I just payed a freelance writer to do my college homework

Are more students doing this? It's fucking awesome. I heard it's big in the UK and America.

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OP is a faggot as usual

>I just payed

really hard to tell that you need someone to do your homework for you

PAID, my bad. I'm a little tired.

Why are you (presumably) paying tens of thousands of dollars in tuition to learn things, to then go on and pay someone else hundreds of dollars to do your coursework?

It's the bullshit essays. There's too many of them. I did a few but it's a subject I'm not even majoring in so it's no big deal to pay for a few to be done.

Every middle-class Boomer Jr does this

and reading summaries.

All the international students in the US do it.

The less wealthy ones all share a subscription to services such as Chegg.

Is it really that hard to just write three pages, that's like 45 minutes of work max

It's 3 fucking pages you absolute loser.

my dad bought my degree. I never attended a single class. lots of people do this, stop being poor, losers.

People don't even hide the fact that college is meaningless as far as actual learning, now. EVERYONE admits it's all about "networking". If you call it nepotism, they'll drum up some excuse as to why it's supposedly not.


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100% support this. Study for exams by getting the olds ones from students.

Get that PhD under your name so you can spout your propaganda with credentials. That's ma lad.

Based. College is a scam. Might as well scam you’re degree.

sure, jan

not just usa, but pajeets in india do this as well. They get Pajit write the resume, answer the interview questions, even take the interview test under the fake name of Ahmed. Real Ahmed passes and is hired on. American HR are none the wiser because they are getting a discount Java developer.

Yes it is common. Why do you think we are in the situation we are in right now? No one knows shit anymore and we are all fucked and retarded. This is intended.

MIGA have fun goys.

Whats the point ? it just means youll remain a dumb fuck

Have fun being kicked out of college for plagiarism you fucking nigger.

Modern society is such a joke.
Start a fucking space crusade already, enlistment, war, endless expansionfor life, enough of this energy rot.

Are you a woman? Your entitlement shows.

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>115$ for 3 fucking pages
fuck that nigger op, i'll shit all over whatever subject you need to write for 100

They really do. Most of the Asians couldn’t pass English 101 honestly.

Perfect, I was looking for an excuse to discriminate against chinks and poos.

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If you didn't show intellectual talent as early as middle school then chances are your dumbfuck status is set in stone desu fampai

I did the same thing for a buddy and it was a few cases of beer. I wrote his college paper and he got the credit.

Unironically though, you're probably better off getting a co-op/internship and paying someone to do your busy work

People who do that, just know that people like me see through you pretty easily during interviews

Very based. University is a scam designed to force a generation of youth into debt slavery. The lecturers dont give a fuck about your education, and are lazy in their teaching of the course work. The university is only interested in making a profit, and doesnt care about providing a quality service, that is to say, train its students in employable skills. Employers dont give a shit about your grades, only that you have the paper. It social justice academic nonsense which ties an albatross around our necks. Fuck university, fuck chinks and fuck employers.

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By busy work I mean school work

I did it throughout my history, polsci majors as well as law school. Another guy who did it made dean's list lel.

see For example many people already have a job lined up but literally can't work certain professions without a corresponding degree/certification.

In my case it was worth the peace of mind. Sure I could write any essay, homework, whatever, but I'd inevitably wait till the last minute then rush out some garbage work and all the while this assignment would hang over me putting a damper on anything else I might be doing. This way the assignment gets done promptly and if you're paranoid about it you can go over it checking the content, mistakes and making sure plagiarism checker doesn't match


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I got other classes I'm taking. Don't have time for these bitch ass essays, nigga.

If your parents are paying for your education, you should hang yourself out of shame. If you are paying for for education, you should kill yourself out of stupidity.

Either way, KYS.

Because money is king and nobody gives a fuck about your GPA, only that you have the piece of paper saying you learned something that in this modern era you could learn an equal or greater level of online without the blatant liberal propaganda added.

Hope you're a math major.

kek I was in college 10 years ago and remember a druggie student having this as her side gig. I never used it but kind of surprised it's not more common. You're already paying 10s of thousands for a degree, what's a few hundred more?

Impossible. When someone does it personally and for this much cash. It's 100 plagiarism proof. Turnitin can't notice it. lol

I can do it, I did a few myself. I just don't have the time for these with other classes that I need to pay more attention to.

I only agree if it's class related to OPs major. If you are majoring in computer science or something then why the fuck should you waste your time writing a 3 page paper on some boring ass book for a mandatory English Lit class? If I thought of it then I would have done this in college to get through the shitty unrelated classes I had to take.

It's called outsourcing.
How do you thing eople who attend Harvard and Yale got there?

These guys probably think private tutors in prep schools help with the homework instead of outright doing it

What can you do to them if they don't do it or do it badly?

na you don’t learn shit in college.

Asians do this: LOL All asians cheat insectoids

White people do this: Its fucking awesome bro!