What is the most redpilled career choice for Yas Forums?

What is the most redpilled career choice for Yas Forums?

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cuck porn

urban farmer for your neighborhood

NEET or if you’re a femanon, onlyfans/premium Snapchat

there's no such thing as jobs, you either believe or don't

Engineering, trades, physician, any hard science field, minister


Nigger salesman

MMA dinosaur welder.

Guns and hutzpah. Try getting some.



tying your career to your identity is a surefire way to be perpetually miserable

gf (male)


BBW porn

Not coding. The less you kiss jew ass, the more redpilled.

Gundam Pilot

Sous chef for Taco Bell

Off label pharmaceutical salesman.


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this. triyng to get into gunmaking to get away from all the jew bosses

I’m an engineer, it owns


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It doesn't matter. Work does mean anything anymore. Find a hobby and work just enough to live on and spend the rest of your time on your hobby or with your family. If you want to do more for your family work for a rural business and work up.

neet collecting trump bux

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Isreali dof tunnel jesuit expert

>Learn 2 code and get outsourced by a pajeet
That's the dumbest career choice. Big Law, consulting/Mckinsey, medicine, and investment banking are far better choices for people with high IQ and work ethic.

You want a job with pedigree. The kind of job that the sons/daughters of politicians are working. Those are the jobs that politicians will work to protect from globalization.

Coding is not one of those jobs. Politicians look at coding as just a bunch of upstarts that will get swatted down by the patrician class.


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I’m a physician. You should try to choose a red pilled career if you can

Cereal rapist.

fresh water + agriculture jobs are redpilled

School shooting analysis