>jukebox spamming on the way out the door I once did that with this song at a pool hall in Baltimore mostly frequented by obnoxious wiggers and niggers. Set it to play like 10 times in a row. Still wish I could have seen the reactions.
>Did you ever hear the Good News of Darth Jesus the Christ? >No. >I thought not. It's not a story the Pharisees would have told you. It's an Essene legend. Darth Jesus was a Dark Lord of the Trinity so powerful and so wise that He could use the Force to influence the universe to create...life. He had such a knowledge of the Holy Side that He could even keep the ones He cared about...from dying. >He could...save others from death? >The Holy Side of Belief is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. >What happened to Him? >He became so full of love the only thing He became afraid of was letting any human being suffer eternal damnation, which eventually of course He didn't. Fortunately, He taught his apostle everything He knew, and then his apostle became the Rock upon which He founded His church. Ironic...God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. >Is it possible to learn this belief? >Not from a rabbi.
I HATE NIGGERS OF ALL VARIETY I DON'T DISCRIMINATE nigger niggers rice niggers bean niggers poo niggers chink niggers jew niggers nigger faggots nigger lovers kraut niggers wop niggers leaf niggers PhD niggers women niggers nigger women fat niggers skinny niggers goose niggers (you) niggers amazon niggers amazon dot com niggers subway niggers airport niggers niggers that walk down the sidewalk and can't choose a side, just go to the right like you're driving god damnit niggers dudeweed niggers whoever steals my socks from the laundry i swear where are they going niggers boomer niggers zoomer niggers tranny niggers and most of all the kike niggers that made it all possible
if anyone has more suggestions, i changed some of the list, but could use more yes, even despite her jew nose
Adam White
>public investment in local news fuck the journos, they aren't being "crushed" none of them were profitable before this and they're all owned by billionaires and foreign corporations who just use them for public relations and propaganda.
I dont even care what fuckin flag you are, because it is all irrelevant. Remember, if you're not under the stars and stripes, your flag is shit. Saying this as a shit flag too
Fauci was saying the same shit in January you stupid Rican nigger
Hudson Roberts
>Stay closed forever, goy! Or else more fat niggers will die! How horrible! Kill yourself.
Adrian King
PLEASE make sure right now that you're going to Heaven with the Lord when you die, anons (Hebrews 10:18, 1 John 5:13, John 5:24, Gal. 5:13). Love you, and God bless you! Jesus IS risen. youtube.com/watch?v=D4tu3IkgQSQ
# "Where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched" isn't talking about a valley on Earth, user. "Sheol", "Hades" "Gehenna", and "Tartarus" are all different words speaking of the same place: Hell, the place where people go for everlasting torment because they rejected payment for their sins. >Why else would Job ask God to hide him in Gehenna as a relief from his pain? "Gehenna" is not a word found in the Old Testament. >Hades was the resting place of the dead before the resurrection You're confusing that with Paradise, which is indeed empty now.