Orange Hitler is literally destroying our reputation with the rest of the world.
He needs to be removed.
Orange Hitler is literally destroying our reputation with the rest of the world.
He needs to be removed.
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Oh no, Eurocrats who already hated Trump still hate Trump.
Ok retard
Stfu stop ruining the board. Speaking common sense is a federal offense.
Good. When the eu gets invaded by China it will be hilarious. Enjoy your 5g
Who gives a fuck? Eurofags can all die. We wouldn't even notice.
>So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!
1 fucking month later, 20 000 fucking deaths.
MIGA lovers still want to defend Trump ... top kek
>Orange Hitler is literally destroying our reputation with the rest of the world.
Oh no, some leftist cuck in Sweden who's posting on the internet while Jamal and Mohammed fuck his wife in the living room thinks badly of America!!
Globalist pieces of shit hate orange man. How original.
They hate him so much more than W, even though that retard started two wars. Truly those politicians are moral authorities.
Amerimutt are crying this hard when we criticize their clown president.
This fucking seething ...
>caring what the rest of the world thinks
Wow damn jeez I guess we should really be thinking about what literally who countries think of us now!
Thank you schlomo!
To be fair it was Jew York that shit the bed
If he's not careful he's going to lose the foreign vote. Oh wait.
Not really. Americans have finally reached the logical conclusion that upsetting Europeans is a valid litmus test to indicate you are doing something correctly in the word stage.
>Amerimutt are crying this hard when we criticize their clown president.
Hey Mohammed, you have a pretty impressive command of the English language. Did they teach English in your mosque?
I'd wish you a happy Easter, but I'm sure it would only cause you to erupt in a violent fit of rage as is the nature of your kind.
>haha, the joke's on YOU! I was only PRETENDING to be a retarded lefty!
He must have struck a nerve there talking about Jamal dominating your wife, it's the same in France. Do you wave a white flag while the black bull pounds her? LMAO
Top kek. Based Jap
I love coffee and a cheese blintz in the morning.
What's he even doing differently to other countries?
Open borders working out for ya?
>something correctly in the word stage.
Trump neglicence fucked up Amerimutt economy.
But hey, American here don't give a single fuck, they prefer to support their clown president no matter what because that make European seethe. :^)
>president insult allies?
The fuck did he just say about me this little bitch?
Well he's orange for one
You actually believe one politician is better than another?
Fuck the rest of the world. The metric system sucks, soccer isn't a real sport and universal healthcare is a joke.
Fucking Roastie.
It's basically media going in full REEEEEEEEEE
and as Europeans care less about US then US citizens, they're even less critical about what the media says about the topic that is US.
Although ironically they care even less about their own local politics. It's remarkable that people know more about US politics in Europe then of their own. Shows the power of US media
Wrong. No one, not even your mom gives a fuck about Eurofags.
>Feb. 23: “We have it very much under control in this country.” — Trump in speaking to reporters.
>Feb. 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!” — Trump in a tweet.
you're ok cambodia
Well I guess no one wants our business now
Time to shut the border and manufacture only in America
A lion does not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep
Well you wouldn't be saying that if Fucking China did eat fucking bats and dogs to spread a virus dumbass.
>Trump wont be Hitler and take over the country
Fuck you.
>Trump neglicence fucked up Amerimutt economy.
Oh look, a (((mass media))) parrot that repeats everything Shlomo Goldburgstein on CNN tells him to repeat!
Do you have anything else that CNN wants you to say such that you're not committing WrongThink like the rest of us on this board?
OP is a nigger democrat who is dying of aids and is posting while he gives Barack Obama a blow job in a Walmart bathroom.
I guess that means the low IQ useless non whites will stop trying to flood into the USA then.
>International relations expert
Jesus Christ
I honestly don't see any possible way Biden beats Donald Trump in November
Orange Hitler = low IQ shariablue
Orange Hitler = low IQ Qushner bot
Reality = Trump is a crypto kike
either american has a reputation of supreme gods, or trump is really pathetic at destroying reputations, if after 3 and a half years of you telling us this there is still reputation left to destroy.
so which is it? you admit that americans are god, or you lied when you said that trump is really good at destroying american reputation.
>Feb. 26: “And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.” — Trump at a press conference.
>March 7: “No, I’m not concerned at all. No, we’ve done a great job with it.” — Trump, when asked by reporters if he was concerned about the arrival of the coronavirus in the Washington, D.C., area.
China is to blame clearly.
But Trump too
The Nigger's apology tour didn't? k
>we're losing the popularity contest because of Drumph reeeeeeeeee
Ive come to the conclusion amerisharts are so retarded thanx to Yas Forums Hitler was a National Socialist while Trump is Capitalist, but ok go eat some nigger cock you amerishart