If god (Yhwh) created all except from himself, and being that he is perfect; why would him create anything...

If god (Yhwh) created all except from himself, and being that he is perfect; why would him create anything? Why in the hell would the creation need something else than him (is say, a perfect being and the definitive existence)?
Did a... perfect god, NEED something?

And about yeshua... How is he related to david if jose aint his father?

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I'm not a christian but isnt this just a ctrl+v
user, you should at least TRY to be original

God wanted a big titty goth gf so he had to create the universe and everything in it

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>OMG Joseph I know you just got back from your trip and there has been so many chad roman soldiers around and the penalty for adultery is stoning but guess what im pregnant and god did it
>the baby looks Italian for some reason
imagine being a Christcucck this is what the believe how would you wake up in the morning

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Ah, no, not really, I'm the same user who created the thread, but the last time I was busy doing other stuff, and this time I'm planning to discuss the matter.

Maybe he was bored.

Yeshua wasn't a true descendant of David because he was of virgin birth (son of Yhwh and conceived of the holy spirit). Joseph raised him as his son and so he was an adoptive descendant of David.

>Did a... perfect god, NEED something?
You can't be perfect and need. A perfect being is content to be perfect.

god is what is, the big bang is god creating himself, it is not a sentient being, but the laws of reality are unchanging and we are bound to them all, dont get lost in personifications, the bible is an attempt to illustrate reality to us and show us that through behavior influencing our evolution we can return existence to a paradise

Read Zohar he literally created himself. Also gnostic chads believe that the creator of the material is the demiurge not the true god.

Exactly that is the problem, kekisbro.

You are a perfect existence, completely self-sufficient, why would you be bored?
And correct me if im wrong, but the christ must be related to david by blood.

Deism, aint it? A curious perspective.

>Yeshua wasn't a true descendant of David
Christians are so obsessed with Jews, more than the Jews are about themselves. Christians can name the bloodlines, houses, and lineage of every Biblical Jew. Christians can name the whole assortment of every kind of Jew.

Dont know much about this, but I'm talking about christian conception of world's beginning

why does a dog lick his balls
>because he can

the depiction of the creation and nature of god in the bible is so vague and simplified that people stick to the personification and ignore reality, but if you match the words of the bible with observation of reality the meaning becomes clear

Christ must be born of virgin birth, females don't count in the lineage so Mary and Joseph were selected by God to deliver the messiah

Which is the same one as the Jews. The Zohar is a rabbinical text that explains the metaphysics of the Torah or Old Testament for fags. The Gnostics were a Christian denomination that were killed by the nicean church (or modern day cucktholics) and there theology that the god that created the physical universe was actually the devil and the real god was the only way to escape the evil material world.

The problem with your logic is you assume G-d doesn't need you. Quite frankly, G-d needs you a lot more than you need him. Essentially, when a father has a son, does the father need his son? When the son is old enough to survive, does the father's need of his son stop? You should do what the lord wants you to do, because he needs you. He created a universe in order to have this relationship with you.

>What about this kike heresy?
It's heresy.

t.Haim McGoldstein

Don't ask questions, just believe it. You know, like the holocaust.

God spoke himself into existence, God created us because there is more good to be had in an observer to witness your glory then to not. A orchestra is great without an audience but with one it is much better.


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This. so essentially our aeon was created by sophia who produced our reality from herself asexually. From there to fix this mistake, a spirit of sorts needs to be drawn out from adam meaning mankind. So this is why the world is fucked and why you should just do what you're told, goy.

god is the collective consciousness of all the universe and all possible timelines & realities as the universe experiences its own existences
god has always existed
Jesus was just a man

Read pistis sophia and stop blurting uninformed bullshit

But god aint a dog who feels pleasure for slicking his balls, he is a perfect being/ auto-sufficient who, logically, dont need to create nothing.

Apocryphal? Sorry, not for me. I'm a straight christian.

No, god cant fucking need nothing, he is perfect, PER-FECT: perfection doesnt need anything more than himself.

Romans 1-3:

3regarding his Son, who as to his earthly life[a]was a descendant of David

So god needed us to adore him? Did a perfect being needed something?
Or maybe is thatis the creation more perfect with us there than just with himself? How can it be called perfect if it can be better?

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The perfect god created man so he could experience imperfection vicariously through his son.

