Corona Virus Catharsis

Wall punching thread.

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Imagine living in a cardboard house.

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House built in 1885 solid walls frog boy!

no one appreciates drywall for all the good its done the wall. heres to drywall.

You must have little hands

Wall-punchers are fags that will grow up to be abusive towards children.

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solid walls >you can punch tru them

>small fat leaf hands
fucking typical

Can I see your arm?

Attached: BEF0E546-AC92-433B-B66F-768C03473DFE.jpg (3264x2448, 1.11M)

Pathetic little man thinks he's tough

Is your forearm 8 inches? Daaawwwwww. Wook, him so big now.

Imagine having anger issues like some kind of spectrum dweller

Post yourself

are you a midget?

Itt: faggots

That's a buff toddler

For how long now have you been throwing fits like a little baby?

Attached: Girls.jpg (600x536, 80.54K)

Never got off the formula, eh?
Mommy's widdle baby still throwing fits and banging the wall.
Probably only got 3 chocolate bunnies in your easter basket.
Post a diaper pic next time, widdle faggot temper tantrum babyback bitch.

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Because it's fun to have to patch your wall in multiple places and get the paint textured and smoothed after deciding to indulge in 8 seconds of being a chimpanzee.

Better than to look like this “you”

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Why in the fuck would you post this thread?

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Are you actually retarded?

>better to let my emotions control me like a beta bitchboy rather than be skinny

You wouldn’t say that to my face my friend!

Keep taking your prozac

Keked and checked.
You wouldn't do shit, just like your country doesn't do shit. You're ust a child punching walls because they can't punch back. Go sleepy night-night widdle angwy baby, your constant barking only proves how much of a beta dog you are.

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I'm not in the habit of talking to animals so you're probably right.

You’re just a sissy boy, just me looking in your eyes you’d tremble

That's barely suppressed mirth.

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Alright boy, check in

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based baguetteanon

