It could, but it won’t. The US constitution mandates the USPS exists.
Good. USPS is fucking trash anyway. FedEx, UPS, Amazon all get me my stuff in ~2 days. Less stuff to pay for
how is that even possible? i still get my amazon packages the next day
Only hurts rural fuckers.
>Amazon Internet Defense Force
As an actual postal worker, this is just the bumbling fools at corporate with their hands out. As long as white people keep ordering dog clothes, fleshlights and other stupid useless shit and demand it be there in 2 days or less, we’ll be fine. The only thing our customers really care about is packages and the occasional check in the mail.
Good, let the government have control of it again. They waste so much money and upper management line their pockets while their people in the field barely scrape by.
bullshit. they start crying about money when there is a handout happening
fuck the USPS
we could also all get instantly wiped out by a gamma ray burst but both of these things are so unlikely that they may as well be impossible
Another postal user.
I'm surprised by this and curious to see how they would even do it.
There are 4-5 days worth of mail in the system as it is, they'll have to close the retail windows and have carriers stop collecting outgoing mail for about a week before we stop working.
They'll have to tell Amazon to go solely with UPS and FedEx, while simultaneously telling UPS and FedEx that they'll also need to handle all of their SmartPost and SurePost products that US Postal Service carries. Also, any of the prepaid return parcels from any company will have to be dealt with.
Every election campaign from president down to county clerk will lose their mass mailing capacity.
We delivered over 1 billion prescriptions last year, 83+ million per month, many on automatic monthly plans so people will be surprised when granny's heart meds don't show up, or their beetus testing strips don't come.
Personally I'm not really concerned, because I don't believe it can happen, but for every person who says "fuck the USPS" there are 10 who like us, and even more who don't care but realize that shit is going to get fucked up when the mail stops moving, and that without mail order parcels they're all going to be coofing on each other in Walmart fighting over the last bottle of aloe vera.
Partisans only care about the constitution when it backs what they want in the now.
Too many businesses, from the coupons we deliver to the rubber band companies we buy from depend on us for us to simply vanish. We are every boomers gripe but still the most reliable and cheapest delivery service today.
I saw another news headline saying that Trump is refusing to sign the next stimulus thing if it contained debt relief for the USPS. Mnuchin wants it to be (((loans))) only.
I'm sure a more factual portrayal of what happened will come out eventually but at least for a few hours today the news will be trying to turn it into an albatross to hang around Trump's neck.
They love scaring granny that her prescriptions won't be coming.
Is it odd to anyone else that all non-essential work has stopped and yet I still get junk mail and spam email. No rights to assemble but junk mail is still protected
That would be a good outcome though. Imagine people getting pissed that UPS, Amazon, and FedEx have been sleezing all over the USPS. My problem isn't with the existence of the service (former RCA), but with the management. They are overpaid and do jackall to actually fix the problems in the system. Their new method for doing mail counts is already obviously setup to undercount. There are still offices that runndial up internet with portapotties. When carriers are already doing 9 to 11 hour routes, it's so disingenuous for them to cry foul. Especially since everyone doesn't get to drive a LLV. EMA is a joke.
cca here
have about 100-200 less pieces of dps than ususal
that's it
fuck anti usps shills
I swear, if Hillary wouldn't have had the election stolen from her by Bernie supporters and Putin hackers, we'd all be out enjoying our lives, employed, and not having to worry about this pandemic. She would have seen it was a problem back in December and have had her female scientists of color develop a vaccine.
look its a bot
Mailman here
No. Letter mail is down since the outbreak but packages are still going through as much as ever.
They are paying people time and a half right now to work Sunday. (Something we never had to do before)
Only neocohens hate the Usps and that’s because kock brothers tried to bankrupt it back 20 years ago
It’s wildly considered the most liked of the government agencies with higher job performance numbers than other delivery services
Just stop taking UPS, FEDEX and Amazon shit at a loss
Yeah, our Sunday parcels are so heavy the last several weeks that the CCAs have been out til 830pm. They're actually letting non-overtime regulars *volunteer* to work on Sundays just to relieve the burden on the CCAs, which is pretty unheard of.
They're even talking about rather than Sundays working out of a number of 3-5 zip code "hubs" that they'll let the parcel runs originate out of the individual offices.
Dems want to tie the postal bail out to voting by mail (an obvious scam)
No republican would support that >>
>TFW you work Sunday and your NS day
I'll be a nightmare for scammers. I verify residents regularly just for my own quality of work, so if they suddenly started getting 8 ballot applications in different names, that shits getting RTS'd.
People have recently been good about returning the verification cards and submitting Change of Address promptly because they're worried about not getting the magic Trumpbux. So if Unknown names start showing up in October, well it would be ethically and professionally irresponsible of me to deliver a ballot for a name to an address that the residents themselves have verified isn't there. Unfortunately about 75% of my office is Dem NPCs so they would gladly facilitate the fraud if they even realized what was happening.
How is that possible when business should be booming right now with all the shipping people are requesting from merchants?
Another postalfag here.
Not worried, this "We're gonna be bankrupt" shit happens every year.
It'll just keep operating - we're already breaking the law since 2012 when we stopped pre-paying the retirement fund.
Processing clerk here, we've been horribly shortstaffed, but our plant manager doesn't believe in working NS
A lot of it is retail stores that have had to close, they're not generating any advertisements. The grocery flyers have been incredibly thin, probably because they don't need to attract customers and luring people to the store when a LOT of products aren't in stock will be more harmful than helpful.
Even stuff like realtors who are still allowed to work, aren't sending solicitations out because there aren't as many buyers.
Post master is full of shit
They want a bail out be tied to “vote by mail”
Closing the post office is an automatic loss for any party supporting it
no it doesn't.
congress has the RIGHT to establish a post office, doesn't mean it has to.