Guns should be banned

Guns have devolved humans There is no more survival of the fittest no more skill in killing no art a gun can give the weakling a chance to kill the strong who ever invented the gun was big pussy

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d&c faggot slide shit

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Wow, did jewish OP get a break from saying "ok chang", and posting fake falun gong articles?

Enjoy your gun control thread and AIDS

people that need to be shot should be shot then we wouldn't need to shoot people

How retard I just keep seeing all these fagots who keep saying “why do I need to fight when I can shoot you with my smith & Wesson “ most fagot shit ever what happened to good old fashioned brawls

says the nigger that has never shot a gun, nor hit a target.

I'll just shoot you with my bow instead faggot.

>find rock big two hander rock
>hit person in head with

There is no more years of training to hone your craft in killing if every faggot can just shoot

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>them digits

1. That's why they're based. They allow a woman to defeat a man trying to rape her, or an old crippled man to defend himself against a younger opponent with a natural physical advantage
2. Guns are still a skill. Go ahead and pick up an SKS and try to put a hole in a target at 400 yards with iron sights. You can't. I can.
3. Guns are a complement to other forms of combat. I shoot regularly and also train in muay thai. Many gun enthusiasts can kill you unarmed too.

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>Waaaah. I can't use force, intimidation or mob violence to bully people anymore. Guns suck!T_T

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Do you think taking away guns would bring back survival of the fittest? How?

Well if guns are a new thing, then the fitter guy is the one who makes smarter use of his gun, right?
So the strongboy might disqualifies for the new world and will vanish.

If I can shoot you with my Heckler & Koch MP5 better than you with your smith and wesson, then NOW I am the fittest in town.
Get along with it loser!

have you ever shot a gun?
have you ever hit a target with a gun?

It isn't hard to stab someone, did the knife take the skill out of killing?

See that’s what I mean “hey nigger I can just shoot you if I wanted too” what a pussy way to answer to any confrontation

Nah. Modernity devolved humans. Guns will save them.

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Besides I don't share that jewish idea of "muh surviving of the fittest". That is only created to spread discord among people and make them fight eachother.

He would probably piss himself just picking up a gun.

Sounds like high efficiency to me.
I'll keep my guns, you can keep getting nigger dicks in your ass. Faggot.

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You probably think you're a progressive. Why are you trying to ban technology that is hundreds of years old? Why are you such a luddite caveman?

Let me guess, you were upset about the invention of pikes as well?
Who stabs someone from more than arms reach away?!?
must have been a faggot that invented the pike then right?

What a bunch of fags I bet most of you niggers never even shot someone with your “muh guns”

>If I can shoot you with my Heckler & Koch MP5

Die Menschen in Deutschland können kein Maschinengewehr besitzen, much less a real mp5. HANS

That is a very nice looking gun

Pikes are the patrician's choice. The English longbow ruined the world.

Imagine being such a Retard leftist that you think that picking up a gun suddenly makes you competent with it.

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>Guns should be banned
Spoken like a true felon who cant buy guns

Yes pikes are faggot too anything that isn’t cqc is faggot shit

What up raccoon /k/iller

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When did I say that brainlet it takes a couple of years to master the gun but takes a lifetime to master the art of fighting

Grug say pointy rock etc etc.

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whatcha slidin, moishe?

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Ever since functional easier to use weapons western civilization has gone downhill even muskets still required knowledge of fighting
>prove me wrong fags

>moving goal posts

What kind of gay larping is that

Are bows really easier to use than swords? Are bolas easier to use than spears?

>a lifetime to master the art of fighting

i was a brawler when i was a young man, but i'm too old for that shit now.
i'll just shoot you. ded. not gonna risk getting muh pumpkin smashed because you're butt hurt over getting cut off in traffic or some stupid shit like that

We really need to start prosecuting you retards.

No but guns are easier

>Iron sights at 400
Possible, but even a skilled person will have a low hit percentage at that range. The sights suck, the ammo usually sucks, the gun isn't terribly accurate.

Why would you cut someone off then shoot them

>Actually sbring it