Yas Forums, and specifically Yas Forums made me less radicalized and nationalistic, how?

Yas Forums, and specifically Yas Forums made me less radicalized and nationalistic, how?

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Because Yas Forums is retarded and it became apparent to you.

Why don't you ask your rabbi?

Because you're a mutt and the JEW S A is shit.

Because it’s a toxic website with our worst people.

I would have guessed suicidally misanthropic, but ok.

This, also there us a good chance your a faggot OP

Because you witnessed how moronic most of the radical movements are. 21st is the century of centrism.

We must rid our societies from all radical ideologies (religious or not) and start working with opposition in finding common ground.

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It's an outlet

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do not reply to meme flags

Just have to make a Centrists Against Israel organization.
Might as well, left and right are already agreed on this.

Because you're a contrarian.


You just proved his point muttilda.

You finally recognized autism and schizophrenia for they are eh?

You’re wearing a ushanka hat with a red star on it. At least, I assume that’s you. How is communism not a radical ideology? The answer to your question is that you came here as a leftist with a hardened heart and a closed mind.

the bus on the wheels go round and round..

the best way to get someone to change their mind is to see that their tribe has fucking retarded ideas

Yas Forums, obviously, is full of retards, so it's the greatest deradicalization engine ever created


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Do you fags honestly believe Centrism is a jewish hoax? Who am i kidding it Yas Forums and those are mutt flags. Of course you do. Most likely with 0 knowledge about it as well.

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christfags are mentally ill retards

Probably your latent homosexuality

Reading about IQ and listening to Jared Taylor "radicalized" me. I live in Los Angeles and have a bunch of diverse friends.
Yas Forums is just the best way to discuss a bunch of fun stuff.
I love you dudes

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dont work that way bud. Our testing shows that 78% of people that come here become more radical thats why we keep funding certain types of shills

Yas Forums hasn't had any effect on my political views, probably because I'm an adult and never had extreme views anyway.

No, this is the problem:

Because most of us aren't that radical and you came in more radical than us by virtue of your own life experiences but was quenched by knowing there is a dedicated hive of random anons that share your views, and you no longer feel as isolated.

>21st is the century of centrism.
Centrism = status quo. You literally ignore generational theory and history.
>all radical ideologies (religious or not)
Gee, user, fuck ideologies. I have a worldview and most Yas Forumsacks do as well. Ideology is to (stupidly) follow a set of ideas&ideals, we study the nature of knowledge, reality and existance. The goal is not to fix the matrix, but to leave it.

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>Do you fags honestly believe Centrism is a jewish hoax?
Nope, it's a failure all on its own. Centrism is literally just defined by the zeitgeist, you are a slave to the overton window. We know that because centrism shifts its meaning over time.

A centrist from 19th/20th century Imperial Germany teleported to modern times would nowadays be classified as right-wing extremist. A centrist from nowadays brought back in time would seem like an insane leftist Satanist.

Values shift, wisdom gets lost. Centrism is field day for any subversive elements or Machiavellian individuals, because you are the most gullible and exploitable political group there is.

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Go away Jew, cannot enter as long as we haven't invited you in.

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Same, it has just made me nihilistic and shown me that nationalism doesen't get you anywhere in life.

Economic centrism sure, but multiculturalism and ethnic diversity in western countries can fuck off. That goes beyond politics.

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Defund Israel.

Didn't notice it before now.

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This bro gets it.