So are hospitals really swamped with patients? There are countless videos of nurses choreographing dances during this whole thing yet on the media we are told hospitals are at a breaking point and people are dying left and right. Is it really as bad as the media is pumping it up to be or is it just a simple virus that will come and eventually be gone and never mentioned again?
Nurses twerking on Tic Toc during coronavirus
How hard is being a nurse? Is it a high skill job?
these nurses need a based old boomer doctor to keep them in check
Honestly I wouldn't mind going Dirlewang on them all.
Can we get some more Dirlewang Gang posting?
What are they being paid for
Reminder to thank your local janitor
While these glorified ass wipers are twerking on tik tok, janitors clean and disinfect surfaces
This I'm sorry to the janitors I tortured in middle school, they are the heroes.
This. we should meme thank a janitor and watch nurses seeth
Literal fresh off the boat Jamaican nigresses can handle it, what do you think?
>when the hospitals across america are so empty you have time to be a slut on the clock
Anyone who twerks should be euthanized in minecraft
It's the standard single mom backup plan there is literally no barrier to entry
fuck off shill
Registered nurses do have skills. They have to know technically how to set up, run and interpret results of all the stuff that can be hooked up to you. They have to understand symptoms and treatments for diseases because they watch over the patients on the floors of the hospitals. They need to understand the basics of medication and how it is administered and keep detailed notations of patients' charts. Many specialize in emergency department, pediatric, surgical and other specialties. Here they must have a bachelors degree in nursing and complete an internship at a hospital. Some go on to get masters degrees and become nurse practitioners who are like junior doctors who diagnose, treat and prescribe medicine for various medical conditions. Nursing is becoming increasingly popular for guys here, because it has become much more technical, pays well and because the master's programs allow the nurse to do a lot in patient care.
Nursing assistants do the mundane, nasty stuff like emptying bedpans and helping patients with hygiene and bodily functions. Those are needed and worthwhile positions, too, but the RNs and Nurse Practitioners do a lot more.
t. Fave Aunt is RN
lol doctors and nurses on chink chock doing stupid shit, amazing we're suppose to believe in this gay virus.
Shill? Who am I shilling for? You are either a bot or a dumb faggot who doesn't understand what the word shill means.
IDC honestly but that shit is CRINGY as hell
this, watch out OP /CVG/ is about to raid the thread they don't like anything against their narrative.
does your cunt aunt make tiktok videos after plastering on loadsof makeup, and crying about being in a warzone, and not having enough supplies? but then she's dancing around in PPE that is supposedly in short supply?
There's two types of nursing degrees in the US. There's a 2 year type and a 4 year type. A vast majority of RNs in the US are the 2 year type. They're not unskilled, but they're not educated either.
Source: I teach nurses
Dude with the hospitals being completely empty they've got nothing else to do.
They're getting paid big time while goofing around too. These are the bitches we're supposed to see as "heroes"
Nurse here, it’s a job that’s as hard as you want it to be.
Part of the reason why pay for nurses is so much less than therapists is because of how broad the job is but the pay out is universally blanketed across the hospitals maybe with like an extra dollar or two depending on what you’re doing.
You could be a trauma ICU nurse having to manage 3 intense cases of patients and thinking ahead of your trauma attending trying to get your people stable or keep them stable with a broad range of procedures and practices OR you could be an out patient surgery nurse and administer things like aromatherapy to Winey ass old people. You take your pick. There are just as many dumb ass lazy nurses as there are high energy intelligent nurses who actually care about and love their practice and want to use their license to full extent (the majority of which are men by the way).
The schooling is hard too. It’s pretty fast paced and intense but luckily it’s short. A year for an associates or 18months for Bachelors both in accelerated programs. It’s longer for non accelerated. It’s also about 2-4years of core classes.
They don't have skills, I've got an RN relation that's closer than an aunt and I can tell you this.
