Jews and Subversive Immorality

Can someone explain WHY the Jews embrace such liberal and immoral values? We've all seen the articles:
>Israel: Home of Pedophiles
>Why Transgender Rights are Important for the Jewish People
> One-third of Israelis are Bi-sexual
They don't dispute this behavior. They actively promote it amongst themselves.

>But what about Orthodox Judaism?
Anons will post 1000 sources from the Talmud. Don't try to pretend Judaism isn't at its core a fucked up religion. FFS, even Mohammed waited until Aisha was 6 or 9.

I don't believe they only do this out of group self-interest, while secretly opposing it. They actively spearhead liberalism and anti-morality. This would be to their own detriment to promote this stuff.

Is it the Talmud ignoring the Torah/word of God? There must be some root cause of the behavior other than nepotism.

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>Can someone explain WHY the Jews embrace such liberal and immoral values?
Because they hate God - Remember they rejected Jesus.

>Is it the Talmud ignoring the Torah/word of God?
No, it's redefining the first five books of the Old Testament to mean the opposite of what they mean.

Combination of circumcision, inbreeding and the Talmud. God has probably cursed them for killing Christ too

>Because they hate God - Remember they rejected Jesus.
But why would you hate God? I'm coming at this from an agnostic standpoint trying to be as objective as possible. God to me is what is good and what is natural a la Cosmotheism. How could you hate your own mom and dad? Ffs, we've all seen pedogate. How can you do that to someone? This is all assuming Jews get together every day and conspire how they hate God. Most Jews are atheists.
Is it maybe genetic for low empathy?
>No, it's redefining the first five books of the Old Testament to mean the opposite of what they mean.
Can you elaborate?

>But why would you hate God?
I suppose immoral and evil people want to do evil with complete immunity. If you hate and reject God, eventually, God will give you over to a reprobate mind to be attracted to the same gender or children.
>>No, it's redefining the first five books of the Old Testament to mean the opposite of what they mean.
>Can you elaborate?
The Talmud is a compendium of books of Jews being racial supremacist and thinking they're God's chosen people by their race alone. They also permit to teach laws that are the opposite of what the Bible says.

Example, the bible says that murder is wrong and is worthy of death. The Talmud says that killing non-jews is okay but killing Jews is bad.

See this picture

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>Combination of circumcision
This might be something. It causes permanent damage to the brain. But a lot of Americans have this, and not a noticeable difference in behavior. Possibly just one of many things.
Definitely, and I would also add neurosis and persecution fantasy from not being a nation-state. However, they have gotten WORSE with Israel.
Of course
>God has probably cursed them for killing Christ too
That's tautological and assumes there's a God (this isn't me tipping fedora I'm being a neutral fag) but that would be a good argument their erratic behavior.

All of this explains sources of why they are bad genetically, which is what I want to know, but why would they subvert themselves? That's not living up to that high Jew IQ we hear so much about.

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>Rejection of God
I guess it depends on how you define God then. If there is an all-powerful being, then the explanation is simple punishment. But if there isn't, it makes no sense why Jews would engage in this behavior unless they are ignorant of their own subversion. Or maybe like Sabatteans. But not all Jews are Sabbateans, right?
>Talmud v Bible
The Bible has just as much bad and nepotistic behavior as the Talmud does. See Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin. Objectively, it is just a justification to steal and kill people because we're the chosen people. New Testament is a different story, but even then it talks about how we should share with the Jews as the progenitors of the faith. I am fuzzy on the origins of the New Testament and should head there.

I know they do pedo shit and are involved in pedogate. See OP pic. My confusion is this would only hurt themselves. They promote it in their own communities.
Subverting the goyim in Hollywood makes sense. Kidnapping the goy children makes sense. Promoting pedophilia and homosexualitiy amongst their own people makes zero fucking sense

>Promoting pedophilia and homosexualitiy amongst their own people makes zero fucking sense

Because homosexuals/pedophiles are psychopaths. They don't care about their own people.
Once you're given over to a reprobate mind (Read Romans chapter 1), you lose your consciousness and your ability to feel love.

Reprobates don't care about anything other than satisfying their deviant urges.

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Children of Satan. Jews are unable to connect with God/enlightenment. They live for the flesh, for the material, and so they will always have a hellish state of being. Unfortunately they want to impose hell onto the rest of us. This is why Minecraft needs to be purged of every single Jew.

Jooz do it because they prove their superiority by getting gullible goybagim to believe obvious bullshit. This tranny stuff is shit tier, the jooz greatest hit was christianity which made people believe that they were gods chosen people because the bible says so. The modern joo is much weakened by his sedentary urban life, gold-scented laundry detergent and hemorroid-safe pillows.

They break, flaunt, mock the old testament laws deliberately as policy to encourage again the wrath of The Lord God, such that their messiah arises. This Mahdi appears before Yahuwshua returns for his flock and destroying The World.
Eschatology drives the synagog.

Close. Seems like all psychopaths will fuck anything. Most gays are narcissists and other personality disorders, but I wouldn't say all of them are psychopaths.

Jews though, yes most every Jew if a psychopath.

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why not? Isreal banned porn but it allows gays and pedos? WHAT THE FUCK IM A PEDO AND A GAY NOW!

But it only hurts your own people. Surely the Jewish religious leaders would not allow that. It's like Wile E. Coyote shooting off a degeneracy missile and blowing himself up.
Why are they materialists and where did they reject transcendence? My understanding is they're basically Christians, but ignore the New Testament.
I guess the Talmud is really Satanic shit then. Just bizarre you would larp to be the bad guys.
>Isreal banned porn but it allows gays and pedos?
That's my point. They are aware of degenerate behavior and then harbor it like its a good thing.

