and memes.

>entire country is built on painting a shit gold
All China can do is line up it's bug people and take dramatic photographs. Come back when you can afford to eat more than rice and rats you discount North Korea.

You should read a book because apart from high IQ every point you've made is wrong. Chinks are actually dumb as fuck. They got this typical learn by heart mentality. There will never be a Chinese Newton. There will never be a Chinese Bach. There will never be a DaVinci. They are copy&paste faggots with no sense for detail and creativity which is also the reason why they always got stomped by Japs.

The world trembles.

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>"n-no y-you're the s-shill.."
Ok bluepilled discord tranny.

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Imagine still getting cucked by Japs and having the better half of Korea become a global tech leader almost overnight while being stuck with an incompetent cult of personality that still can't work out how food works.

The only reason China isn't on the exact same level as the norks is because they bend over to manufacture shit for the rest of the world. Their currency, their real-estate, their education; everything about them is just as dysfunctional as aforementioned Juche shit since it's a direct continuation of 20th century commie shit.

They're fundamentally stuck 100 years ago, everything else is just set dressing.

>The world trembles.
Meanwhile you are locked in your own house because of a hoax that China played on you.
Don't go out of your house bong, Corona will get you and you'll die of the coof.
Meanwhile niggers and pakis are untouched by cops and don't need a loicence to go out.

Heh, that was easy.

Meanwhile China owns most of the stocks and debt of the USA.
Cope harder mutt.

>Best friend's granny dies of COVID
>Hurr, it's a conspiracy

You're about to have dead overflowing from your morgues if this is the prevailing view in your country.

If it isn't, and you're an outlier, please start dumpster diving at your local hospital and licking used PPE.

>Heh, that was easy.
What was easy, deflecting from the original point like a shill? I'm sure it is easy to act like a Jew when you are a literal Jew.

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They’ve already put a moon lander on the far side of the moon which is not something even the US has done. The CCP has outpaced their goals in the past 3 decades. 5g is to China what 4g was to America, the Chinese are leading its implementation globally which means they’ll control the internet of the future. Many other examples but sure pretend that they’re incapable when they’ve gone from 3rd world to superpower contender in 50 years

I hate America it's full of ignorant stupid retards muh mcdonalds and muh victim mentality. Death to America!

The bugs may be our only hope to stop (((them))).

Do women get free breast implants if they join the military.

I've never seen so many well endowed Asian women in my life.

They don't have to

See: 2020 coronavirus crisis


When we win the war this is what will happen when is China split up and occupies=d like Germany was:
>nationalism squashed
>civil liberties
>civil rights
>transgender bathrooms
>racial equality
>reparations to Uighur Muslims
>rule of law
>consent of the governed
>human rights
>equality before the law
>Free college for all
>Diverse movies
>Diverse Tv shows
>more/easier immigration
>Diversity and love
>freedom of the press
>freedom of religion
>free and fair elections
>Gay pride parades
All of this will make it to China
are you excited?

>Believing that a ruling party directly descendent of 20th century Bolshevism doesn't contain/relate to the overwhelming majority of Chinese Jews


so homogeneous they put millions of people into "re-education camps".
>High IQ
That's a lie. All you have to do is spend 5 minutes talking to a uni chink and it becomes blatantly clear they are severely lacking in basic cognitive skills. Good at memorizing and regurgitating information, very very bad at anything involving independent thought, lateral thought, creativity.
>Already leading in multiple fields such as 5g and AI research
they pay western experts to co-conduct research in China. And the CCP uses it as propaganda. It's no different as Chinks saying dumb shit like "China is so superior because we make everything" - Nevermind its all developed in the West and cheap labour can easily be sourced elsewhere.

China is literally the world's house cleaner who pretends they own the house.

Not worth a spurt from my dick

China literally tries to pass off spoiled food to soldiers in MREs, they can hold pride parades all they want but when shit collapses half that country will be too busy trying to kill the other half to worry about fighting anyone else

You forgot to mention it's full of big breasted bitches. And 5 5g should be awesome in the zombie apocalypse. Fuck off, spic

In 24 years when I become the 50th president of the United States of America, I'm wiping China off the map. I promise you.

Imagine believing the dysfunctional copy & paste Chinese military (which by the way has absolutely no combat experience) has the slightest chance against the strongest military force the world has ever seen. Whether you like it or not, the US can crush anyone and that's without taking into consideration that Europe, Japan etc are US allies. Good luck Chang.

victim mentality is good, it's what motivates you, it's what makes jews so strong. chinks also have victim mentality over japanese genocide of 20m chinks and it makes them really angry and motivated

What are a few million in a nation of 1400000000? Are you stupid or just pretending you don’t understand numbers? How can you even begin to be stupid enough to think a few percent of the population being different is anyway comparable to western nations. Holy fucj you’re stupid

They’re so dumb they’ve played the US like a fiddle since the 50s, stealing trillions in intellectual property. Ya, takes a real dummy to pull that off. Dumbfuck.

Commit Minecraft grief

The pajeets are gonna shit all over our Moon, and now the chinks are spreading their yellow peril?
This shall not stand.

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Imagine believing there will ever be a conventional war of the scale again in a globalist world. Imagine believing that China isn’t focusing on dominating cyber warfare instead of conventional warfare. Imagine believing China couldn’t technologically innovate new weapons such as weapons that fire from orbit or from bases on the moon that would render western forces obsolete. Imagine believing that because of current US military might the future couldn’t be any different

If China took over the world there would be no niggers. No West Asians. No middle east. But they would keep the white man because they love our movies.



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>Imagine believing China couldn’t technologically innovate new weapons such as weapons that fire from orbit or from bases on the moon that would render western forces obsolete.
Based on their current MIC R&D, they won't until the US has had them for 20 years

Heh, that was easy. Call the Jew out and he disappears.


>our movies

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