They've let people die because they didn't know what to do, so they just walked away hoping the problem would resolve itself. Roastie shit. They only know how to call for help and do basic shit you can teach someone in a couple of months but the schools extend this program to years because they're so stupid.
They are releasing stress from work. Get over it
You need an associate's degree but that's it.
Go ask for more money, don't worry about it.. the american public has got you covered.
We're only here to get fleeced like sheep.
Afterwards you can carry our organs in a cooler to be sold for 100K a piece.. making me fucking sick how you think you're a humanitarian, you're opportunists.
it's a specialized world with a lot of specialist occupations. you want me to be impressed with your description of something every professional has gone through in terms of higher education? FUCK YOU. you actually think you are a "hero" aren't you?
You know, I used to call schizo any nothingburgerbro, but seeing worldwide hospital staff being attention whores during a supposed apocalypse makes me really doubt the seriousness of it all. Attention whores and thirst traps ruin all happenings fuck you all.
fuck you nigger faggot. I don't relieve stress at work, on company time, while getting paid, dancing around the shop floor like a fucking retard.
Fuck nurses, teachers and hollywood
Regarding the lockdown, the old adage comes to mind: better to be safe than sorry.
But, I can see that someone that just lost their mother to this may not want to see health care professionals make light of this by singing and dancing.
Get out of your house nerd. We have nothing to do with that. The organ people do. If you willingly sign yourself up to be an organ donor you’re going to donate them off homie.
Who gives a shit?
That's it, this post has convinced me. Didn't want to admit it before but this evidence is irrefutable. It's fake. There I said it. I need some time for this to sink in. Thanks OP you're not a faggot and are truly enlightened
How is that any different than a quick smoke break or talking on the floor for a little bit
you arent dealing with people literally dying right in front of you faggot
I do actually. If you don’t like nurses just stay home and die then. Your nurse is the one who controls what meds you do and don’t get and who keeps you comfy while you’re suffering or dying. Your nurse is the one who argues with the dumbass first year residents who don’t know shit yet and are trying to do wild things to you like give you an ostomy when you don’t fucking need it.
TL;dr. Just stay home and die
>Our hospitals are overwhelmed, aton of lines too
>dancing nurses
>no lines outside
>reusing footage from italy saying its newyork
It is complete bullshit unless you are in the two or three really busy ghetto hospitals across the nation. Every other nurse I know is either out of work right now or sitting and waiting for Covid patients to overflow to their floors - and they keep waiting.
No one who called my aunt a "cunt" gets any answer except this: I hope that your ass gets reamed by a spiked chain mail glove every hour on the hour while you're on this earth and worse when you get to hell, because that's clearly where you're going.
>Yas Forums going from relentlessly shitting on jannies to thanking them for their services
Wouldn't that be something?
Im a nurse in a nursing home in TN, I can say our local hospitals are very low in census and because we are a rehab center that depends on them for our admissions, we are down in census. There’s still a lot of work that has come out of it for us. We have no visitors allowed policy but that means we have to call every family, every day to give updates. They yell at us like it’s our fault. The elderly patients have to stay in their rooms, which they hate. They fall more now, so we have to keep a closer eye on them since we can’t gather them to the nursing station to watch them.
Then we have to wear full PPE in every room even though we don’t have any positive patients at this time. But we have no PPE other than gloves. Those of us that can sew have made masks. We ordered 500 hospital gowns to make isolation gowns out of. We cut sheets to make sleeves to sew into the hospital gowns. That’s what I’ve spent the weekend doing. We gathered plastic grocery bags to wear on our shoes and we were able to buy shower caps to put on our heads. It’s not been easy but the projected number of infected has not hit my town, for sure.
If you actually taught nurses, you'd know the difference between the LPNs and the RNs, and you'd know that there are very, very few LPN programs in the US anymore. Nursing assistants aren't nurses and they sure aren't RNs. Bug off, tiny dicklet.