ADL on White Nationalism v.s Jewish Nationalism

Attached: ADL Report.png (1536x984, 603.22K)


Damn phoneposter, save the full size one!

>oy vey goy, Europeans are realy Semites, but Semites are not Europeans, to view us as different from you is anti-semitic

Attached: THEM.png (3072x1840, 1.43M)

Double standards

Open in new tab and zoom in

Attached: JUDEN IN FRANKREICH CHAPTER 1 2.png (2088x2456, 2.62M)

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Tell me, is there an m in your filename?

What do you mean?
Filename I posted is called THEM.

Attached: 1580586592700.png (1156x1140, 650.86K)

What do you expect user? Do you think the enemy is going to turn against itself?


100% of the Jews will unironically support those statements. They want a secure homeland for themselves but also want to flood all the white countries with third worlders because they hate white people.

Every time that an african decapitates a white girl in London and kicks her head around like a football, like what happened to Emily Jones, the Jews have a hearty laugh and redouble their efforts.

Well, I don't know what's going on but I'm only getting the mobile version of some of these.

There was a trick; something along changing the end of the image lint to .png ??

>jewish group shills for jewish nationalism
are you surprised?

Thanks and saved.

Well whatever. Here's a compilation.

Attached: 1552012520794.jpg (3884x7735, 3.62M)

Rare leaf bump

Thanks, leaf. We will rake you last.

Attached: saved.png (210x161, 2.06K)

Defund the ethnostate of Israel. Remove them from positions of power.

Nice compilation user, have a bump.


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Don't let the MK ULTRA thread die faggots

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How did a leaf manage to post this

Not really a conspiracy I find interesting.

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>Not really a conspiracy I find interesting.
What you find interesting is irrelevant. Your entertainment is redundant.

Attached: Bowden on the MIND.jpg (683x1024, 193.44K)

Yas Forums is satire, Melinda. It better be funny.

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try opening image in new tab

I don't understand how that man never got assassinated just from a logistics standpoint.

l've been seeing this girl a few times now and l just found out her mom works for the ADL. Which means she has been fed all the Jewish lies from a very young age. She doesn't seem like an overly good goy so l'm thinking she doesn't buy into all the stuff her mom has told her.
How do l start redpilling a girl who's mom literally works for the ADL?

>Yas Forums is satire, Melinda. It better be funny.
>Yas Forums is

Attached: 4chan_how_it_came_to_be.png (1267x3795, 876.21K)

yup. Zionist are hypocrites, Ethno-nationalism is a threat to democracy and human rights, but okay when they do it. (see pic)

Imagine the Jewish media outrage if the Swedish minister of Justice said something like this about keeping a white majority in Sweden.

gradually I am starting to hate them.

Attached: israell politics.jpg (793x683, 61.91K)