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Why are leafs so retarded?

Looks like she got the union jackleaf sticking out of her ear

Good girl

>even just fake ones

ew ew ew

he was pretty good in the walking dead.

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Fake ass smile coming from that girl
I honestly pity Idubbz

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Atleast he doesn't have that soiboi gaping mouth. On the other hand(pun intended) he has really tiny hands. Low T faggot.

They look cute. She have nudes?

post her ass

fake smile from both

why do you care that he is a cuck?

I honestly don't. I just saw the picture and thought it'd be funny to make fun of leafs

>Skinny male with a mustache
>Being a literal cuck
SAD, many such cases.

>two normal looking well adjusted individuals

>Yas Forums loses its shit

Sounds about right

Fookin clown, lol.

western society lacks people to luck up to, so people start looking up to people who say "im gay" and eat semen pie for views.


post your wife's onlyfans


>letting your gf/wife have an onlyfans is well adjusted

Cucked and leafpilled

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Oh grow up. She's not sleeping with anyone else, if you're gonna make fun of anyone it should be the simps who shell out their hard earned cash for a woman who doesn't give a shit about them. Meanwhile, idubbbz is nutting in that asshole DAILY.

>a fucking leaf

>She's not sleeping with anyone else

only her premium followers and tyrone, who gets that pussy for free

>Oh grow up

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Amazing how cringy you leafs can be.

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who is that

He was the last one of the "edgy" youtubers that stood up to retarded faggot shit. He never even vocalized it, he just said fag and nigger and didn't care. Now he's letting his girl sell nudes online. Pretty much the exact opposite of what people would expect from him.

Because men require cooperation in order to enforce societal standards and morality.

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So a faggot and a thot.

Get me out of this place please

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>Thinking simping is normal


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