Why do Europeans lack morals and dignity? Why do 84% of Americans think cheating is unacceptable but only 47% of French?

Why do Europeans lack morals and dignity? Why do 84% of Americans think cheating is unacceptable but only 47% of French?

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Lol eurocucks

>be a French man
>get a gf
>1/3 chance she will cuck you
why even bother with relationships as a Euro

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ironic because US is where the most cheating occurs

Proof? How would this even be measured?

Fucking cope, got a stat to back that up?

how is that cope? we live in the most degenerate country in the world

degeneracy is more advanced in europe

What is wrong with the French?

They’re French. Don’t even look into their divorce laws, they make US divorce laws and family court look reasonable.

Let me know when school textbooks have a white woman with a black fetus I.e. French school books

LOL NO. All the shit you originated in the usa like safe spaces, LGBT parades etc.. This poison is AMERICAN. We are well behind you your country practically owns ours. Be proud, our politicians are your bitches. All this disgusting degenerate shit is worse in America.

Yep. They outlaw birth tests in France. It’s legal if you send your samples to a UK company but it isn’t admissible in court, so your wife could cuck you and you still have to pay for that shit

>stop asking me to prove my random claim with data

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Your country is literally 50%+ non-white and ALL of your media is interracial. Europe has this shit shoved down our throats by you yankee bastards. No where is more degenerate or cucked as America its not even a contest you won by miles.

Weimar germany was where all this shit started dumb fuck learn some history

french aren't exactly europeans.

John Locke was the most important liberal philosopher who believed society should revolve around the individual rather than God.

David Hume was a British philosopher who’s work on empiricism firmly turned European intelligentsia into atheists.

The French have a better understanding of human nature and the complexities therein

i recommend the book righteous mind by jonathan haidt. it explores 6 universal moral foundations that are seen across cultures and details which cultures and which political leanings value the foundations the most. france is probably very low on the cheating/fairness foundation but very high in a different one.

Lol French faggots like Foucault are responsible for modern identity politics you copeing Britshit. He’s also the guy who started all of those “academic” defenses of pedophilia

im sorry, i meant the loyalty and betrayal foundation, not the cheating fairness one.

It's okay if men cheat. Deal with it.

Much higher emotional maturity

LOOOL NO. Hitler sorted that out. This shit has been forced on us by YOUR country since the end of the second world war. Don't you dare try and blame germany. When the gayest country in existence usa took over as super power and dismantled the british empire we went from whites ruling like gods to whites sucking minority dick. Your media was shoved in our faces, we all became multicultural like your country and rights were given to negroes and other non-whites. You will next try and pin it on the jews, no way hose that shits American to the core. You've always been a super faggy little melting pot of weirdos.

All my favourite countries besides my own (and Finland which isn't on the list) are under 70 here

No it’s degeneracy. A man should be loyal to his wife and his wife should be loyal to him.

More like
>be french man
>get a gf
>get another

Bullshit the fuckers from the Franklin school and gramsci et al polluted the world. The degenerates here just amplified it. And yes this country promotes some of the most degenerate shit on the planet ‘ blame hollyshit for that.

Europoors started the enlightenment. European kikes were behind neo-Marxism. French faggots were behind modern identity politics. Cope harder

Blah blah blah blame Britain now yh? After destroying our empire and giving rights to non-whites. If Britain is the source of multiculturalism and degeneracy then WHY was there only 20,000 non-whites in the entire uk in 1950 with the vast majority of them not being born here? Why was your country a multiculti shit hole at that time?

You mean nowadays right

Blame the 60s and the demon rats for that.

Cope and seethe.

>destroying our empire
Cope and seethe
>giving rights to nonwhites
The US was the last western country to abolish slavery. Cope and seethe Britshit

No. Europe was not having this diversity shit pushed until YOUR COUNTRY became a superpower. Where is the lie in that? You americans rule the world. Cuckoldary is your trademark. Get your vile black community of our fucking tv screens u yank nonce.

what chapter does he talk about different cutlures?

And we’re the mutts

We didn't have slaves in Europe. If we desperately needed them there is no way we'd have abolished it. Your country from its foundation has been multicultural. All the worst faggy Europeans went to murica so you could become superpower and force diversity on Europe.

>itt: amerimutts and britcucks argue about which Jewish """"philosophers"""" caused this nightmare

Where do I collect my shillbucks?

Imagine believing that Western Europe hasn’t been as degenerate.

you're supposed to cheat first to gain the upper hand in your relationship

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During the 60’s and 70’s Europoor green parties were pushing like hell to make pedophilia normalized. That’s a fact. The British Green Party was also pushing this
>cuckoldary is your trademark
So why does 84% of Americans but only 47% of French thinking cheating is immoral

>Franklin school
u wot mate

We are truly the Land of Liberty.

Countries without a future at the top.

You’re a complete simpleton if you believe that because of slavery there was multiculturalism. You’re a fucking retard.

kek surprised USA isn’t at the top

whites are weak as fuck here

You must be a mega cuck then.

Think X Do

Because they are French


The green party have never been anywhere fucking near power. I could get you a list of American nonces who wanted to legalize paedophilia and use that as proof and its just as valid as your claims. Your president fucks children and sucks Israeli cock. Anything after 1945 is AMERICAS fault in Europe. You own us, you own our politicians, you have the best propaganda in the world. The country that watches the most cuckold porn is America per capita.

France is where the word cuckold originates from

I don't believe that nor did I suggest that. There was multiculturalism because the melting pot usa wanted to force it on poor innocent Europe to assert your dominance. It wasn't enough that you had 14% of your country being niggers you wanted Europe to have niggers too.

When were the French ever held up as an example of moral or ethical character? They have always been romantic idiots living in the moment not giving a damn about the future which is why most Europeans look down on them as immature children.