I would like to join the Royal Air Force as an Intelligence Officer

I would like to join the Royal Air Force as an Intelligence Officer.
Would you label a move like this in 2020:
A) Retarded
B) Not Retarded

Attached: 220px-RAF_Int.jpg (220x297, 30.8K)

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Imagine joining an organization that labels itself "Intelligence".

enjoy having your dick cut off and living as a mindcontrolled spyslave

B, this idea that nationalists shouldn't serve their country because of zog is gay and retarded.

>he wants to be a glowie unironically

I mean, yeah.
It would be cool to learn some new skills, have access to secret information, make important decisions and earn a good amount of cash. I don't care for the politics of the decision, the forces are gonna be around no matter what I do, seems like a good platform for self-improvement and at least we're deeply allied with the best fighting force in the world. Pretty based and chilled.


You will do none of those things, movies make spies look cool but they are glorified public servants at best, enjoy answering phones at MI6 and looking at cameras all day while people with better connections than you get all the good assignments and positions.

Something tells me you have no practical experience in this field.

Something tells me you don't have a retort.

I just gave you my retort, faggot, about the time you started spouting off your retarded faux-insight about the heirarchy of the intelligence community.

looks like I touched a faggots nerve, lol

I'm sure you're always touching faggots in some way.

fucking lol

Go for it OP. Not retarded at all
I just finished 8 years service yesterday. Poorly timed.

Wouldn't do Int myself, but the lifestyle and job security is great and It pays well

Thank for your service user

C) Somewhat retarded.

It’s not retarded, but it’s not as cool or as fun as people think it is.

But stick it out and prove yourself for a few years and you’ll very likely go to some interesting places and do some stuff worth telling stories about.

T. Worked with a bunch of int folks across from a secret office in a secret place.

Oh, and also: I don’t know if the UK splits their int into Army/Navy/Air Force, but go Army and try and attach to a sof unit after a few years. You’ll likely do a lot more, just speak to some people who’ve actually worked where you’ll be working.

Intelligence Officers are there to present and manage the work of Intelligence soldiers and NCOs. You won't be doing much, or any, analytical work of your own. It's extremely challenging in its own way and a rewarding career for those that choose it, but if you are interested in intelligence then I can recommend the Army's Intelligence Corps.

RAF and Naval Intelligence is nearly all strategic. It's big stuff. Force ratios, assessments of technical equipment and imagery. If you want the more immediate tactical implications and narrow specialism, go Army.

No probs.
How old are you user?

int is full of aspie retards but you pick your own trade m8

It does, and the postings don't really work like that. You are selected for them for the most part, you do not make that choice. He will be posted to an Intelligence battalion (if he goes Army, which he should) which then manages his career. His postings will be to various formations and HQs across the world. You can make preferences but it's a complex issue and thankfully one that usually gets it right - you will not be off somewhere that doesn't need you.

It is entirely possible that he passes out of training and receives a posting to 22SAS straight off the bat. Or he might get a "desk", responsible for an area. Or he'll go somewhere else. The Corps (and their RN and RAF equivalents) are quite open about this process so it's best he speaks to someone currently in.

Glad there’s an int nerd around these parts. You guys are alright.

Will the thought police drag you in if they find you posting on pol?

I'd imagine it's just look at maps and shit.
Actually now they probably use algorithms to analyze maps and shit.
You just get to write up the report for your c/o.

No. Essentially, if it's information that's available openly and no names are used then it's fine to discuss work on a public forum. Do not post it on social media as they'll have a sense of humour failure but everywhere else is fair game.

Far more information than I'd be willing to divulge is available on the internet. The powers that be are aware of it and for the majority of it, it's not a concern as it's either wildly out of date or useless to hostile powers.

>Based GCHQanon

I hate the government and most of the military, but I have a question:
Who has oversight over everything so you don't get "jewed" again (supposing you get out of the current jewed situation one day)?

What do intelligence agents do and how? Give me a quick rundown

Oversight of what? Intelligence, or strategic decisions as a whole?

Intelligence, broadly speaking, has no real oversight other than its effectiveness to assist in reaching goals. There's no use in producing intelligence if there's no will to action it. Conversely, you won't produce reliable intelligence if you aren't good at it. It should never become the tail that wags the dog. In short, if you want to achieve something and intelligence assists in it - then it's worked. It shouldn't be there to make discoveries. That's someone else's job.

Strategy, including who we go to war with and how, is judged by historians. It's directed by government and supervised by staff officers and senior civil servants.

Retarded. All the intel agencies need to be dismantled and scattered to the four winds. Each of them by default has a system where the ones involved are engaging in espionage, but have no safety net if they are caught. This in turn, causes the more senior members to want to defect to other countries in secret, and then they use new recruits as their "good boy" smokescreen. Do you want to be a pawn without even realizing you are one? Not advisable.

Of everything, every conflict fought now is a 4th generation war so everything must be audited to check out for mental retardation.
It doesn't even need to a dedicated department, only a way to force transparency and accountability into the process.

> Strategy, including who we go to war with and how, is judged by historians.
100% dindu.

Military intelligence is an oxymoron.

I work with a Brit Intel officer - seems like a pretty sweet job. He was attached to a fighter unit for awhile and he's got some damn crazy stories. Your intel officers seem to get much more thorough training then ours do, I think ours are mostly pencil pushers. Gonna miss that guy when he fucks off back to the UK.