
Attached: img_44.jpg (438x592, 153.63K)

Other urls found in this thread:–1899)

Die d&c shill

Attached: 1585722934164.jpg (360x360, 17.42K)

fuck off cummiernist. jew invent. now let cap and natsoc kill nriv

Attached: china winnie the poo xi.jpg (1400x1050, 568.87K)

Dumb fucks couldn't spell China right

>why you shill for kikes for free tho?

Attached: 1571765662196.png (660x799, 326.52K)

no mutt chine is latin for china/ travel more roast mutt beef.

Why is America a lady?

no it isn't. stupid white negro. trotsky bronstein was best commie cuz he was honest

Attached: china communism X capitalist american corporations.png (639x638, 537.86K)

That's France kek

that's bongistan

Attached: anglos and jews are bad news.jpg (941x1012, 216.15K)

I thought bongistan was that chubby goblin lady on the the left

Where the heck are we? We were involved in screwing with china.

it is. lol

Attached: the eternal anglo.jpg (640x360, 67.9K)

yeah. with capitalist trade deals. ecks dededededede

Attached: israel and china confirmed jewish communist allies.jpg (1608x1200, 1.08M)

It's Marianne, you dumb fuck.

Attached: Grand_sceau_de_la_République_Française_image001.gif (317x317, 91.47K)

But where is America?

America wasn't considered a world power at that time.

This pic only proves my point tho. This compleanies will be cleansed off globohomo in the hands of CCP.

I envy the squids in the navy who will be getting to sink so much chink shit.

America was not relevant at that time

no they wont. they keep china alive.

Attached: communist meme ball.jpg (1000x1048, 95.72K)

That's the Netherlands you dumb fucks

But we were involved in the Boxer rebellion.

Is there any possibility that the queen had any jewish roots

anyone have the story and the meme image/asrt of the group of warriors sitting around a table writing a king a nasty letter, pretty much calling him a pig fucker, and other shit.
all with them laughing as they write it?–1899)

Attached: 1920px-Bodies_on_the_battlefield_at_antietam.jpg (1920x1345, 542.36K)

You are supporting globohomo, shitting on tge only significant power that opposes them while posting some completely unrelated cringe.

Attached: 593034e52000003c00bdfe27.jpg (3000x2000, 464.13K)

Sorry I meant to reply to you.

yo right they sucked lgbt pride dick at the time cuz they capitalist atheist nation at the time and never had tradition,

Attached: amerimutts and their capitalism.png (1043x1136, 363.59K)

the fuck? i hate crapitalism. and china has never nuked or attacked america once. at least imperial japan did pearl harbor as china did nothing other than do capitalist trade deals with amerimutts.

Attached: china chang seething npc.jpg (500x469, 16.97K)

It’s a french cartoon, what kind of nose do you expect on the queen of england?

The us never annexed part of China (this wasn’t involved in “carving it up”) but contributed to events in the country around the time by helping put down the boxer rebellion and negotiating an end to the Russo-Japanese war