Are you ready for there to be no large gatherings anywhere for the next 18 months?
Are you ready for there to be no large gatherings anywhere for the next 18 months?
the chance of a nigger civil war is basically 1, isn't it
I mean if says it, it must be true.
>healthcare expert Zeke Emmanuel
On what authority did he say this? In what capacity is he working? What inside info is he privy to?
Oh, none? Word?
I've been a shut in for the past 5 years. Nothing has changed for me.
Emanuel is the son of Benjamin M. Emanuel and Marsha (Smulevitz) Emanuel. His father, Benjamin M. Emanuel, is a Jerusalem-born[3] pediatrician who was once a member of the Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary organization that operated in Mandate Palestine.
I don't think it's new to coronavirus but you're right that it's part of a wider journalistic trend
I don't want niggerball to ever come back.
Would public hangings be considered a 'large gathering'?
Well he was born in Jerusalem so hes probably high up in the US govt
Good. Vapid entertainment is degenerate.
A career academic, as quoted in the New York Times, is not a valid prognosticator of the truth. I might as well ask the gala apples on my countertop what they think will happen in Fall 2021.
No. People getting angry already, this cannot hold much longer.
Gonna take that long to comb every home looking for me huh? Are you certain He won't act before then? I think He is coming very soon...
The media here are blatantly telling us the same thing.
Borders and even state borders are closed till a vaccine is found. People may be able to go back to work but big gatherings are off till a vaccine is found.
ITs going to be fun watching the normie extroverts all slowly go insane over the next 6 months.
I just need gyms to reopen.
Nooo not my concertinooos my heckin' fun niggerballerinos!!!!
Weird. Our shit is opening up in 2 weeks.
Based schizo. But they’re actually looking for me
me too man, me too...hurts donut
western multi-racial shitholes are going to start going up in flames when national guard start shooting minorities
utter kino
Checked. They are looking for one of us definitely...
All governments will keep these shutdowns going for as they are allowed to.
noice 5th of May party at my place, stock piling corona beer
Fall 2021
You think niggers can go that long without their sports
All 50 states need to have riots, shootings, violence, and civil unrest. PLEASE let this happen. We need more people to die so I can make some money
It will be extended. You guys have it way worse then we do and look how locked down we are.
That's awesome.
I hope extroverts get suicidal. Fucking worthless group of lemming faggots.
I'll bet you've seen some shit with those goggles.
>healthcare expert
fuck the word expert. prove it. Zeke Emmanuel is the commie nigger brother of the Rahm Emmanuel, commie nigger mayor of Chicago.
>guess what goyim this (((totally trustworthy man))) says dont ever fucking move again you little shits
>It will be extended. You guys have it way worse then we do and look how locked down we are.
I don't know how to break this to you mate but we're not (as) cucked