Why does every other flag consider Canada a 'meme flag?' Did we not help you in WW2...

Why does every other flag consider Canada a 'meme flag?' Did we not help you in WW2? What about all the resources we import into the USA?

How i see it the USA is much worse than we are- everything is for sale in that country, why go to a war with the burgers if either;
1. You simply slowly buy them
2. Wait for their inevitable economic crash
Kike loving mutts are nothing but liars

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because geopolitically you are below Mexico.

You are the american Sweden and an even worse poster.

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chong ching wong dong kong long bong fong Canada fong long wing ding bong CHina?

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Shut up and make us more toilet paper.

Nobody likes you Canada because you're like a vindictive bitch that just waits for an opportunity to criticize someone on how something should have or ought to be done even though you have fuck all to do with anything. You're like the faggot that asks someone for help and when you're being helped you're there breathing down their necks and telling them how to do the job. You're a thorn on everyone's ass and we burgers inherent all the fucking burden you cause to everyone.

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Canada is best America

Good thing you know chinese. Just learn "I'll have your money soon" and "please don't kill me"

>Did we not help you in WW2?

I dunno, what did you do again? We gave the US and UK an excuse to build our roads and airports for us.

What the fuck is a Canada?

The United States functions as a gigantic hurt box. Minorities are bullied into submission and assimilation. This worked fantastic with the Italians and Irish, extreme racial hatred and bullying until they learn to assimilate. Now the most either of those groups receive is the occasional 'spaghetti nigger' or 'drunk mick' ribbing in good humor.

Jews never learned this. They view everything as an existential threat. They never learned to assimilate and chimp the fuck out any time some bullying is thrown their way. Their financial dominance led to their cultural dominance and this is the behavior they've begun to export. Now american whites hate absolutely everyone because they refuse to play the game, make a taco bender crack and a beaner will behave just like a kike and attempt to destroy your life and see you out of work and homeless.

The reason your country is hated and the Aussies are not is because they understand the game and you don't. Make an emu crack or mention petrol huffing dreamtime and the Aussie will shitpost right back. Call a leaf a maple nigger or insinuate he uses a hockey stick to pleasure himself analy and you get angry 'why dont you like me' shitposts. You are the reason we don't like you, idiot.

——- Groceryjew Detected ——-
Consider this thread infested with a proxyfag

Threadly reminder that these posts have been disproven many times before. This faggot, aka groceryjew, started posting these on Yas Forums as "Canada Is Collapsing" threads and has moved on to pretending to make "election" or "politics" threads, and posting this bullshit on /ck/ to avoid this copypasta, but it's the same proxyfagging nutjob.

This kike has rudimentary knowledge of proxyfagging and bumps his own threads with a variety of proxies from Canada, the US, and the UK especially. If you pay attention to the diction/posting style/CAPS you can easily see they are the same person, varying between 2-3 posting styles, and doing upwards of 50 posts each thread to keep it bumped. He often deflects his true origin by (((accidentally)) outing himself as a Pole, but he’s really an Americanized Jew.

He’s likely under the employ of the Kinsella consulting group, hired by the conservatives to divert attention from the Jewish influence in Canada.


Although Corona has put a break on his grocery posting, he’s still spreading the same lies and half-truths of the past years to push xir Jewish agenda.

In order to maintain the illusion that Canada has high food prices, he posts prices from remote communities where food has to be flown in.

If anyone is actually curious if there is an issue with food prices in Canada, go to literally any forum online with Canadians and ask them if they struggle with their food bill. It’s that simple.

This is pasta and and the poster will not be sticking around for replies. I invite fellow leafs to copypasta this to all this nutjobs threads, and don't forget to sage; the proxyfagging becomes really obvious when he has to scramble to bump his threads.

Redditspacing is intentional and done for maximum exposure and clarity

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If you can't find the right man for the job, find a yank. If you can get them to shut up about themselves. Bon chance.

Because you're a goddamn joke of a country and the day of the rake can't come soon enough.

Fuck you, mutt.

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How the fuck can you expect people to take you seriously if you have a fucking leaf on your flag?
A fucking leaf.

What do Jews want with Canada?

Oh, besides domination of every country.


too many Ontarian and Albertan scum bags posting.
>INB4 Albertans are based, reminder Calgary elected a muslim

You're Americas hat.

The Jew shills larping as leafs haven't helped your case here. They really wanted you to get a bad rep. Divide and conquer by flag

Having said that you elected a mega pedo fag

there are lots of leaf shitposters because there are lots of fags from GTA and Vancouver who are obsessed with the typical postmodern drivel. They come here to troll for a laugh. Many of them are Asian or hapas. I knew a few IRL who were obsessed with the hapa victimization "culture". They might hate white people more than Jews.

If you Leafs hate us so much, why are you all within 50 miles of our border, when you have all of that beautiful frozen wasteland?

Face it. You hate us because you ain't us.

How many of your fellow Cannucks that post here that don't say the dumbest shit? Our flag isn't even a real symbol of anything its just some glorified add for maple syrup.

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Take of you meme flag before you make a thread you fucking flaggot.

>because geopolitically you are below Mexico

Then why do you worthless shitskins try to lie your way into my country and not vice versa?


We are the ultimate trigger for Americans. We get to enjoy all their popular culture, entertainment, technology, etc. and we don't have to suffer through gun violence, obesity, a retarded president, and a host of other problems. They're supremely jealous of us for it.