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Is it weird that I don't give the slightest shit?

>American tax dollars used to spread CCP propaganda

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Chinks are such fucking whiners.


LOL people have been randomly punching asians long before the Coronachan

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>read part of article
>asian man explains situation and uses imagery to describe the feeling from it
>jew journalists proceeds to take said imagery and use it literally in a sensationalized headline
Gradually, I began to hate them.


im going to start boycotting chinese restaurants when all of this is over. were square with the japs on account of the two nukes we dropped. thai is fine because of the ladyboys

I read the article
Holy shit chinks are pussies
I feel zero sympathy for anyone who thinks people telling them to fuck off is the worst thing in the world.

Killing tens of thousands of your own citizens with tanks and covering it up is way worse.

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Did you really? Because I don't believe you. The jew journalist is basically gaslighting the fuck out of the situation. What the asians said in the article wasn't even whiny. Just like a "whoa that's kinda fucked up, but oh well. I've come to expect it. /shrug."

Expect more to come from black people

I did. Read the part about the aapi lawyer at the hair salon.

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Stfu jew

Don't use the term "chink."

>heckin erinos
Is this the worst meme in existence? Where the fuck did it come from?

These people:
Brought the virus to the planet
Eat dogs and bats

Yeah I can be racist all I want.

What CCP propaganda?

>be me
>shine a light on the jew journalist sensationalizing headlines using lies about the context of the article
>be you
>be retarded and call someone exposing a jew a jew

You cant fool us Wang

Don't use the term "chink."

Fuck off zipperhead

What's wrong with eating bats?

Poor bait baitnigger

You can't avoid Chinese products. You're probably posting on one right now.

every chink is kill

More like you're trying to deflect from what I pointed out by labeling me something I'm not. You NPCs are retarded as fuck. You can't understand the complex situation and the explanation of it, so you label anyone who goes against your confirmation bias something to try and silence and invalidate them.
One of you called me a jew, and now you're calling me chinese as well.
Neither apply.

The Tiananmen Square Massacre didn't happen.

Go shoot every chink you see. You can save the nation from the virus.

That guy looks like an actual monkey

No, you can't be racist. There is no place for your views in the modern world. Btw we all know it was your country that created the virus.

Chinks deserve much worse than casual racism.

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Rather not.

Chang, seriously fuck off.

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It's not bait.

>Ching chongs bring the plague over
>why u mad at us tho bro

Don't use the term "chink."

I actively like it

>Implying the cowards on Yas Forums would ever shoot anyone.

It came from plebbit. When people use it here they are usually parodying plebbit.

No, they don't.

I'm not Chinese desu.

dont attempt to control my speech you table faced chink faggot

Not really. It’s not like they’re gonna riot or have lots of protests and marches

America created the virus.

They aren't whining, just pushing propaganda to try and dissuade the wave of justified hate being directed at them.

Chinks are calculating, sociopaths bugmen that deserve torture and death.

Parodying or not, it’s fucking gay and the retards who think it’s funny and ironic are actually the exact same as reddit faggots, even though they think they’re better

Aww, is someone angwy? :3

STFU chink monkey shill. You deserve torture and death.

Learn 2 shill.

Fuck off chink cunt

It's like everyone finally found something they can agree on.

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>Everyone who disagrees with me is a shill!
Okay, retard.

