Anti Trump troll

So why is this ginger, liver damaged, herpes addled Hollywood asshole such a loudmouth, anti-Trump troll anyway?

Attached: Rapaport Mike herpes.png (334x472, 247.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He's auditioning to become the new Yo Lil Donnie guy.

I hate Trump but I wish Hollywood people would STFU about politics and Trump. It's all a con. They're trying to make you think they're not Republicans and not capitalists, but they really are. They live the lavish and decadent lifestyles afforded only by capitalism. They're just trying to protect that shit.

I'm not even a commie or anything, but I mean basically rich people should be taxed, at least in the way they always used to be in this country before Reagan, or even during Reagan's presidency since the taxes are all even lower now for the rich.

They basically, IMO, WANT to be really annoying and insufferable,because they know that's what drives people to vote "against them" and then you go out and vote "against them" and what's the end result? The people you're voting "to spite" just end up getting to keep all of their money and you and your children get economically fucked over

You ever see Blade? Remember how vampires basically have pet humans that do their bidding in hopes of one day being a vampire themselves? That's what he is except he wants to be black

If any negroids are reading this, why did you all accept this white nigger, he's a regular on the breakfast club.

He's been that way since birth

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>another dumb commie thinks he’s fighting the establishment instead of promoting its agenda

He's Jewish, does that answer your question?

Yeah dude, "communism" is the establishment. Sure. Whatever you say. Honestly yesterday on this site I had someone unironically try to convince me that Jeff Bezos is a communist. So what can I say, I've learned to not even play around in the miasma of stupid that you people are.

is this the face of a jew?

Attached: images.jpg (225x225, 6.38K)

>anyone who speaks truth to power and calls out Trump's bad behavior is a "troll"

Attached: 1573924823884.jpg (416x435, 24.77K)

>he doesn't know that the women marry goyim to shapeshift
You need to lurk before posting, reddit

why was this guy ever famous? The only things i've ever seen of his were that netflix show and the tingus pingus vine but thats it.

Literally who?

he wants some current roles. A dried up oit of shape white man in hollywood is like cancer to the industry. hes trying hard to be a good goy.

No doubt a jew. You forgot that OP.

ok schizo troomer

Attached: ANTIFA trannies make almost 4 times as much money as Belle Delphine.jpg (1063x986, 95.72K)

kys roody poo

Attached: Michael Rapaport herpes boy (002).png (416x416, 179.69K)


you think hollywood is pretend fighting against Trump in a massive conspiracy to reverse psyop the nation. user, I....

He's got a little bit of attention from that cat video and guesting on some podcasts. Now he's trying to farm followers and consolidate his "brand".

He's Ashkenazi. These fucks don't know how to do a simple search

I literally think it really does happen, yeah. I don't know why you think that's weird because all throughout history it's a confirmed thing that these are the same tactics the ruling class always used to keep themselves in power. To play identity politics and all of this crazy social policy in order to distract the masses from advocating for genuine and meaningful economic change

Attached: occupy wall st capitalist subversion by identity politics.png (1166x740, 714.98K)

Idk why he is how he is, just wanted to stop by and say I hate this obnoxious faggot..from trying to dox the Covington kid, to melting down over Ari Shaffir's Kobe tweet, to all his anti trump shit, to being a 50 year old wigger who code switches around black people..everything about this guy bugs me

Yes because it’s not what you said it is.

Little faghot got the herpes from his moms cunt during the c section. He couldn't make it through the birth canal because his fuckibg hook nose caught her liver nerve.

Attached: Baby herpes Mike rapaport.png (326x425, 376.76K)

>truth to power

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Attached: faggot bump (002).png (509x462, 311.83K)

Why is there a nipple shooped onto his face?

Trump is a protectionist
Trump forgave college loan debt for the previous 6 months and suspended college loans for the next 6
Trump passed a stimulus that gave a record 1.5 trillion in UBI to individuals/families
Trump has seen a reduction in Immigrant and non white population growth
Trump has just seen 7 straight months of strong immigrant worker displacement.
He has seen stronger wage growth and higher full time employment increases then any other since JFK and Nixon’s first term(s).
My only complaints are his character and how he is pro Israel but as long as he is not starting wars I can overlook it.

>such a loudmouth, anti-Trump troll
Hang on, OP faggot... Let me first call you a WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMBULANCE

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>blocks your path

Attached: D5C0E2CF-CEED-4009-8875-FA7F305EE8FE.jpg (202x250, 5.45K)

What a load of mostly untrue propaganda. I mean pretty much anything good Trump has ever done for families has been at the behest of the democrats, lol.

Attached: trump legal immigration.png (600x528, 275.4K)

herpes blocks your block

Attached: 1.png (590x646, 120.07K)

Early Life:
Rapaport grew up on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, near 70th and York. He is Ashkenazi Jewish

>literal nazi thinks calling someone else gay is a bad thing
Get with the times lmao

>his "brand"
herpes addled, liver damaged, ginger wigger? what a brand!

Attached: 3.png (563x620, 232.92K)

He's just a faggot who thinks he can cash in on the stupid NY accent. He's shit for talent and isn't funny.


Hes pals with fuckface DeNiro. They scissor fuck eachothers face cancer.

Attached: RobertsDeNiro.png (1280x720, 1.24M)

Orange man bad!!!

Attached: hl16.jpg (846x472, 32.45K)

Bro jews can look different..he is jewis

Communism is monopoly capitalism. There is no middle class or small businesses. Only large corporations, oligarchs and rich politicians. And the poor.

I don't know or care.

Attached: trump-very-stable-genius.png (682x960, 648.88K)

Meanwhile in real life...
>lawful permanent resident status is usually given to people who’ve been here more then 5 years not new arrivals
> WASHINGTON — President Trump’s immigration policies — from travel bans and visa restrictions to refugee caps and asylum changes — have begun to deliver on a longstanding goal: Legal immigration has fallen more than 11 percent and a steeper drop is looming.
> The number of people who obtained lawful permanent residence, besides refugees who entered the United States in previous years, declined to 940,877 in the 2018 fiscal year from 1,063,289 in the 2016 fiscal year, according to an analysis of government data by the National Foundation for American Policy. Four years ago, legal immigration was at its highest level since 2006, when 1,266,129 people obtained lawful permanent residence in the United States.
> And immigration experts say new policies will accelerate the trend. A report released on Monday by the foundation projected a 30 percent plunge in legal immigration by 2021 and a 35 percent dip in average annual growth of the U.S. labor force.
>but 270,000 have come in from those banned countries
No TRS is referencing an article from 2017 that states that since 2007 the US admitted 270,000. In short they’re lying to you.
And immigration experts say new policies will accelerate the trend. A report released on Monday by the foundation projected a 30 percent plunge in legal immigration by 2021 and a 35 percent dip in average annual growth of the U.S. labor force.

Fighting the establishment with Twitter and lame memes. Kek

Ahhh, the ole Recovery room.. 70 betw 1/York.
I bagged a lot of nurses over there in the 90s

BTFO (You)
Growth in America means non white growth
Before February 2019 - August 2019
Central American surge
After Surge
> U.S. authorities apprehended 29,200 people at the border in January, an 11 percent decrease from December, according to preliminary Customs and Border Protection (CBP) numbers obtained by The Hill.


In spite of the elite needing to go, race is an important issue. The west needs to be fully white again.

That's why I hate white people

Typical pol sperging out over a fucking d list celeb.


fuck off, it's fun

>holding the same worldview as chase and j.p.m.