>falsely claims millions will die
>forces the nation to stay home indefinitely
>indicates people won't be allowed to shake hands anymore and other retarded nonsense
Fauci is a fucking retard. He may know a little about medicine. He sure as fuck doesn't know shit about the economy or governing a nation. The damage he had caused already is worse then the coronavirus. When is Trump gonna fire this talking head and put someone knowledgeable and experienced his place?
Falsely claims millions will die
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Like most highly accomplished individuals in a specific field. He may know a lot about one subject but lacks most, if not all common sense. There is a reason why our founding fathers were all around scholars and not subject matter experts, which makes people something akin to a retarded autistic.
Trump should do more than fire him, he should order the military to execute him on live TV
Da fauc sez, "Wassup."
Fauci is the most insubordinate, treacherous little cunt I've yet seen involved with the Trump administration. He's worse than anyone else has been, maybe worse even than Kushner.
Disgusting fucking Jew.
this motherfucker has GOT to be getting a cut from Billy on his upcoming vaccine/chip racket.
Fauci is Italian, nitwit
You actually believe that? Lmao. He is Jewish.
Based retard poster. Tell ‘em.
It's a shame Trump doesn't know that Fauci is a medical deep state glownigger.
no he's right.
beleive it or not but meric will run out of food in 3 days
that will kill alot of people if the ecomony stays locked down and people can't go to work.
the virus is real but we can't fight hunger and the virus like this its not possiable.
find a way.
t. single letter man.
>When is Trump gonna fire this talking head and put someone knowledgeable and experienced his place?
he contradicts himself constantly and is clearly enjoying his role LARPing as president, leaving him in place is the perfect thing to do as he slow-walks (now sprinting, apparently) himself right into eternal villain status
Serious question, is something going to happen soon?
Corona is losing steam and is basically over more or less. Especially in non large cities.
No martial law came, yet you have lots of troops waiting, like the leaf as for example, I’m sure other places in the US as well.
There’s been no narrative transition for normies to notice anything else wrong that would justify crazy military action.... unless something else massive happen, asteroid, war etc..
We aren’t doing this whole shutting everything down thing again in the entire world again , no way jews will loose sports ball money and shit again.
So what’s the end here? There’s been no massive deaths either?
What the fuck is going to happen? War with China or Samson option is the only outcomes that it makes sense for now.
>destroys globalism and fake bubble economy
very based and op is a fag
the only fucking retard is OP
Time to start killing liberals.
>beleive it or not but meric will run out of food in 3 days
Yeah right, most Americans could survive on their fat stores for months.
Why do migatards hate him so much? All because STOP HURTING MUH JEWISH STOCK MARKET?
>Fauci is a fucking retard.
Expecting the government to protect you ......
>state glownigger.
doesn't matter.
damn it my keyboard dying
you need to get food production back and find a way before 3 days.
ALSO YOUR PALS the deep state are hoarding masks for them selfs and steal gold billion bars
little bastards didn't tell us the food was going to run out ether FUCK.
trucking reports that most storage is running dry.
this aint good.
there is also another report shciff and his minions are going this on purpose and using this to get trump out.
they also giving out false infomation. unknown if true no source given.
they are pushing the bill gates agenda hard to direct attention from NY
there has aloso been attemps to remove the mercy ships by ramming them unknown whos doing it.
it seems the navy is blockaging the illegal drugs as well.
finance report alot of asset buying of supposely dead people to repay loans overseas while repaying them selves billions.
unknown is another plan by hollywood to cause some sort of uprasing details vagaue is at critual levels of anger
uprsings in europe have worried the UN debt bubble collapse very soon
small bissiness at critical levels of debt and involency
>Expecting the government to protect you ......
It's not an unreasonable expectation, it's just that our government isn't reasonable.
i hope you are right user.
its israel and i don't know why but the jews are at it again.
why are they helping china its very distressing the WHO and bill and melina gates simply comfrim what we know.
this vacince is said it be in human trails and talk of mosquitio with the vachine inside.
please tell me this isn't n1h1 again.
can they really do that on a unsusspecting population?
why insects of all methods?
no news from china for a few days now though my civ scorces.
this ramping up doesn't seem to be happening ether.
is it just properganda or are they really doing it.
i have no news of ether.
M.i.t. PhD bro brings the whole thing into view.
Only the best, he said.
Good thing hes not president.
Let's see what you're doing at 79 years old
Engineers and scientists approach everything systematically and dont consider the human element. Especially if their education made them post modernists and theu dont even beleive the human element exists.
So theyll get hung ho for some insane authlritarian solution because they think real life is simcity.
You're forgetting now that health officials are saying that we shouldn't expect things like concerts to return until Fall of 2021 "at the earliest".
I hope Trump inaugurates the Great Reopening with a festival on the National Mall ending with the good French Revolution style public execution of Fauci and the rest of the health bureaucrats.
Well I know for certain I won't be destroying the economy of the most powerful state on the planet because of my autistic inability to see the forest for the trees resulting in alarmist inspired bad advice.
Fauci isn't the one making decisions; Trump is. But even Trump can't stop local governments from imposing their own stay at home orders. People trust Fauci more than they do Trump because Trump lies. If Trump fires Fauci he's shooting himself in the foot for election.
Technocrats deserve the rope desu