Far-left Anarchist

>Far-left Anarchist
>Hatred Jews
How did this happen?

Attached: Bakunin_Nadar (1).jpg (502x670, 114.23K)

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because bourgeoisie is disproportionately jewish - as marx put it, capitalism is the secular application of judaism
antisemitism was a norm among far left back then, proudhon for example was the same

It's also worth noting that, at the time, leftism in general was almost entirely focused on economics.
Modern SJW bitching about the media and "implicit bias" wasn't a thing back then. The old left didn't consider white males in general to be the enemy like the modern left does.

anarchists basically hate absolutely everyone who is not another anarchist, and even them they are constantly suspicious of because they might be trying to do something with authority or heiarchy

Yeah. That's why anarchism is stupid, adolescent extremism.
Communism is adolescent extremism too though.
Nordic Model is the way to go.

>because bourgeoisie is disproportionately jewish - as marx put it, capitalism is the secular application of judaism
Marx was also a jew and a freemason that sought to destroy humanity

>Nordic Model is the way to go.
Liberals will be extinct one day
Because we will shoot them
All of them

Literally everyone left or right hated jews until the Holocaust made them feel bad for it

>Marx was also a jew
I'm sick of this stupid myth.
Marx abandoned Judaism, had SEVEN kids with a non-Jewish woman, and lashed out at his Jewish ancestry.
... and yet the retards on Yas Forums repeatedly insist that Marx remained a Jew for his whole life ... just because Hitler believed that. "We can't possibly admit that Hitler was wrong about anything!"
Marx wasn't a Freemason either. Prove he was a Freemason without using Nazi war propaganda. I'll wait.
Also "destroy humanity" is laughable hyperbole with no real meaning.

Oh noes! The useless punk with hormonal problems wants to kick my ass! I'm soooo scared!

There is so much wrong with this.
You are forgetting that many women converted to Judaism during the Middle Ages. That's why Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA is mostly European.
Also, there were many people before Hitler who admired Jews, such as Napoleon and Nietzsche.

Fuck the nordic model.
Yes please, kindly start with me.

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>Fuck the nordic model.
It helps poor people without ruining the business sector.
It allows a society to have both.
There is nothing wrong with it.

It's basically state sponsored philanthropy, pic related

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Almost everyone used to hate Jews, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that someone with an ideological opposition to the bourgeoisie might not like them.

Anarchists are your only friends, faggot.
But you don't deserve loyalty of any kind.

This is based. Keep the fucking dregs in their burrows.

>wants absolutely no government
>somehow comes on "the left" after communism/socialism (total government)
how does this make sense? this is your brain on propaganda

>marx wasn't a jew
>marx rebelled against his jewish ancestry
brilliant post. marx was just a front man for others to get their message out

Are you retarded? Anarchism is and always has been a socialist movement advocating for the abolition of the state and economic class, opposition to a transitionary state is quite literally *the* difference between Marxism and anarchism.

are you? communism is, by their own words, "dictatorship of the proletariat". anarchy is absolutely no authority/control, they are diametric opposites and you have been played. libertarian/constitutionalist (on the right) are closest to anarchy, not socialism/communism/fascism (total government control) and the like.

Dictatorship of the Proletariat was unique to the Soviet Union and they fought against a Ukrainian anarchist rebellion for years in the very early days of communism en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nestor_Makhno

dictatorship of the proletariat is right out of Marx's mouth. what do you think left/right means?

>communists fought against the anarchists
gee, why would they do that? aren't they supposed to be the same thing?? lol. read the communist manifesto, bub

Hierarchy vs equality, it's more complicated than that but if we just go by this aren't just left, but the farthest left that it's possible to be
They have the same goal(abolishing class)but the difference is their methods of achieving it.

why did Russia decided to adopt an ideology from people that despised them
Marx called them asiatic peoples, and Engels said slavs never developed any civilization by their won

While Bakunin called for a unity of slavic peoples against both the germans and turks

anarchy has absolutely nothing to do with hierarchy nor equality. it doesn't even fall under that spectrum, try again

>same goal
not even close. why would anarchists rebel against communists? not saying there isn't some overlap, but there are a few key MASSIVE differences. anarchists want total personal freedom, communists want to give all of that up for some "collective good". under communism if your house (where you live, rather, since personal property doesn't exist) could better be used or something else in the greater good, its gone. this is tyranny, plain and simple. anarchy just is personal freedom above all else, its closer to American constitutionalists/libertarians (on the right)

Bakunin was ok, too bad he got bullied by Marx

Bakunin is touted as a feminist because of his anti patriarchal writings, but he literally lived under a patriarch and it had nothing to do with feminism

To counter his rival, Marx

your whole post is bullshit
marx was a bag man for hess who invented communism and zionism
communism is literal messianic age governance for the nations
go back to plebbit with your bs.. read marx on the jewish question, he was a zionist, like all jewish communists
i bet you dont even know who the hegelians were faggot

the templars were a communist society and the anglo's invented Zionism.

>I bet you dont even know
commies know nothing, of course he doesnt

>real anarchy has never been tried!

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did you realize the error of your ways? or did you run away from the corner you were backed into to repeat your bullshit another day like so many others? fascists aren't far right, theyre far left with the others who want tyrannical government rule. anarchists are the true far right