Now we've cratered the economy, we're actively turning into a Gestapo state with bitch ass snitch neighbors calling the cops on a family celebrating Easter together. Guess what faggot. I'm done. No more masks, no more six feet "social distancing". Come at me. I will live my little life. Fuck your flat curve and tiktok dancing do nothing nurses. This whole thing is a fucking psyop and I'm done playing.
Deez nutz.
I've had about enough of this bullshit
Other urls found in this thread:
If you don't like happenings, go away back to plebbit retard.
I agree, it is getting ridiculous.
>this is a happening
kill yourself
Happening? It's NPCs run amok. That's not a happening, newfren.
You wont do jackshit, faggot!
Where did these normies come from? He retards, the world freaking out and shitting on themselves if part of a happening. Go away newfags.
Me too.
Snitches get stitches.
What's even worse, is that this isn't even a virus. It's the symptom of cosmic radiation/charged particles affecting the earth's atmosphere. What's actually happening is from the sun going into a dormant phase and earth's magnetosphere weakening, allowing more high energy waves/particles to reach the surface and fucking with the lower portions of the atmosphere, suffocating people essentially.
Purple user has a plan
Good. It's time they were honest about the virus or opened the economy.
If it's not so bad like they say, it makes no sense to have it closed.
My brain is melting.
Maybe. Maybe not. But it sure as shit isn't the fucking government's job to put me under house arrest. If I wanted to live in a nanny state, I'd move to Europe. People have lost the revolutionary spirit. Our founding fathers would fucking weep at this horseshit.
You know damn well what Yas Forums expects from a happening
So you have been redpilled and realised pol was right all along put your fucking big boy pants on and grow a set instead of being a bitch
>People have lost the revolutionary spirit.
lol what's that? Not paying the king the taxes he wants? Stop paying your taxes then. Go ahead, revolutionary. Fag.
>a Gestapo state
No, it's a Bolshevik - Cheka state.
Move to Mexico
I would volunteer for this. For fucks sake I helped ZOG defend oil pipelines in Baji for 18 months (twice). I would be happy to go build widgits so some pantywaisted neets would calm the fuck down and quit spreading fear. Fuck this gay earth. SITTING AROUND DOING NOTHING IS FOR WOMEN AND FAGGOTS. I will punch your grandmother in the cunt if it means curtailing this insane bullshit.
Gestapo didn't do that, dumbass, the Bolsheviks did.
Lurk more, brainlet.
This entire thing is driven by boomer panic. The selfish spoiled generation is finally at risk of flu death so all of a sudden we need to all be imprisoned in our homes so they can still feel at ease going shopping several times a day
Leave home, stay dangerous
They did if you were a Jew. Everyone is a Jew now
this might aswell be a filter to recognize the people from the NPCs.
i thought i knew what people were like, but the fact that everyone is just taking it and shrugging is just insane
"the man on the tellie says i have to turn from my family, friends and duties because of an invisible enemy? lmao sure, i'll report anyone that remains human"
>Gestapo state with bitch ass snitch neighbors calling the cops
All bullshit aside, they were always snitches. This corona hype just caused them to show their true colors. Sad truth is, the majority of Americans will, if given the slightest nudge in the right direction, turn into rabid rats.
Most of the boomers I’ve spoken to are ready to have this continued for months or even years without even a thought to the people who will become desperate, or our rights as citizens.
And the thing is... The people I trust and associate with all smelled it in January. And they all got shouted down by NPC superbots running like Usian Bolt into their chains. "Flatten the curve!" "Let's all stay home!" Fucking pathetic.
Nobody is opposed to taking precautions to limit the spread but this is retarded boomer feat mongering at this point
The only way to stop these old decrepit cunts (lets be real, only bitchy old hags do this) from snitching is to publicly shame them. Take their picture, post it all over social, and refer to them only as Nazi sympathizing Judas's. If they sell you out to the pigs, publicly shame them. If you get real lucky they might go on the evening news to cry about "being harassed" and show their faces and homes to the town.
>without even a thought to the people who will become desperate, or our rights as citizens
i was just talking to my dad about this today and he looked at me like i was from another planet. we're all fucked. also, check'd
they got theirs, fuck you
>This whole thing is a fucking psyop and I'm done playing.
based and redpilled
Right after the revolution your president increased taxes.
It never existed.
Just stock up on your firearms and ammo, prepare user and you’ll feel more at peace.
Yeah exactly they’re all comfy in their paid off houses and their savings and their pensions well average people can’t work because THEY are at risk. How dumb is that
>waaaah I want to work
Jesus christ fuck off
We need to start killing all of the liberals.
Good job tough guy. You're handling it great by coming here and complaining like a little girl.
11/11/2014 01:21 PM
Baby Boomers Rush To Establish Authoritarian Society Before They Die Off.
Why the fuck do these Baby Boomers behave this way? First they want to try to be young and live forever so they can hog all the spotlight or they want to establish their police state for after they die. Its weird why do you want a police state but you won't be here, you will fucking be dead?
You can clearly see the difference between the Baby Boomers and the Greatest Generation.
The Greatest Generation preached freedom and strongly believed in an America where everyone got a chance to become wealthy and successful.
The Baby Boomers are just the opposite, they are small, childish, petty and mean. They want to decide for the poor and workers what is best for them.
The Greatest Generation tried to promote Democracy though not perfectly, there are certain things like torture that they rejected. They strived to be the Good Guys.
The Baby Boomers only believe in force, money and power for its own sake. They are arrogant and want to outshine and take from the young. Torture? No problem. Straddle the youth with a Trillion dollars of debt? Well they shouldn't have gone to schools they can't afford. The Boomers have absolutely no sense of community or responsibility.
Now they pump their drug addled LSD riddled brains with more drugs to live longer so they can stomp out joy or freedom where ever it may hide.
Do not ever be seen in a social engineering mask. It does not keep you safe, only plunge everyone into normie economic collapse death.
Their character of bill gates and the jews has been dead and will stay that way in everyone's mind very soon.
CDC NPCs that spread kikeronavirus on crime purpose can go get damned by The American People too. Every single NPC.
Do not let them come for you first. They do, they are and they Will.
Canada, why are you like this. You're the shitty brother-in-law no one likes who shows up uninvited smelling like BO and onions.
>the Greatest Generation.
They started feminism. Fuck them. And their parents gave women the right to vote. Fuck them too.
torture? im not following
Why, cuz rosie the riveter?