How comes homosexuality between women is treated differently than homosexuality between men? Even the bible explicitly says that only gay men should burn in fucking hell.
How comes homosexuality between women is treated differently than homosexuality between men...
Because MFF threesomes are the best
Because women are objects and have no souls to despoil
Isn't it because buttsex is frowned upon?
lesbians always make a guys fantasize about a threesome with both of them.
gay dudes are just gay
There can be no sex without penetration.
Because lesbian threesomes were so hot even God couldn't say no.
females suck titties since birth.
pussy power, that's it.
Lesbians are just passing the time until a man gets there.
The anus is not a sex organ.
Pic source is apparently Kuzu no Honkai / Scum's Wish, seems that it's a tragic romance instead of an outright yuri anime though
You think someone would do that? Just change the sub titles like that?
Because lesbians are the real Jews. They pretend to be ‘women’ to get special treatment from men, but provide none of the benefits a man wants from a woman - like marriage and children or even sex.
They are envious of men and want to tear down everything men have built because they know they can’t compete against men to get straight women to find them attractive. They’re like Jews that pretend to be white.
They are the ones behind feminism. They are biologically driven to subvert and destroy and attack men. Even the Jews are not immune. Lesbians are more useless than normal women and more selfish than even the Jews.
They get away with it because men think just like the posts in this thread. Lesbians are far worse than gay men.
It's indeed hard to believe that such a thing could happen
Listen retards, there is nothing more heterosexual for a man than to love Yuri.
If you are a guy and don't like Yuri, the chances are that you like sticking stuff up your butthole every night, so get the fuck out of here.
Yuri is the best thing that happened to humanity after Jesus Christ. Amen.
it's all degenerate. Your literal asking what sin is worse in societies eyes when they equally accept both
It's not.
Romans 1:25-26|
Aramaic bible in plain English
And they exchanged the truth of God for lies, and they revered and served created things more than their Creator, to whom belong praises and blessings to the eternity of eternities, amen.
Therefore God handed them over to disgraceful diseases, and their females changed their natural need and became accustomed to that which is unnatural.
All sin is the same to God except for blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. That's the one unforgivable sin.
Women aren't responsible enough to make decisions on their own. Thats what fathers and husbands are for in a healthy society.
Yuri is shit and pushed by gook jews
The best yuri is so slow burning and cute that they autistically deny their feelings for like 1,000 issues before they finally get around to holding hands, it can be kind of wholesome
>Imagine liking women
Completely gay
Those are the actually subtitles, it's just the anime equivalent of some american teen serie where everyone fucks with everyone.
Lesbians are so hot that I'm willing to put up with gay men just to have them around. Can't be a hypocrite.
that anime was garbage and i regret watching it
You're an idiot, those aren't even remotely close to what was said. The anime is teen drama garbage but don't lie.
I'm pretty sure the translations used "men" as "men and women", and subsequent translations only incestuously mangled semantics even more.
I fail to see why homosexuality is enabled and encouraged in this era. It fulfills no biological goal and is entirely a whim of emotions without higher thinking. Animals probably only engage to vent heat and lust, since it's really a debilitating condition otherwise. Perhaps gays are similarly minded to animals, just with the misfortune of possessing free will and reasoning.
god damn Hanabi is so fucking hot
who gives a shit about women
Lesbians aren't real. Sodomy makes fags into twisted monsters so they have to treated differently. Both usually are a product of early life abuse.
>men, dominant
>women, submissive
When 2 men have sex, they cant both assume the dominant role as one of them is submitting to the other by getting fucked, getting fucked is the most inherently submissive act there is. Therefore one man has to assume the submissive role of the feminine, which is unnatural
As a degenerate myself I can answer this for you op
did you know women don't naturally want much sex? think about it. Women need to have a kid every time they have sex, sex can literally cause a woman to DIE. nevermind the possible death from rough sex or rape, childbirth can also kill. Its a huge risk! so what do women do? they turn fridgid and selective about their mates. we see this in every wild animal. the man has to prove himself.
But women live in a society (even before society). Women are too weak to really resist advances, and because of our inferiority we need men at all times, so they have unlimited ammount of time with us at their disposal which is very unlike a wild animal.
This caused the evolution of seratonin and oxytocin in sperm as part of ejaculation. The cock carosel isnt a meme. When you cum inside a girl you are not only causing orgasms which can boost sexuality and sex drive, you are getting her addicted to chemical drugs.
So now we know that men and women are in their own rubber band evolutionary fight. the prey getting faster/more fridgid, and the men getting faster/more sexual and biowarefare on women
But what happens when you loop these wires instead of cross them? the outcome is BAD, but theyre DIFFERENTLY bad
they HAVE to be different because each evolutionary strategy is different!
In the males case, their high sex drive is given over to their biowarfare and made even more ludicrously active, turning them all into nymphomaniacs. For women they turn even more fridgid. Lesbian bed death frequently occurss, and lesbians in general get up to a lot of catty violence and are involved in pretty unsavory political movements, like feminism. This is also why some women who are lesbians end up settling with a man. The purpose of that fridgidity is to be very selective about the mate.
So biblically speaking op, what do you think jesus prefers? Rampant unrestricted sex? or Celebacy? I wouldnt know I'm just a witch larper
This. It's one of the many reasons why I enjoy lesbian porn
> how come men and women are treated differently
I don't know. Let's do a social experiment where we all pretend to treat women just like men.
it makes sense to change it to me. Do you think senpai of the pool wouldn't a titty pillow nap, that she is only speaking from her mind instead of her heart?