I’m not even christian, but this is the closest thing to a point I have ever gotten out of it.

>Ecclesiastes 8:17
All else is cope.

A perfect g-d still needs his creations.

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If He need, then you can't call Him perfect, part of being perfect, is being auto-sufficient. And He was auto-sufficient even before creating His creation, so why the hell have he done it?

>reveal flag jew!!!
Obvious jew strawman meant to delegitimize Gnosticism. Sophia produced an aeon (yaldabaoth aka the demiurge)of pure chaos that emanated outside of the Pleroma into the void or kenoma and used his higher essence to produce a physical matter. Then after creating Adam and raping eve produced humanity and subjugated humanity to his malicious control it was only until Jesus Christ came from the pleroma (he is an aeon himself) and enlightening the Gnostics to the true nature of the universe did humanity have a chance of escaping the demiurge. Gnostics disagree with and know of the evil pact the Jews have with the demiurge. That is why we don’t worship the jewish god and neither did Jesus. Read the gospel of Judas.

God does not need us, what does perfect mean to you? To me perfect means without sin/evil, needing nothing. God is infinite good (perfect) but he can be more good; infinite + good finite witnesses; infinity is perfect but infinity + 1 is more perfect if that makes sense. God bless you man

Post 1/3:

God is what most people call "Universe" and It is in a constant state of change due to It's fractal nature and death-rebirth cycle forever, and the fact, that It always was and always will be (just in different states) is a proof in itself, that It is above and beyond all, because human logic dictates, that everything at least must have the beginning, so if something didn't "begin", yet it always was and is, then it has a quality of what people assume only God would have. God is the Universe itself and everything in it, that includes you too, the air we all breath in is also part of God, the soil on which we all walk is part of God too - put it all together, all that exists and you have the One, God - the source of everything. Universe/God/Nature - whatever you want to call it - it's one and the same thing. Everything is alive, everything is pure consciousness - physical "reality" is just our perception and consciousness is the most basic "building block" from which everything else is created. Creator and Creation is not separate and THE ULTIMATE POINT OF IT ALL is to gather all the pieces together and become One again. The Universe is like an egg. What physicists call the "Big Bang" is the shattering of an egg, so all the contents spill (death of the Universe). The expansion of the Universe is the process of spilling contents of the egg, then the Universe will begin to shrink back (kind of like a gestation process) to It's original form of One, where all the contents of the egg are inside it and the Universe is in one extremely small and extremely dense "point". When that happens, then due to It's extreme density, internal "pressure" will cause It to explode again and It's going to "die" again (Big Bang / shattering of an egg), rebirth again and die again and rebirth again and so on for infinity.

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The universe exists. You have received free will. G-d has given you the tools in order to forge a relationship with him. This appears to be the apparent goal of the universe - you exist in order to foster this relationship and because of the will of g-d.

Honestly, what pilpul do you want? That needs do not make one imperfect, that perfection is inherently a property of g-d, that perfection is an inherent property of a thing e.g., a perfect dog still needs food, that wants are separate from needs, etc.

Post 2/3:

God is neither good nor evil. God is perfectly balanced. God is the Universe itself and everything in It and Universe has duality nature, which after fusion of two extreme opposites creates the "Holy Trinity". The real, original and intended meaning of the Trinity is two extreme opposites and the fusion of them. Neither is better than the other one and each of them posses qualities that the other one doesn't and it is the fusion of both of them that gives us the best outcome. It is the balance between two extreme opposites that at the end of the day always wins. Neither right nor left is better than the other, neither obese nor anorectic is better than the other, neither hot nor cold is better than the other etc. Trinity is one of the the Universal Truths, that can be applied to absolutely everything and the ancient as well as modern intellectual elite has been encoding this fact for thousands of years in many things, especially buildings. It is the BALANCE between two extreme opposites that's the best. This is the Universal Truth and is the true, original and now occultistic meaning of the Trinity, now hidden behind the veil of allegories in order to ensure, that only select few can know and fully understand it, because not everybody deserves to posses that kind of knowledge due to a tremendous amount of power it can potentially give to a right person.

See for example Gothic cathedrals or the famous painting known as "The Last Supper" and you will see the hidden symbolism of the Trinity/Triptych encoding the knowledge about the nature of God/Universe.

