Fucking scroolers. All you do is scrool and shitpost all day...

Fucking scroolers. All you do is scrool and shitpost all day. You're no different than the obese bluehair SJWs on tumblr.

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It‘s OK user.

We‘re all gonna make it.

This "XooXer/s" meme is being milked almost as hard as rage comics.

By the way, you're here shitposting too, so you're very much part of the problem.


Is that a Razer mouse? Lmao

I'm fucking sick of you shit-for-brains plebbitors who think endlessly milking a meme format for updoots and gold and self-satisfaction is funny. Adding an "o" to a word doesn't make it funny. Sticking some vaguely relevant labels on an MS paint cartoon doesn't make it funny or prove a point. Fuck off. Go jerk yourself off on r/memes, or do your fucking homework because you're probably underage.

is this why I have brainfog? because of Yas Forums? pls only serious answer

this one hits pretty close ngl

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Attached: Janny ayuwokey, ayuwokey Janny.webm (622x350, 692.82K)


>only 27 tabs


that is like a baby game

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Watched this while eating now sides hurt and cant finish meal

>could easily find a nice woman, marry, have kids and a great life

pffft yeah right, I have zero market value

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Could be if you're doing it a lot.

>milked almost as hard as rage comics
Imagine thinking that everything you don't like is a rage comic is some big brain take
Quit being so jaded

This is a thread for (you)

Attached: monk.jpg (800x600, 64.09K)

Reading this on my fucking phone while waiting for my CoH2 queue.


>27 tabs
>not using tree tabs
>not having chrome eat 10gb of ram
>not having 637 tabs at least half of them hentai

take a fucking shower and throw away your cum rag

Attached: shower.webm (368x640, 2.17M)

Who keeps making these and how are they always funny?

>he only has 27 tabs open

Attached: pathetic.jpg (1280x751, 70.1K)

Oh, you think the internet is your ally. But you merely adopted the scrool; I was born in it, moulded by it.

Wew lad. You blast processed me back to 2012.

u haf a american flag so ur pee pee is cut in half haha

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>Be American
>leave a tip

Attached: 2243.jpg (960x541, 85.24K)


fuck this one actually made me laugh out loud

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You better finish that shit. Do you know how much tendies cost? Not good boy points but Canabux?

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The difference is what you shitpost about.

I've been doing this for 11 years now. I can't stop. I will be a scrooller until I die


Found your pic

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fuck you boomer


did someone sub the whole thing? there should be some sort of documentary
>Fat fucks & working for free: inside the life of jannies

>Adding an "o" to a word doesn't make it funny.
Oh yes it dooes

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it took you 20 minutes to come up with that didn't it

Yeah, I love reposting based content and sharing in the glory of its creator. How could you tell?

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okay autismoomer

im just here to be entertained, that's what the internet is for

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it doesn't even take me that much to coooom

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fucking kek

kek, what a gnoomer.

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but how fix brainfog