What is the final solution to the incel question
Incel hate thread
Big titty goth gf
>What is the final solution to the incel question
Gay sex with all the incels.
We used to send these men off to war to die. The solution is a good war.
Import desperate girls from poor countries like Venezuela for them.
>What is the final solution to the incel question
extermination camps for their slaughter
let the chads and stacies fuck each other in front of them while they are in candles, gas them after 2 weeks, burn their bodies
Euthenasia and organ harvest. If a male hasn't had sex by the time he turns 15 there is no point in prolonging his life and he should have a post-natal abortion.
The final solution to the coffee question.
How does an incel become one? I don't get it.
Imagine a bbc pressing her against the table from behind
The solution is DAT ASSHHH
*pacino face
But is it good for you tho
Hey dont say that stuff on easter you coomer retard
Going to the gym. But oh wait, they'll say that "looks maxing doesn't work". Excuses niggers, go get fucking Yas Forums and see shit change. Devote yourself to the gym, it won't hurt to try. And in the end you'll be in a better place than you started out anyway.
It's coffy gud 4 yuo
Incel genocide
I’m gonna cooooooom!
Government mandated gfs or arranged marriage unironically
Also the removal of laws and restrictions around domestic violence
Incels shouldn't spread their genes
Most of these incels just need a father figure to give them a good ass whoopin'.
A lot of them spend all their time on the computer bitchin about "roasties", and they all look like shit.
What they need to do is get their flabby asses outside and play some sports or go to the gym and pump some iron.
That would get all that disgusting lard off their flabby bodies and naturally raise their testosterone.
They then need to go get some decent clothes and a decent haircut.
Lose the cargo shorts, you morons.
Simple as.
Islam. Sharia law and all.