What country is handling corona-chan the best? Both economically and socially

What country is handling corona-chan the best? Both economically and socially.

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It's Taiwan apparently.

literally constructed for engorged african genitals.

United states of America for sure

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Not Britain, that's for sure


This meme isn't even funny anymore, please stop you are embarrasing yourself

Pagan's Law
The longer a discussion continues, a pagan will enter the thread to mention African genitals

Sweden is doing the best economically and Taiwan and Korea are doing great at containing the virus

That's what (((they))) say...

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South Korea and Taiwan
The US you be buried in a mass grave if you're a wage cuck and socially mutts barbarians

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We are technically.
Even with the media in full fledge propaganda panic mode, and even with the lies and false counting of virus deaths, we on a percentage are still the safest country that handled the virus extremely well.

If you remove the lies and false statistics, even MORE SO.

Call me crazy guys, but I think China is lying

Is coffee good for you tho

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definitely not Communist China

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best korea


Also Japan seems to have their shit together.

And japs wanna let me know how you have so few cases ?

Report the kike frens

I think you'd be crazy to believe the statistics out of China

It's not a meme. It's a deeply ingrained tenant in western society, something you'll never know anything about, Ramkhemyeng

best korea
0 cases

China is a liar, Korea has so many re-positives, but Taiwan is really well.

>christcuck gaslight attempt

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Give it to a fucking retarded fedora to not know the word they use

Best Korea

Our measure is "herd masking"; all people must wear mask by social pressure. This is really effective for Chinise-Covid19 because it has about half of infected but asymptom. While we are creeping to Italy just slowly, because out measure don't have any effect for not being infected.

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That is a man. OP is a faggot

She's not white
