Why is the West getting worse the more atheism rises?

Somebody please explain this. I can't imagine the West under Christianity fifty years ago have 7-year-old tranny children marching in pride parades next to mostly-naked adults.

Attached: Beforeandafter.jpg (1725x995, 560.58K)

Because even if God isn't real (but He is) the christian way of life results in Goodness either way.

What a shitty cherry picked photo.

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>Somebody please explain this
It's almost jews despise Christianity and its one of the few bulwarks holding the tide against the installation of their reverse morality that can only exist in an atheist society.....

>more educated
I stopped here. The intellectual dishonesty of this is shameful, and very telling.

You already know the answer to the question you seek.

Its all about Saturnian Death Cult. The west its the last battle front for them.

>less antisemite and racist
That's why the current world is a shithole.

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>look at this example of random low class people doing random shit, low class people never did anything random and what i deem bad before

Why are righttards stupid?


>More likely to support LGBT degeneracy
>More likely to support refugees and migrants flooding the West
>More likely to vote for far-left politicians

Attached: LGBT.jpg (1769x1535, 369.18K)

>lets blame atheism and not us being retarded and not educating our people into being better

Correlation =/= causation
Has there been any other change since your idealized version of the past?

Most men are, sadly, not philosophers. Most of mankind are lemmings and need some sort of religious authority to understand the world around them. Viewed objectively, atheism is not really possible since liberalism, communism, etc are modern day religions. Compare and contrast utopianist ideologies with fanatical supporters like liberalism with the stereotypical religious cult and you will be shocked at the similarities, if you haven't realized this already.
So what has happened is not the rise of atheism. That is impossible. What has happened in the 20th century is the rise of a new religion; liberalism.
Like Christianity's march to take over the Roman Empire and replace its native religion with Christianity, so too has the scourge of liberalism replaced and infected Christianity with its own poisonous ideology.
That is the principle change that has taken place in the West.
And the driving force behind all of liberalism's most heinous aspects has always been the Jew.

Attached: Thurungian Folk Dance.jpg (1904x1062, 173.33K)

Yes. And? I'd much rather deal with faggots and trannies than christcucks.

>ow class people never did anything random and what i deem bad before
It wasn't celebrated and held up as an example of proper behavior before

It literally is atheism though

It's true retard. Secularism is directly tied to your level of education. Notice how religion is only rampant in poor countries.

>Correlation =/= causation
Ah yes, the favorite platitude of midwits everywhere. Thanks for letting us know we can just filter your ID

I too would rather deal with Juan and Muhammad than a Christian conservative. Faggot.

Barbarians will always try to shif the blame into something else, thats why our society is so actually uncivilized and runned by savages without brain from bottom to top you guys cant even point the source of problems,a fucking joke of "inteligent beings" we are

Okay retard.

correlation does not equal causation

>more educated
correlation not causation
>less criminal
correlation not causation
>more scientific
not a perk
>more tolerant
this is a bad thing, if anything
>married longer
only perk, needs source
correlation not causation.
>top influencers
not a perk, other than for stupid people who need validation from celebrities

And you know that the low class didn't celebrate doing behavior you don't like? Drinking and having sex is stuff people have done throughout history.

>poor violent countries are religion
>thinking more religion is good

t. only knows history back to the 50s

which you learned from le product ads no doubt

In America, with the strongest economy in the world, >70% of people are religous

>he's still too stupid to understand
Jesus christ. Since you're a little slow, or a fucking kike, I'll explain plainly. Your image clearly states that the items are "perks", which implies that if you just choose to be atheist, you'll suddenly be more educated, which is of course retarded on its face if you have 2 brain cells to rub together. Kill yourself jewtard

Yes. So long as juan and Muhammad don't bring their Catholicism and Islam with them.

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One look at thundercuck, Sargoy, and the amazing atheist disproves that whole picture.

liberal coastal areas that actually drive the economy are 70% religious? nah

This is a lie. Would you rather your son believe in Jesus Christ or believe that his penis should be cut off?

Politics are now the faith of non-believers, but the values are built on vague morales like "everyones equal" and "let's be nice to everyone" rooting in christianity.
Ateists in the west can try to deny it, but most views nowadays is an oversaturated version of the western religion, they just took out god.

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because humans are worthless niggers without fear of going to hell.

the cezch republic is one of the most athiest countries in europe and its probably the least cucked.
theres no correlation with religion, the difference between cucked and non cucked is nationalism

based and truthpilled

Czech Republic gives sodomites civil unions.

Because atheism is just uninitiated satanism

>more (((educated)))
>more tolerant

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so does romania, the country with the least number of athiests in europe

Isn't Christianity just uninitiated Judaism?

>they just took out god.

Or replaced God with the state.

Attached: NK.jpg (1165x325, 104.06K)

secularism doesn't mean what i think you think it does

No idiot

>under paganism
>posts artwork from a fucking game

Attached: suckmyballs.png (500x375, 319.95K)

You mean Judaism.
The bottom is Judaism.

>aristotle and oscar wilde were atheists
this just destroyed any credibility in this image

Why do people keep replying to bait threads.

Then atheism is not uninitiated Satanism. That is just you projecting your cult onto others.
Since you cannot argue against people who do not believe in your fantasies, you need to ascribe strawmen onto them and then argue against "Satanism"

Atheism leads to degeneracy and death. Sorry user.

idk, boredom

because internet atheism and social media.