Open Yas Forums

>open Yas Forums
>half of threads are nigger, faggot and tranny spam
will this become new Yas Forums and Yas Forums ?

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It's been this way for a loooooong time. I've grown to accept it

you forgot memeflaggots

Imagine thinking anonymity is a bad thing on fucking Yas Forums jfl

Anyone else think this is pretty much exactly what happened with Yas Forums except with faggots?

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>what is a raid
Being this much of newfag



this is all part of the plan, they dont want actual gatherings and now theyre hitting this board and others like it.

Just wait for the new hotness

Discord tranny raids

you know the board is fucked when you have to hide 20-30 kike threads before finding something even remotely interesting..

2 years ago it wasn't like this... this board is compromised.
The biggest happenings for a long time and legit zero gems exposing it. This place use to be conspiracy or shit that really jogged the noggin.

Rip Yas Forums you'll be missed.

No that's not what killed Yas Forums because they'd just respond by gore dumping. Yas Forums got killed when raids were no longer allowed and normies weren't allowed to be thrown out via gore dumps.

90% muh dik threads
9% WW2
1% politics

Yas Forums has been the new Yas Forums since 2016


election fags are the straw who broke the camels back

except on Yas Forums there's actually good content, like when some guy raids his female flatmate's room and posts pics of all their dirty knickers

this board is where r9k posters come to role play as their fetish political belief

Yes except that there aren't any porn ads on this board so that I can surf it in public. Yeah there are lots of blacked threads and shiet but at least those photos are static and smaller sized (and also it doesn't happen all the time).
Remove porn ads from Yas Forums and add flags then everyone will move back there.

It's just a few threads at the top as always just hide them and lrn2pol

Is coffee good for you?

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A brave new world.

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>Yas Forums
>good content
kek, Yas Forums has been shitty since 2007 and is now unreadable, just cuck threads and traps

>board is nothing but porn
>good content

>help how do i filter??

filtering is pointless when it's every thread

mods need to permaban all non-whites

nigger we being

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Just dont take the lying bait.

Fucking help me report, then. The mods DO do their job if we point that garbage to them. Fuck.

>another thread white cucks complaining this place isnt a 100% safe space as they wish