>Never had to declare a 50 state presidential emergency
Never had to declare a 50 state presidential emergency
Built with BBC.
never had to deal with a fucking pandemic
Maybe that's why more people died from a Chinese virus during his presidency.
also nigger
i don't understand how you thought this post made sense, op.
Obama... is better than trump
the pandemic was either artifitially created to sabotage right wing governments around the world or to transition people into a home office like economy.
>Never was American
no sense sending everyone home for that one, economy in the shitter, why not kill off some of the whites anyway?
You mean the one the stable genius knew was coming?
Never had a pandemic like this, either.
Anyone who pines for Obama unironically needs to kill themselves.
OP sniffs bicycle seats.
He never had to be a nigger either, but he did.
lmao a giant nothingburger that didn't disrupt normal life at all
nice try retarded GOP shill
>Fukushima radioactive water reaches California
>Oh shit wat do?
>Obongo goes to California, makes a speech, then takes the official standard for safe amount of radiation, changes it arbitrarily so that now higher amounts of radiation levels is still considered "safe"
>people like OP clapped for this and were completely ok with it
The media made coronavirus what it is...ask most people about H1N1, they dont even remember
If anyone claims Obama is not a homosexual, they need to be shown this picture.
So you're saying King Nigger dindu nuffin?
>He just let swine flu decimate the population unnoticed.
He had over 9000 confirmed sandnigger children kills. Bring him back!
>Yas Forums - just say anything retarded you want, go ahead. it might be funny.
>what is sars
>right wing governments can't cope with a pandemic because muh economy and muh freedumbs
>this is somehow the left's fault
You're right. NWO made the decisions FOR him
Homo says what
He was the emergency
>what was the swine flu
He was too busy sucking chinese dick.
He won the Nobel prize for that!