Okay Yas Forums, redpill me on vaccines because as far as I'm concerned, when my baby is born who knows when, Imma pump that baby full of vaccines so he grows up to be the equivalent of Superman. Or Superwoman if its a girl.
Okay Yas Forums, redpill me on vaccines because as far as I'm concerned, when my baby is born who knows when...
Other urls found in this thread:
Your baby will be half nigger anyway, do what you want with it.
400 peer revieded studies on vaccines:
starts at about 10:22
But what about polio?:
Vaccines are not tested against placebos:
"US Law regards vaccines as unavoidably unsafe.", -US Congress
Important parts start at about 11:00+
"Review Of Critical Vaccine Studies: 400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized"
It sounds selfish, but for each new vaccine, wait a little while to find out the distribution of children that had any side effects from the first few rounds of kids being given it. Afterwards, you can vaccinate them. But be cautious and pay attention to the results of the vaccine. Most of the time though it's fine.
Do you trust big pharma or do you trust your body?
There are two sides to every story. One side has a lot of money. The other is you.
The microbe (germ) is nothing. The terrain (milieu) is everything.
The solution is always the plan.
more study summaries here (spread em):
OMFG Measels!, oh no, quick, get the board games and some warm tea!
here, see how bad measels were before the vaccine:
sweet potatoes cause autism kek ep 41
Inventor of many vaccines on "are vacines safe?" + "do vaccines cause autism?":
doctors on what they learned about vaccines(bad music):
5 pages out of 63000
YT videos (3min)
"How Much Is Taught on Vaccines In Medical School?"
YT 3,5min:
"How much does Medical School teach about Vaccines? [My Incredible Opinion]"
immunologiy book
crooked in 7min:
polio man made disease (10-vid playlist):
Bombshell Study: Aluminum and Autism
vaccines with mercury:
herd imunity measels 3min:
vaccination league lester humpfries 110% vaccination rate:
Leicester 1871 110% vaccination rate:
Why do parents refuse to vaccinate their children?
Channel name:SEggertsen
The Real Science Behind Mercury In Vaccines & Amalgam Fillings - Professor Boyd Haley Lecture
Geier & Geier: Autism, Mercury, Thimerosal, & the VSD (2005)*
Dr Tetyana Obukhanych, Ph.D. - Natural Immunity and Vaccination
Autism: a novel form of mercury poisoning.
A prospective study of thimerosal-containing Rho(D)-immune globulin administration as a risk factor for autistic disorders.
Hypothesis: conjugate vaccines may predispose children to autism spectrum disorders.
The potential importance of steroids in the treatment of autistic spectrum disorders and other disorders involving mercury toxicity.>
Reduced levels of mercury in first baby haircuts of autistic children.
This potential deficit, coupled with the similarity in clinical presentations of autism and some heavy metal toxicities, has led to the suggestion that heavy metal poisoning might play a role in the etiology of autism in uniquely susceptible individuals
A possible central mechanism in autism spectrum disorders, part 1.
The role of mercury in the pathogenesis of autism.
Transcriptomic analyses of neurotoxic effects in mouse brain after intermittent neonatal administration of thimerosal.
A dose-response relationship between organic mercury exposure from thimerosal-containing vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders.
>Imma pump that baby full of vaccines so he grows up to be the equivalent of Superman.
wow, your trust in big pharma is the same like a small baby would trust a wolf, because it looks like a doggo.
get educated m8te, start with the 400 studies
then look for what attrackts your attention here.
omfg no, quick, get some hot tea and a board game. or maybe a good book.
thats the advice from the pre-vaccine time...
dont fall for the fear porn.
deamons cant attack you directly, all they do if ask you if please could open the door and let them in. pro-tipp: dont
But what about polio?:
polio man made disease (10-vid playlist):
This was enough for me.
Vaccines are based off an outdated (1950s) model of the immune system which only takes into account the innate system and the adaptive system. They are also based off the false conclusion that having artificially derived anti-bodies must be the highest form of immune system health. They do not take into account the consequences of the inflammatory effects of the adjuvants and they certainly have done no cumulative schedule testing. ZERO.
In reality the immune system is far more complex and not only includes the innate and adaptive parts but also the interferon, gut biome, and gut brain connection. These other three systems play integral roles in your immune response.
Lastly , you might also look at unintended effects of vaccines when they come into contact with mutated forms of the original virus or even just type 2 forms of the virus. Google the Dengue fever vaccine to see what I’m discussing.
here, for those curious of why people would be against vaccines:
400 peer revieded studies on vaccines:
starts at about 10:22
But what about polio?:
Vaccines are not tested against placebos:
Inventor of many vaccines on "are vacines safe?" + "do vaccines cause autism?":
>likes and comments disabled
>comments turned off
Every time
what was the thing in india with the polio vaccine that gave all those kids not-polio-but-kinda-polio?
For this information from an actual scientist look up Dr Shiva - Immune system.
MIT biology systems engineer making great leaps in understanding the human body and pharmacology by modeling ALL the chemical reactions of a cell.
