
This board has reached a critical mass of disinformation. There are posters on this board that do nothing but create false conspiracy theories intended to muddy the waters and lead people away from the truth.
Just look at this Coronavirus thing, so far theres at least 10 different theories about it on Yas Forums
>its a Chinese bioweapon
>its a fake virus that's been overblown by the media to defeat Donald Trump and damage the west
>there is no virus, the symptoms and deaths are caused by 5G towers
>the virus was created by Bill Gates to push a vaccine and chip you
>the virus is real but isn't a end of the world happening tier event, it emerged because barbaric Chinks have disgusting eating habits
>it emerged from the United States and is actually a US bioweapon designed to destroy China and ruin its world reputation
It cant be all of them so the conclusion you have to come to is that some of them are disinformation lies that have been propagated on this board by shills in order to lead people astray from the truth

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You misunderstand what Yas Forums is.
Every potential alternative point of view is explored here and supported in the best way each view can by autists. That's it. And it's healthy.

>There are posters on this board that do nothing but create false conspiracy theories intended to muddy the waters

They come from Chyna. Chyna.

all or most of that can be real. it's a manufactured virus from china and/or the usa that is activated by 5g but it's still totally overblown meaning the reaction to the threat is "fake".

This. Even kike-shill-bot get their say. Truth is a crucible through which information passes, to be exposed in the cold, blinding light of reality. If you want a hugbox, go back to fucking reddit. Adapt or go extinct.

Except when discussion is drowned out by shills and disinformation bad actors, that ability to refine and recognize truth is severely debilitated. Shills should be banned, bots should be banned, trolls should be diverted to /bant/ or Yas Forums. Any other viewpoint is degenerate or intentional well poisoning that only serves to benefit bad actors.

Also 5G is the correct cause of the hoax and the key to Agenda 21


you're supporting idiots like this: both of you are equally bad if that's your position on quality of discussion.

Yeah, of course. Without retarded things stated, retardation will never be refuted.

No. Yas Forums is shilled with absolute garbage by the anti-extremism faggots from the EU and the Jews dating back to gamergate. It gets worse every year as more money is spent on polluting the board.

>reality denial and believing in global all- encompassing conspiracy theories is healthy
Yeah, no
If people here were actually capable of utilizing critical thinking and like... logic
Or had at least triple digit IQ than maybe you'd be right

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If the boards are compromised, then you go somewhere else, and it becomes a great place or not. This is Darwinian shit, man. If you can't hold on to a narrative, how can you hold on to and identity, or a culture, or an ethnicity? Grow up and cut through the garbage. Stop trolling slide threads. Stop responding to shitposters. Or... sit and complain about how things aren't as nice as you want them to be.

No, the refutation of those things is healthy. Something you wish to ban. Low IQ can't think this far ahead.

Yeah, those are shills. You're supposed to identify and ignore them. That's easy to do because shills are self-defeatingly obvious. If you are not already doing this, then you are a newfag or a shill yourself.

The easiest way to inflame retards is to silence them.


Yas Forums is at the center of world politics because the clash of information gives way to truth, the disinformation is the old powers trying to hide the truth.

If you pay attention it's not super hard to distinguish what is legit information and what is not, disinformation has patterns that repeat constantly and flaws. Real information comes in solid ways and is often ignored by those who don't want it to be given a spotlight, but autists more often than not spot it and work it up.


you realize 5g is implemented everywhere else except israel? and you expect other anons to believe its nonsense? they're already trying to discredit it and trump kike signed orders for 5G to implemented all over no matter what.

1 P O S T B Y T H I S I D

Oh and forgot to say, Yas Forums was right about hitler.

How are you going to prove what is trolling on a board full of people who disagree politically?
How are you going to prove someone is a bot when idealogues tend to repeat themselves?
How do you separate a shill from a misguided idiot who has a legitimate belief?
You just want a hugbox.

its literally just the flu that happens every year rebranded and marketed by the media to cause hysteria. anyone else who suggests otherwise is a complete retard and possibly gay

>There are posters on this board that do nothing but create false conspiracy theories intended to muddy the waters and lead people away from the truth.
Where have you been? this has been happening since Yas Forums was a thing.

Nothing that a good dose of skepticism will not solve.

>shitposting is bad
god damn when did you become a stick in the mud?


Attached: 1575991115393.png (192x192, 59.2K)

archive.vn/tQTR1 - The Trail Leading Back to the Wuhan Labs

Attached: National Review The Trail Leading Back to the Wuhan Labs.png (1090x644, 158.09K)

archive.vn/SPOSg - Threatened pandemics and laboratory escapes: Self-fulfilling prophecies

Attached: Threatened pandemics and laboratory escapes Self fulfilling prophecies.png (1050x696, 172.37K)

there is nothing new under the sun

Yas Forums has always been a thinktank which requires brainstorming; fling shit at a wall and some of it sticks. learn to discern.

I think it's a bioweapon that kills randomly and various governments are using the chaos to railroad us into martial law

Thank you. It is OPs job to find the diamonds in the rough. Not silence the platform or any ideas. It is your choice to not give attention to those ideas.

In other words. Lurk more

Let the ideas compete, ultimately a consensus will form no matter how much disinfo (((they))) inject into the conversation