Will you get the chip if it is a legal requirement?

will you get the chip if it is a legal requirement?

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Why do you make these fake headline threads? The German poster was right.

Why not get the chip?

I would get the chip if that means UBI,
otherwise probably not, they need to provide a good incentive.

what if it's a requirement for a driver's license?

I hate people who use phrases like "Super duper scary" unironically you just lost any credibility of an argument you could have had by using a child vocabulary.

>The German poster was right.
What did he say?


OP writes all of these articles himself and posts them in a deceiving manner to convince the more gullible user base of this board that they are real.

He creates 10-20 of these threads a day and spams one of his many versions of bait articles.

All of his threads only come with 1 liners usually although lately he is mixing it up.

Those threads violate multiple rules:

>Low Quality
>Trolling outside of b
>Spamming & Flooding
>Avatar or Signature Use
>Ban Evasion

and he routinely reports everyone that points out that the articles are fake.

Janitors oblige his requests and ban users that call the threads out instead of deleting the thread. They seem to be happy that he at times has 4-5 bait threads like this up that completely ruin the quality of this board.

>What can we do?

No idea, many users that have noticed these threads raised their concerns with the jannies but that resulted in nothing but bans from the jannies towards the users.

These threads however will not go away and he will spam thousands more of them to serve this board with repetitive content every single day.

I pray not

Documented this faggot's dozens of spam threads. Every one has a fake headline.

>I would get branded if that means they give us cows plenty of free feed and salt blocks to chew on

This article real?

No one is inserting stuff into me, I'll tell ya.


As real as my 401k

>no link
>no publication

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>you become traceble anywhere
>they can empty your accounts if you don't comply
>they can probably keep track of your dna
>potentially may be used to hinder you from moving around, literally, specially for the purpose of "comitting crimes", or so they'll say


user the point of OP's fake articles is to make dumbshits question when WE post screenshots of articles. Muddy the waters is the name of the game with the kikes.

I already have a drivers license and they dont expire here
free stuff? sign me up bro

>you become traceble anywhere
they can already trace you anywhere
>they can empty your accounts if you don't comply
and they dont do that now?
>they can probably keep track of your dna
they already do that
>potentially may be used to hinder you from moving around
thats good because its stops niggers from entering

It’s literally called skynet

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>the point of OP's fake articles is to make dumbshits question when WE post screenshots of articles

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I removed the EPA bullshit off my truck despite it being a "legal requirement" (by the deepstate). Still don't give a fuck.

Fuck to the no.

>I already have a drivers license and they dont expire here
really? so you dont have to go update your photo? is there no photo?

You have to go back

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Literally the mark of the beast the bible warns us of. They'll have to kill me first.

are you actually defending this microship mark of the beast stuff?


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Fake article but if it became a requirement I already break about 100 laws daily anyway so what the fuck do I care about 1 more

He's probably onto something there. Instill doubt in someone's mind because
>they always have fake articles over there on the 4chans!

>child loving

Nice bait, mate.

You deserve what's happening to you.

Machine gun goes trrrrrrr

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>reduce healthcare costs by keeping track of anyone deemed unhealthy
Well, I sure hope you're healthy enough to avoid the culling of cost burdens.

Fuck no fag. I have almost zero online presence with my name. I'm not in any social media shitholes just so i wouldn't be seen.

Now they say they gonna hook my body to the internet and track it. Over my dead fucking body nigger.

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ofc! chip, vaccine and everthing our overlo- i mean, our reptilian maste- i mean KILL BI- i mean our unelected burocrats say! in minecraft

Clara Lee huh

Fake spam

Sounds like a scare tactic.
>if you don't get a chip you're a nazi.

Easy way to corral people into getting chipped, all to easy.

based. ill save that for next time I see this faggot.

>t. lazy retard who doesnt bother to link sources.

yes really
>so you dont have to go update your photo?
>is there no photo?
there is a photo
as long as it means free money and no wagecucking sure why not?
I too think I deserve to get rich
thanks fren

Only if I can put my chip in your. It's copper jacketed lead, which is cool for you because copper kills germs