Aside from the science being completely outdated and reductionist based there are the issues of : Fiduciary duty of pharma execs, 1986 liability act, VAERs court payouts, history of pharma compilation willingly acting with criminal negligence (MERCK), absolutely no standards in transportation storage and administration. And the pervasive human attitude of poisoning ourselves throughout the entirety of our culture and only stopping when there is clear and obvious for decades, then and only then do we seem to quit and care (lead, cigarettes, no washing hands, asbestos, etc)
very based.
>Lastly , you might also look at unintended effects of vaccines when they come into contact with mutated forms of the original virus or even just type 2 forms of the virus.
thats related to pic in but also even most mainstream pro vaccine guy (pic related) is warning for not rushing and making sure the new vaccine is safe, because somer vaccines can simply said kill you if you get in contact with the stuff they vaccinated you against.
Anons, where does one start doing independent research for vaccine redpills? Search engine results typically show pages of these 'natural news' type sites that are dubious at best.
Women should get plenty of vitamin C and do night time breast feeding. Melatonin can protect against aluminium caused damage.
Also avoid fluoridated water, one toxic metal is enough.
>what was the thing in india with the polio vaccine that gave all those kids not-polio-but-kinda-polio?
its called "Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis". Its exactly like polio, but not polio, because it cant be, because polio is eradicated, and we vacciante against polio. Tadaaaaaaaaa, we killed something my literary naming it non-it it.
its like saying Freddy mercury had non-AIDS AIDS.
also there is provocation polio. and the WHO or some other group had a sweet video explaining that yes it happens, but fuckin deal with it you indian child, we are trying to help....
>Anons, where does one start doing independent research for vaccine redpills? Search engine results typically show pages of these 'natural news' type sites that are dubious at best.
my recommendation:
start with:
(Warning, i was kind of fucked after watching that one, as afterwards there is little doupt left, and you realisze that those fucker literary use doctors to poison children. satanic af.)
then maybe check the susanne humpfies book or her vids.
For the most up to date shit check out "the high wire with dell bigtree" on yt. its a weekly show with very good info.
also save this thread for later.
should you be FORCED to take a vaccine, then stack up and take as much vitamin C as you can before (goal: reach saturation) and after the vaccine. vit c gets free radicals, and the aluminum in vaccines is fuckingly reactive (and will then react with the vit c and less with healthy tissue. thats the idea behind it).
the prisoners willbe freed upon vaccination. you are all prisoners and freedom means slavery.
Dr Shiva - by far the most cutting edge scientist and has the deepest understanding of the immune system. He makes things simple and obvious.
Dr Suzanne Humphries - common sense arguments and lock tight logic.
It comes down to rejecting the notion of “one size fits all” medicine. ( Everyone gets the same shot in every location no matter the weight, pre existing conditions etc etc ) . Medicine is much better practiced as a right dose for the right patient and the right time. Having Anti-Bodies is NOT the only indication of a healthy and strong immune system. It’s outdated science , period. Look into all your immune system peptides. The immune system is very complex much more so than what MDs are currently taught.
Also, Viruses do not kill you or harm you. You have trillions of virus cells in your body all the time. It’s the reaction of your immunocompromised body that kills you. Your own cytokine storm is what kills you from a virus. Look this up. Proper nutrition, fully functioning organs, plenty of Vitamin D, fermented foods (gut biome very very important to immune health).
Look at populations that were FULLY vaccinated and still had outbreaks (navy ship recently, whooping cough or mealses i forget. And another in new mexico or something, they exist. )
Once again it mostly comes down to money. Individual consumers cannot sue vaccine manufacturers and must go through the UScourt system for a max payment of $250k for death of a child. There is an entire court system to deal with paying out people injured from vaccines, and they themselves say that the vaccine injuries , probably only 10% or less are even reported.
Chicken Pox. Two weeks off school.
Measles. Two weeks off school.
Any flu. 3 days.
Fucking hell who knew my parents found me in a space rocket from the doomed planet Krypton.
Thanks frens
The complication rates for those diseases are sky high compared to adverse vaccine reactions ...
There is no reason to give a baby dozens of vaccines at once. Get them spread out, start with the vaccines you got yourself and then look into each one in particular to decide. Everything you put into your body has risks so you have to make the decision as to what is worth it.
>The complication rates for those diseases are sky high compared to adverse vaccine reactions ...
based on what study? doctors are taught to not to see any vaccine related damage. "huh, must have been Sids again, as it cant be the vaccine i have to the child a few days ago."
And its not like we have the healthiest kids ever, 50% have cronic shit that they will keep for life. i make a joke: imagine the russians/isis attacking a city, by pouring peanut powder on it. boom, thousands dead.
Don't use vaccines, inject HGH and testosterone / estrogen. Testosterone for male, estrogen for female.
here the placebo tree, its accurate.
Well believe what you want ... just don't brush complications under the rug for the diseases.
There's reasons there are vaccines for them. These are not diseases with mild symptoms or diseases where you can get away with an asymptomatic infection. They hit you hard and they can easily go wrong.
Lmao this is what happens when a brainlet thinks he actually understands a subject. Holy fucking dunning kruger