Why does Yas Forums hate homosexuals?
>Some of them are annoying!
Not an argument
Why does Yas Forums hate homosexuals?
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I don't even think about them.
Why do you people always don Nazi flags whenever you make a thread like this?
>Yas Forums is one person
Give it a rest, you faggot
All fags are predators. They were molested as kids, and then they grow up to molest kids, themselves.
Show us more. I need to take a hard look at this event and come back to you on what I find bad.
HERESY! Each society has its own word for HERESY!
Communists called all HERESY! fascism.
Fascist Italy called all HERESY! Communism.
Today, the Politically Correct tyranny calls HERESY! "Hate!"
They call people who speak HERESY! names.
You Political Correctness fanatics are playing a very old game.
When you scream HERESY! aka Hate! at people who disagree with you, it says nothing about the point we make.
But it tells us ALL about YOU
Only fags hate gays.
Because it's unnatural.
1)There is no gay gene.
>inb4 yes there is! look at these correlations
Correlation != Causation
2)Homosexuality does not exist outside of humans
>inb4 yes it does! look at these animals
Evidence of "animal homosexuality" points to isolated acts, usually in laboratory environments
3) Homosexuality is destructive
>61% of HIV infection
>50% more likely to suffer from depression
>28% of homosexual men had 1000+ partners
>4.5% unmarried homosexuals report fidelity in relationship
Gay soi boy pride!
I love coffee but not from Starbucks.
me on the left
There are no benefits to homosexuality.
There's no evolutionary reason for being gay, It doesn't help anything in society but it sure does damage.
The Queers make the majority of child molestation cases and they make the majority of STD and HIV cases.
Pol just hates themselves
They are gay in demial that why 27 is the age they lose their virginity
The Very idea that being gay does anything for anyone is disgusting, its something that hurts our society's more than help it.
Why do homos hate God?
Which one are you, mod or jannie?
You're definitely another discord tranny faggot hiding behind a memeflag like a cowardly little kike
Oh god, I wish I could slip my dick between this kiss.
Harbingers of GRID: Gay related immune deficiency. AIDS is a politically correct term.
God literally said you'd contract that illness and others.
>Tiny minority demographic yet majority of child molesters
>Tiny minority yet nearly the entire population of the AIDs carrier population
>Bug chasing culture
Just kidding I have no argument against gay people. I'm just a bigoted meany headed cis white male racist poopyface.
Yas Forums doesn't hate faggots, Yas Forums hates faggotry, because they only way you get faggotry is through child abuse, you faggot.
go dilate and join the 40% for promoting faggotry
Sad state of affairs on this board today.
You cannot choose what repulses you.
I was born this way.
>They call people who speak HERESY! names.
I can't believe you wrote a decent post and left this stinker of a line in there wtf bro
Nice Strawman
Lesbians don't exist. They all want dick deep down. Also you know the rules, tits or gtfo.
Trans=/= Homosexual.
Only trans people who engage with members of the same biological sex as Homosexual. A transwoman with a penis that has sex with a biological woman is not homosexual
Based born that way poster
The problem with westoids its cause every time the discussion comes about faggots its about whether its muh natural or not which isnt the case at all, the problem with faggots, trans people and many other things is that their influence on a normal civilized society is way too damaging to be left alone, sure u can argue that a lot of faggots exist naturally but who cares anyway, they together with any other degenerate group are a risk to society and should be taken care of asap. Just look at what happened to the west, it went from "why do u care what faggots do in their private bedrooms" to drag shows on schools and public meetings, teaching faggotry and transgenderism to kids as early as second and third grade etc etc. So yeah u deserve to be hanged and I couldnt give two shits if it comes to u naturally to suck a dick or not.
Here is a series of arguments that you will ignore because you are a buttfucking pillowbiter, kill yourself.