Look at the background of The Last Supper:

For more information about God, read here:

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It doesnt makes sense at all, infinite+1 is just infinite, no more than that. xD

>would him create anything?

What is greater, (x) or (x + 1)

Post 3/3:

There was also (much later) a planetary configuration of three planets in one line from Earth's point of view: Saturn, Venus and Mars and they looked like one god made out of three different parts, so priests created the Holy Trinity analogy to these planets, which were already worshiped as separate gods before they appeared in the heavens as one, so there are two different reasons for existence of Three-One-God: the Universe made out of two extreme opposites and the fusion of them and planetary configuration made out of Saturn, Venus and Mars. Each of these planets were also worshiped at different times as separate gods, when they weren't aligned in a straight line from Earth's point of view. See attached picture and watch videos below.

1. youtube.com/watch?v=t7EAlTcZFwY
2. youtube.com/watch?v=tRV1e5_tB6Y
3. youtube.com/watch?v=34wtt2EUToo
4. youtube.com/watch?v=5AUA7XS0TvA
5. youtube.com/watch?v=oophJNlP-fk
6. youtube.com/watch?v=ZjEC1vOIuxY
7. youtube.com/watch?v=C85SbJhqEIU
8. youtube.com/watch?v=3WVxYjx9dRg
9. youtube.com/watch?v=Gouqy4OghyY
10. velikovsky.info/saturn-theory

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He didn't need anything nor anyone. He is fully complete within himself. This is why God created anything to begin with:

>(1 John 4:16) And we ourselves have come to know and have believed the love that God has in our case. GOD IS LOVE, and he that remains in love remains in union with God and God remains in union with him.

>(1 John 4:8) He that does not love has not come to know God, because GOD IS LOVE.

>(Exodus 34:6) And Jehovah went passing by before his face and declaring: “Jehovah, Jehovah, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness and truth,

>(Micah 7:18) Who is a God like you, one pardoning error and passing over transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? He will certainly not hold onto his anger forever, for he is delighting in loving-kindness.

Jehovah was so satisfied, joyful, and happy with his own existence that he wanted to share that same experience with others OUT OF LOVE. Remember when you were a kid and you did something or found something so amazing that you ran home to share it with your parents or to school for Show N' Tell? That's God. Only he had no one to run to and shower them with his amazing experiences so he decided to create others to do so with.

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Because love.

>And about yeshua... How is he related to david if jose aint his father?

Because of Mary. One was his blood lineage through Mary, the other was his LEGAL lineage through Joseph. The claim to the throne of David, which belongs to the Messiah, the claim to be King. Jesus needed to prove both his BLOOD lineage and LEGAL lineage to claim it.

The Bible and God do recognize adoption as legal descendency.

Matthew indicates that Zerubbabel is the son of Shealtiel (Mt 1:12), and this coincides with other references. (Ezr 3:2; Ne 12:1; Hag 1:14; Lu 3:27) However, at 1Chronicles 3:19 Zerubbabel is referred to as the son of Pedaiah. Evidently Zerubbabel was the natural son of Pedaiah and the legal son of Shealtiel by reason of brother-in-law marriage; or possibly, after Zerubbabel’s father Pedaiah died, Zerubbabel was brought up by Shealtiel as his son and therefore became legally recognized as the son of Shealtiel.

That's why they are different.

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It’s lonely being alone. And boring. The question is why didn’t God do it sooner. And why is it so hard to be good? Why the elaborate game?

This is my understanding.

First about Jesus
House of david were gingers, a heridatery curse aka a dominant gene
Jesus however was not such so while he wasn't related to Joseph by blood he did look just like him as to NOT be considered a bastard.
The fleshly body was of no relevance as to how it looked.

There are many documents regarding this but one of the most notable is the Haddiths
Mohamed believed that he and his clan were direct descendants of King Solomon and their feature to prove it was their pale skin and ginger hair and beard.
They also wore covering from head to toe during the day similar to today's Burka
btw I am not a muslim, but for what it's worth its a historic document

>Why did God create the world?
A testament, a ground for souls to be tested
One would assume it's like a video game but even in video games the better players get to higher ranking games while the shit ones are stuck with other shitty players in eternal suffering.

It's not the fire that makes Hell a hell
it's the people in it.

And you are a fool

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