*mic drop*

*mic drop*

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Because would be kidnappers and rapists are so scared of getting the sniffles

Send her to a shitty African country, somewhere a white woman walking alone at night would be in actual danger. She doesn't deserve the west, she doesn't deserve the safety her male ancestors killed and died to provide

She’s always been a threat to social cohesion and stability though

Can someone respond and say no you’re not, I have aids.

Women are in more danger on the streets than men are. Not sure why that's so hard to accept, even mysogynists will agree.

methinks she is single for a reason.

>wants to be a threat
Black culture seeping.

Why are women such attention whores?

and then, 30 years from now, when Covid-19 will be running for president, out of no particular reason she will say she was raped by the virus


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Until someone rapes her and dumps her body in the river

>Ally McFeels

But does she strap a mattress to her back?

when was it ever "safe" for anyone to walk alone at night?

like that's going to stop tyrone from raping you

Imagine a world where men once thought women could understand the second amendment.

none of you faggots who watch porn and jack off in your mummys basement have any idea how hard it is for women. I cant walk alone because of migrants. ive almost been raped twice for zero reason other then im a woman.

>I'm also a threat
... I think you mean a target?

> i can't even get dick when everyone is horny as fuck
> a threat

a threat to birth control sellers maybe

Ok sweatie

wow your rude! typical American homosexual

that's your own fault for leaving the kitchen

buy a gun, get a cwp, and don't trust minorities and then you will be safe.

you were almost raped but then they found out you are a leaf

Your ancestor was the neighborhood drunk LOL

>I'm a victim and also the only victim.

What a shit mixture of persecution complex and histrionic narcissism.

*strangles you with mic cord*
if only this nigger could purchase a gun.

when did you realize anti 2nd amendment is anti women?

Stop shilling your twitter page, jew.

You should be ashamed of yourself, mindless degenerate.


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Or Detroit

your not white why bother being on pol at all

based and redpilled.

Why would you want to be a threat?

Mic drop = I am running away now because I am scared of debate and lack any facts to support my snarky opinion.

Sips tea.


Because me not being white and me undestanding that marxist victimology is retarded are different things.


Ulf, you have to be from Somalia or Syria to walk safe in Swedistan at night.

i love scaring women on the street. literally all you have to do is follow them just a tad too long. ive had a few jumpy cats literally run, but women tend to play it cool. they just slowly reach for their keys or start texting or something like that. one time in broad daylight i was walking beside a woman, and instead of walking by her i decided to keep her pace. she tried to change her pace several times but i kept changing it with her til we got to the lights. i could practically hear her heart thumping in her chest. stupidd bitch ive literally done nothing wrong i just walked beside you. sorry im not chad you dumb bitch i hope you pissed your pants because some guy walked beside you for a couple minutes. FUCk YOU. fuck all women i will continue to scare them all my LIFE

Are you serious?