Huh, that was easy

Huh, that was easy

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Cringe and sage


Yas Forums is too autistic for this simple task

lol the woman in that reminds me of this girl

Attached: someoneelses.jpg (640x768, 58.39K)

Attached: EORE_HWWoAE4tuw.jpg (1000x1000, 76.56K)

bump. This gives me hope

I can't go outside to go on a date because of the shelter in place order which convientely enough only seems to be enforced in white areas because, near as I can tell, the niggers are coming and going as they please.

bump. Ur a faggot

Attached: Bubsy.jpg (1280x720, 762.21K)


were are the depressed looking nice girls who like 20-something year old doomers

Any girl I've shown interest in either said no or was in a poly relationship and I'm not gonna be part of someone's harem.

bubsy was for furfags kys dude

This is pretty much how I met my virgin wife in college. She was a qt but a gloomy antisocial loner. We played magic the gathering with the nerds at lunch time and Gunz online at home. Didn't fuck for like a year. Been together for nearly 15 years and have a family and a paid off house. Life isn't perfect, but there's nothing that can't be solved with medication and beatings.

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Holy shit imagine publicly stating on social media that your girlfriend sucked someone else off for pity. Absolutely pathetic.


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fucking faggot bubsy was that nigga

No where, that's where, OP is a faggot as always

She should have accidentally fallen down some stairs.

Asking a girl out is a sure way to signal to women that youre a virgin sperg. You need to ask them if you want to "chill" later. They know what that means.

T. Chad tier guy

real life version

Attached: rr.png (649x577, 178.9K)

what really is the difference between Yas Forums and /trash/

Too easy

Ah the powerful triple 21's. You sir must be the prince of persia.


lonely women do not exist unless they have very heavy disfigurement and even then somebody takes them out of pity


every girl ive ever asked out has said no, feelsuglyman

the crossed-out name is Lil peep. What a fag, typical swedcuck

Aim lower and work on yourself

Threads sent to Trash can still manage to have a decent and engaging conversation.

juggernaut law. Its over

yeah, one must come to terms with the fact that every woman has at least one orbiter. Even the most disgusting female has one. Really.

Do one where she's facing away when he asks, then when she turns to tell him "no" she's holding a mixed baby.

Attached: Bubsy2.png (1208x2000, 2.42M)

heh, I believe this more than OP's pic

>juggernaut law
based, high iq, and blackpilled

most women don't have mixed race babies they just have keep having sex with good looking guys until theyre too ugly

It's to call her out for being a whore. Then you take a picture of it and send it to her family.

I'm a fucking brainlet bros, I have had girls walk up to me and tell me I'm cute and I still failed to get a gf.

B-b-but I'm scared and only Chad's get girls

Come to America and see for yourself. I thought it was just memes but it's real enough in the PNW.

I do work on myself, slow and steady and Im not interested in ugly girls, jerking off is really easy and free

Post more

>wanna go out sometime
yeah, me neither
>*bottom half of pic*


the chungus amung us

white women don't like black guys if they had a baby with one it was probably rape or he was 9/10 in looks

Bubsy2? Got more? I thought that was hilariously


Your problem is you put them on a pedestal and/or have very little to offer. I’m almost 40, married for 12 years now, and have never been without a girlfriend, friend with benefits, or female roommate to hook up with since I was in 9th grade. It’s not that hard.

Also check'ed


Tomoko doesn't exist in real life, retard.

Attached: retard wojak.png (707x648, 167.35K)

Judge not thyself poor of quality and fowl of taste lest ye wisheth to be judged by others in such fashion.
Thus judgeth thyself the noblest and fairest of Men and behold the wet chorus of excretion, and lesser Men's envy.

Nice get

Attached: 1585939676941.webm (600x338, 2.84M)

Do you workout? Do you leave the house? Do you have a job? If you answered yes to all three women are easy to get.

i do this even to girls i like because i hate myself and i like being miserable

>she as easy