Why did Trump ignore expert advice?

And how many people will die needlessly because he was too slow to act? Fauci has confirmed that it's true that Trump was very slow in responding to the pandemic.

Attached: Trump rebuffed advice says Fauci.png (750x1334, 524.4K)

Other urls found in this thread:


uh oh, you've posted something critical of dear leader. Expect shills explaining why trump has a 400 iq

Posting this again? Run out of OCD meds?



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a jesuit has one job.
just remember that...

>uh oh, you've posted something critical of dear leader. Expect shills explaining why trump has a 400 iq
Seriously, can anyone support Trump now or do we just have to accept that we elected a retard and watch people die in the meantime? He obviously doesn't know how to deal with a pandemic or how to follow medical advice. It's not a cable tv show any more.

Attached: Trump was warned early and often.jpg (750x1334, 234.69K)

Yes, let’s not discuss the facts but merely accept an opinion that orange man bad.

Why don’t you cite facts rather than opinions?

I've given detailed responses why he botched this.
>post more so we can say youre a nigger cuck lib shill!!!

Mon·day morn·ing quar·ter·back
noun: Monday morning quarterback; plural noun: Monday morning quarterbacks
a person who passes judgment on and criticizes something after the event.

He listened to The WHO, CDC and Dr Fauci maybe?



Only niggers and city faggots are dying. This is great.

This is literally propaganda.

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Let us see how this looks come July.

At that point you will be posting here how Trump over reacted and inflated the numbers to make the virus appear more deadly and more virulent than it actually was. You will blame him for social distancing nonsense and for crashing the economy by closing non essential businesses.

How Jewish of you.

Basically the election is not between Trump and Biden, but between Trump and NotTrump. They’re hoping they can get some traction for NotTrump with ridiculous lies.

Trump tried to cut off travel from China. The CDC bragged about ignoring his executive orders.

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>Posting this again? Run out of OCD meds?
This is today's news. Latest updates.

Attached: Trump coronavirus tweet 2.png (672x224, 91.44K)

>you'll say this!
Nope. He fucked up months ago. He fucked up today. He'll have fucked up in the future. Doesn't matter, you'll all clap and claim he did amazing regardless.

There’s like five threads in the catalog with the same headline and OP.

He did the right thing
The more mutts die the better

Why does that kike still have a job? Fauci that is.

Memory holed retard...or mabe you never knew, which is worse

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I would imagine it is to publicly demonstrate how destructive it actually is to have unelected stiffs sitting around with weird titles and no one knowing what the fuck their work day even is.

Has to wait till after this is over to fire him or they will have a shitfit.

I started turning on him a year ago but honestly I have warmed up to him again because of Corona. He's retarded enough to kill and dismember the even bigger retards that made us shill for him in the first place. Imagine how many republicucks are dying as we speak because of him, all the two faced libtards going insane because of a small quarantine, all the redneck boomers losing their life savings, and general destruction of muttistan.

I feared someone like Bernie winning the dem nomination considering the narrow victory Trump managed to get in 2016, but they chose Biden of all people so now I can rest easy knowing mutts will continue to be BTFO globally and internally until they are turned into mush for Chinks to eat them.

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Basically this. (((WHO))) Said it couldn't be transmitted Human to Human. Gas yourselves.

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we live in the age of "fake news". and by that I mean if you don't like something, call it fake and ignore it.

Experts you say?

Attached: 1586651925748.jpg (1024x1024, 120.14K)

see, that's fake news.

No shillbergs. Its because the source is fake and gay.

>Fauci Confirms
Fauci is a mega pozzed shill goblin himself slurping up the butt cum of George Soros and Bill Gates

>New York Times report
Oy vey!

>The actual quote from Fauci
Doesn't support the headline at all.

>Turbo nigger
No link, cropped cellphone posting

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wah wah impeach Trump!
he was irresponsible!
stop throwing rocks at my house!
you jobless goyim are under quarantine, leave me alone!

Attached: Cuomo the Commie Homo.jpg (626x645, 187.3K)