Meanwhile in a timeline where Hitler won

Meanwhile in a timeline where Hitler won

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Pretty sure it would look nice. Unlike this modernist trash.


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why would it look like gay shit?

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Where would Yas Forums be?

No it would look like this.
>inb4 "but it has jewscrapers!"
National Socialism is all about celebrating life. Huge families were encouraged. It is not hard to envision a policy where each family has 8-10 children at least until birth tubes become a thing, until Germans colonized the entire galaxy. Therefore the many tall buildings.

Where are the Swastikas and portraits of you-know-who?

>500 million germans would live and settle in russia
>the (((rockefeller foundation))) wouldnt had given the green revolution to unworthy niggers 0, poos ching chongs and beaners = no overpopulation in low IQ shitholes

Imagine that paradise.

auschwitz mods


Banned for What?

for being jewish scam duh

for degeneracy

Jews invented nukes, so you dumb aryan niggers would never win.

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You mean like this

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I somewhat doubt this. If they ever was a timeline Hitler won it would be a short victory. He was literally the only thing that kept the country from destroying itself and suing for peace. Hitler was already looking like a dead beaten bag by the end of the war especially with his Parkinsons disease. There was no other person to replace Hitler which would to lead the same way SU ended

T. Naive just like his ancestors

> a world with no christcucks muzzies or jews

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There would be no need for it. We would be too busy looking after our families.

hitler was a retard that did not kill jews. that fag just started wars with other white countries and killed off all the useful men ruining their population for generations.

I have proof of a timeline where Hitler won. Japan attacked Siberia and the Soviet Union was in a two front war. Google professor phate. Interesting stuff. Right now America is expected to fight Japan in that timeline with the British Empire. In this timeline America fights China lol. The Asian is the final boss it seems...

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We'd be on /his/ talking about the fabled jews.

That’s retarded, Japan niggers were btfo by Russians before the war began. Why would they try again?

Yeah I know it's sounds like it's from /x but you wanted to know what happens when Hitler won? You got your wish. It's a normal timeline and shtf anyday

I wanna be in this timeline. Let's jump.

Actually that's how Agartha looks and they manage to keep it like that because it's the greatest secret of the 20th century.

They had two factions, one was strike north and other strike south. It splintered the timeline from that tangent point. They do suffer heavy losses but they retain their Empire and win anyways. I don't know why Hitler considered them Aryans anyways they made Germany lose hard.

There's no way he's pure, he has nigger nose and lips.

Japan would still lose since their only superiority is naval power. It’s the reason they got btfo by amerilards on land

>ITT: newfags and kids don't know about operation highjump and the real result of WW2.

>a world where T4 would take care of schizos like him

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>Japan would still lose since their only superiority is naval power. It’s the reason they got btfo by amerilards on land
this is literally the opposite of what happened

they were much better on land than americans but had pretty much no naval production and no oil

>Meanwhile in a timeline where Hitler won...
... he bombed the shit out of this weird chrome beehive city the chinks made using nigger slave labor. Because no National Socialist would ever build something so visually and conceptually offensive as a metal hive for people.

Lmfao its so funny if i imagine some japanese deformed subhuman heads acting tough and coming to slavic land xD i would fucking slap their whole family and they would be siting quiet there. Then i would tie them behind car and skin them alive

>The Asian is the final boss it seems...
Funny how things developed after we started all those "china hate" and "is china the final boss" threads last year. Almost as if...

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I don't know. They have resources from China and Asia. Think of a big North Korea and that's what you get.

Only reason was they had good defense and the terrain support their favor like Germany which was why they picked so many off while they could. Japan still got btfo cause they had literally no supplies to support their war machine which is what would’ve happened to Germany too if they extended it out

Not a shizo retard. Alternate worlds actually exist, science has proved it. Most ppl on here are too low IQ and uneducated to comprehend advanced topics like this such as yourself.

Some aryans have chinkoid features like the flat nose and epicanthal folds

>Wierd chrome beehive city the chinks made using nigger slave labor.
That would fall apart very easily!

that looks too jewish

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They have superweapons now lol. The interview at the time was in year 2000...

>guys what if the /Jews/ were the good guys?
>fuck off to /x/

Hitler should’ve sided with chinks instead of nips. China was nationalist, had more men to spare, germany could’ve lended them supplies easily, germany could’ve sliced a hole through Russia for east transportation

Tbh Mongols are just as dangerous as the Jews. One is sneaky while the other is direct.

What makes that structure in OP's Image Jewish?

Yes yes, we already know from Yugoslavia that slavs are inhuman trash, you need not remind us

ugly soulless architecture..?

No traditional German architecture and mostly
>muh super duper uber Jew sky scrapers


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good luck getting to one genius. Just tell people it's cause you want to flee to alternate universe Earth where Germany won WW2.

Strange, most Americans would side with Japan nowadays

That's not traditionalism.

Japan destroyed the russian empire, cope.
>i-it doesn't count
Japan would dominate the region if they didn't have to fight the anglo jews.

This is a shitty (Ashke)nazi redneck thread, but if the city in your render used other less "arab" materials (could be even glass, as long it isn't reflective) and a little bit more subtle decorations it would look way better.

In case you haven't noticed, that whole structure is in outer space.

Well what else can you build in a downtown where one square feet is more expensive than a pound of gold.

It would be called 4hanz, and most users would be sharing memes and photos about how the allies could've won WWII.

>japan destroyed Russian empire!!!
What is Khalkhin Gol?
>Japan would Dominate!!!!
Yet they couldn’t take Australia or the kiwi lands, keep dreaming memeflag

haha then it was just typical inferior asian propaganda. Irl they are raped by siberian bvlls and they dont exist anymore in that timeline.

We'd have had better architecture than that.

soomething that looks good?

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That looks like Bernie Sanders timeline.


The obsession with futurism, the lack of any traditional architecture, a complete failure to understand shape, proportion, or balance, and an allergic reaction to genuine beauty and form.

The architecture of nationalists is timeless. This tacky bullshit is already dated, and it hasn't even been built yet. Literally the only reason you can even try to pretend it's not made by kikes is because some of the buildings have trees on them. And if that's your line in the sand between a chrome dystopia of people hives made by Jews and a le based epic good timeline, then you're too retarded to be worth arguing with.

Nothing good has ever come from a city. The idea of a nation or place that is literally 100% city is utterly Jewish. Which is what all these shitty glass SCIENCE! utopias are.

What is the timeline? Is it possible for Germany to hold most of Europe and colonize Russia? Wouldn't the US and its allies slowly chip away at Germany's strength much like OTL USSR? And what's the fate of UK and Japan in this timeline? These two nations would likely be pushed into US ally camp in a Nazi victory scenario wouldn't they?

Ahhh, yes... of course, because 100 years ago things were so different and varied around the world...

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Cowardly battle which the soviets needed mongol help for.

Australia hurried and begged the west for help, they knew japan would take over in less than a week.