>Surely the Jewish religious leaders would not allow that. I
Rabbis are children of the devil - The devil's goal is to lead as many people to hell as possible.

Jewish inversion - everything is designed to invert collective consciousness. Synagogue of Satan/Lucifer worship, child abuse - white man bad, revel in filth. Talk and write backwards - up is down, left is right.

>Why are they materialists and where did they reject transcendence? My understanding is they're basically Christians, but ignore the New Testament.
Jews are not Christian at all. Judaism is based of the Baal worshiping, child sacrificing religions that were practiced by the enemies of the Old Testament Israelites.

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But who larps as the bad guy? I understand committing atrocities for the good of your own. It's not right, but I understand it. To willfully do evil shit at your own detriment and then to know you're doing evil shit is such a weird position. Israel does not benefit from allowing buttsex. They benefit from killing a bunch of Arabs and expanding. The latter is nepotism and self interest. The former is inherently degenerate behavior.
Do you see what I'm saying?

>Just bizarre you would larp to be the bad guys.
Me? I don't larp as a filthy kike. If your enemy has a published playbook you owe it to yourself and your allies to secure a copy.

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>Can someone explain WHY the Jews embrace such liberal and immoral values?

1 Thessalonians 2:14-16
>For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:
>Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:
>Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.

They worship themselves. When you reject God, God rejects you.

Jeremiah 6:30
>Reprobate silver shall men call them, because the Lord hath rejected them.

>Jews are not Christian at all. Judaism is based of the Baal worshiping, child sacrificing religions that were practiced by the enemies of the Old Testament Israelites.
But why? Surely after the 10th kid or so they've sacrificed in Hollywood, you might figure that you are a crazy motherfucker and there is no Baal. And most Israelis probably don't think they worship Baal right? They just go to synagogue and pray and go home.
So the only thing I can figure is:
>Baal is real
highly doubt this. no evidence for it.
>They're lunatics
But this isn't like a one-off psycho killer with no emotion. This is an entire sect of people doing this for no benefit. That's why it's unexplainable.

No not you personally. You as in the Jewish community. Why would they read this and think:
>Huh. Yeah let's rape children that sounds like what the good guy would do.
The second I saw that as a Jew I would stop being a Jew. But this only explains religious Jews, not the secular behavior.

>The Bible has just as much bad and nepotistic behavior as the Talmud does.
No, it doesn't. The OT is full of events where Israel gets blasted because of their unbelief/rebellion against God. Jew also isn't a race of people, before you start down that route. Jew was the pre-Christian term for those that believed on the living God.


Jews hate Christians. Can you imagine the level of Schadenfreude you will get some making your sworn hated enemy to defile himself in such a way, given the context it is written in the holy texts that sodomy is an abomination.
Think of it this way. If a pizza maker slips in some pork onto a muslim's pizza, it's clearly a "fuck you" meant to tarnish one's spiritual beliefs.

>But this only explains religious Jews, not the secular behavior.
The Rabbis and senior scholars study the Talmud. Rank-and-file (contemporary/secular) Jews might share words of strength and wisdom from the Talmud but they don't study it and they certainly haven't read even a single tractate through completely.

But the Rabbis do. And when their kikelings seek guidance the Rabbi instructs them according to the Talmud. This is the underlying truth behind our perception of their cohesion. It doesn't matter that rank-and-file Jews don't read the Talmud because thanks to the Rabbi they live it every day whether they realize it or not; whether WE realize it or not.

The overall conclusion of a given Folio doesn't matter when Rabbis get to pick and choose which arguments they like at any given time on nothing more than a whim. It's a "Kike your own adventure" resource where readers get to pick and choose which Rabbi's advice and arguments they want to follow.

And don't forget, the Rabbi holds a higher status than God.

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I think you need to realize that these Jews, who rule the world, believe in Satan. All these celebrities, politicians, world leaders, etc. engage in Satanic rituals of child sacrifice and pedophilia.

You need to wake up, OP.

Satan is real. And if Satan is real, then God is real.

You are someone that is searching for the truth, then I'm going to have to tell need Jesus.

When you have time, watch these videos and make your decision...

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jews can be more then one thing they created christkikery and you worship a jew and jewish prophets. Nice going.

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It's not for us, it's for you. You know exactly what we're doing. And yet you (((gentiles))) fall for it every time. It is only natural for the fisherman to fish. If the fish bite the bait.
Why do you think we only interbreed with with the best? We're trying to evolve past you. It's okay.
This is how species evolve.


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>lot of good digits in this thread
>Jew was the pre-Christian term for those that believed on the living God
I'm not a neocon that ignores the covenant. It is clear who the chosen people are with the acceptance of Christ. But the Jews today are a race. Can they prove their links to the tribes specific of Israel? No. But they are a genetically distinct population that inhabited the region for as long as we can remember that described themselves as Jews.

But the OT outlaws sodomy does it not? You don't even need a religious reason though. Sodomy is clearly bad for society. How the Jews push it in our countries AND theirs and don't realize they're fucking themselves is strange.

>Rabbis dictate religious law
But how do Jews don't pull from the Rabbis or Talmud still practice homosexuality and pedophilia? Unless it is past religion and engrained in cultural practice.
>And don't forget, the Rabbi holds a higher status than God.
that's an interesting root cause I can understand. The Jews are claiming themselves over natural law.

White people didn't do the shit the Jews do today long before we had Christianity.
I can't wrap my head around why you want to be evil? Killing babies is objectively evil. There's no benefit to practicing Satanic beliefs.
I know it's in the Talmud.
I know they do it in Hollywood.
I don't know why they do it.
>inb4 they're Satanists.
I know that. But why would you do it? What do you gain from it?