Anyone got any spicy memes about how people only disparage Christianity for social cachet?
Anti anti Christian memes
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I hate all abrahamic religions. In fact I hate Judaism and Islam much more than Christianity.
Christians are mostly double digits IQ and so they lack the ability to understand memes, much less make them, just like leftists. The few three digit exceptions don't take the (((Bible))) literally so they aren't offended. Christcucks are only mad because they can't refute anything, just seethe and cope.
The short answer is. No. No one does because they don't exist. This is now an antikikestianity thread. Post memes and watch them seethe harder.
>God can't exist because I don't like religious people
>God can't exist and my beliefs are not beliefs and require no proof because I say so
>God can't exist and my beliefs require no proof because of made up rules of logic (you "can't prove a negative")
>I believe that science has disproven God even though there isn't a single scientific experiment that demonstrates this
>I believe that criticising the bible and Christianity proves that God cannot exist, even though the existence of God is not contingent on the truth or falsehood of any single religion
>God can't exist because a good thing happened to someone that I don't like
>God can't exist because a bad thing happened to someone that I do like
>God can't exist because the universe is different to how I, personally, would have designed it
doesn't know that Godan ( God ) is one god among many others in the polytheistic Germanic pantheon. God is not a title, it is the Lombardic name of Godan, or more commonly, Wodan. God is named after the Germanic god Wodan and the Norse allfather of the gods: Oðinn.
I lack a belief that you're heterosexual.
My lack of belief requires no proof.
The most numerous and socially influencing world religions being nonsense certainly pokes a giant hole into the idea of a creator god. Our entire conception of a singular masculine deity is based on abrahamic faiths, and most notable long them is Christianity. With all of those religions being fantasy—that’s around half the world’s population being fundamentally wrong. It leaves us without and real idea of what god is, and far more convincing evidence that god wasn’t necessary in our development as a species.
Keep raging, christ cucks.
You know, it sometimes depresses me to look back on my life and think of all the years I spent smashing on people for their religion.
I realized over time that being an Atheist was just the new age destructive tool to abolish the old ways of thinking, even though they didn't necessarily harm anyone.
Then some dumb fuck like you reminds me how fucking religious people behave, and that humanity cannot go unchecked for the sheer fuckery that it unleashes on itself.
I watch wannabe pagans who don't know shit argue with wannabe christians who don't know shit while wannabe jews sit back and laugh at it.
It's physically exhausting, you know that?
I've read the bible, rest assured; and your god would probably love you back if you'd just stop toiling away in obsession, accomplishing little more than reproducing and praying; and worked to be a happier person and to make tthe world a better place.
Instead you make it all about HIM, and HIS plan, and HIS will.
In the end, you modern "men of faith" have more in common with the fallen angel then the God you were supposed to be built in the image of.
Prideful. Angry. Ceaselessly spouting nonsense from translated translations of translations, all in the name of a word of mouth story that got jotted down on a scroll.
You will meet your God. Do you think he will be pleased at how you behaved?
He'll probably have more words for a heathen like me who worked hard and sought happiness without excess, then the greedy heaven-seeking drones that you have all become.
you people are the dumbest. abraham in his day was brave enough to oppose the faggots he lived with making little wooden idols and worshipping them as gods. even opposing his own family.
Now people like you are back to worshipping statues. buddhism, paganism, all the same false gods instead of YHWH the creator. You follow the devil.
>Le "God can't exist because the world is different to how I, personally, would have designed it"
lol. Tell me another one Schlomo.
At least you kike-wannabes are finally admitting you worship Yahweh too.
your hatred of abraham plays right into satans hand. you are exactly like the jews and I don't have any interest in your excuses or deflection.
Plot twist: that book is empty. They don't need help
>Le "God can't exist because I don't like religious people"
I bet you're like, really smart and stuff
Lazy deflection. You worship the same god as the Jews, just like the Muslims and so forth. You are their toadies, their shabbos goy, so desperately wanting to be like them. Your sand nigger faith is a scourge on this world and you must be annihilated. I can only hope the rest of the world can see it too before it's too late and you're nailed to a cross and left to die, just like your rabbi.
Wow, you're like really smart and wrote a lot of nonsense. You can explain it all to the Creator of the Universe when you get there. I'm sure he'll be persuaded.
the post is about abraham, whom you hate, because there is no light in you.
>ITT anglos believe the etimology of their language somehow "proves" that pagan deities are the actual gods because how a word was adapted into their language 2000 years ago.
What's next ishtar is easter?
You seem to forget the word GOD exists in every language and has nothing to do with Odin. The word EASTER has nothing to do with ISHTAR. In latin it's Deo and Pascha, similar in Portuguese, Spanish, Italian... What does that prove? It proves that when germanic pagans first heard about God in the Biblical sense they associated with Odin because they thought it was equivalent.
tldr Some of you are really stupid.
>I hate all abrahamic religions.
Believers never prove their gods exist so all of this is just gibberish.
>this is what your saviour suggests should happen
>Old Testament
Israelites were a theocracy where God literally spoke to them directly. You deserved what you got if you didn't follow the rules.
Anyway the rest is true and Christians who don't follow it are LARPers.
You also forgot
>But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart
Atheists never prove that he doesn't.
Religious people don't believe in atheism. Their lack of belief requires no proof.
>at first nothing
>then rocks
>then people
this is what passes for "facts" in 2020
Blessed is the Swordfather
God in the Flesh
King of Mankind
He demands that the adamite Christian man brings death to his enemies
>it's been 8 years since that clip came out
Hail based defender of logic
No one claims we came from rocks.
yes you do...
rock soup you brainlet kike
I don't know what the fuck that's supposed to mean. Show me one example of a biologist claiming we caim from rocks.
I guess you'll find out in the end, then.
you're missing the part where the guy on the lets some kike fuck his wife