I'm Arab and I agree with this board's opinion towards us

We are truly a savage, ugly, subhuman, worthless people who brought nothing to mankind but the worst types of barbarism, before the invention of Islam we were nothing but nomadic barbarians who lived on stone age despite the European Greek and our neighbors in the Fertile Crescent bringing enlightenment to the know World by that time, we were a people who drank camel piss and ate lizards and lived in mud shacks and tents, we buried our daughters alive in the desert sands. The so-called Arab Golden Age was nothing but a complete theft of Mesopotamian, Byzantine European and Persian achievements, the scientists of the era were either Assyrians or Persians who thrived DESPITE a bunch of subhuman inbred brown skinned barbarians ruling over them, the so-called "Arabic" numerals are actually Indian, the mathematic discoveries by Muslim "scientists" were basically ancient Greek work translated.

The Middle-East is a shithole today because Arabs wiped out all of the indigenous inhabitants of the Fertile Crescent and North Africa, and soon those regions were genetically replaced with ourselves, words cannot describe the crime and tragedy that this was, and today, the World can see with their own eyes we are unable to maintain a society.

I just wish Western nations got together and neutron bombed us out of existance and resettled the land with Italians, Armenians and Greeks

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Imagine being this much of a cuckold.

Stand up for yourself you fucking coward. Take pride in yourself as a man and your fathers before you, or let the beta white man take your women.

at least we aren't niggers

Make an example of yourself and shave.

If you dont shave your beard right now and post a picture with a time stamp i wont believe you.

Good post
I agree with it

Are you a Qahtanie or a Adnani?

And if you don't know what this means then fuck off.


Built for BBC

Jews are worse


is OP /ourgoatfucker/?

Hello Mossad

Bad thing most muzzies don't think like you. They all think they need to spread islam and muh superior religion.

Based, at least your honest man, now you can move on and improve your racial soul.

Wrong, Arabs were a good people who brought use mathematics until Islam destroyed the Arabs from the inside out

you are cringe dude

The cum dripping outta your cunt mouth is hard to hide, faggot

Shave your face, Amir. You might trick people in to thinking you're Mexican.

I don't even know, I'm Mashreqi so probably Adnani

Timestamp nigger

Cheer up m80
didnt you guys start civilization or something ,i Sure there are things you can be proud of

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We are vermin who should be exterminated

come to germany

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hei siellä :DDDDDDDDD

We're worse than Niggers, Niggers are barbaric subhuman filth but they're harmless if left on their environment

Alright but first surrender your moslem girls to our STRONK ARYAN BVLL COCKS.
We'll fill the ME with a new race of superior desert people that are raised with our civilized values.
This way you'll atleast die knowing that your barbarian existence wasn't entirely useless.

You're not "subhuman" only subsaharans are subhumans, your problem is cultural

I'm arab and you're take the bullet, traitor pussy.

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No, we were disgusting child-fucking lizard eating nomads from the sand in ancient times, we have nothing to do with Akkadians, Phoenicians and Assyrians. People we genocided during the Islamic conquest of MENA

When in fact they're more like corona spreaders, lol

I truly don't hate any members of any race who stay at home, except for Jews and niggers
Arabs in the near east are important, for they are the only ones standing up to both jew states
So what i'm trying to say is: Take pride and zyklon those kikes

There's no hope for me

Nice one, now do one for niggers so I can pretend to be a self-hating black on Twitter.

You want a pat in the back?

Great thread despite the memeflag.

Jidf larp thread.

I don't hate Arabs I just hate them in MY country

I want a bullet in the head

op even if you look at the shittest of shitholes here in the middle east, in example war-torn syria, you'll see people trying to rebuild society. trying to rebuild their communities, trying to restore what was taken from them. niggers don't have the capability of caring for anything, they'd take a war-torn city and tear it down even more if left to their own devices

being miserable doesn't make you better or worse than anyone op, it just makes you miserable, be the snowflake that dares to distance itself from the avalanche

Arabs aren't ugly

We don't rebuild anything, we only know to bomb crap, rape children and women, cut throaths and live in open sewage, we're worse than Niggers to the World because we're not as dumb as them, we have the potential to destroy everything, they don't

Fuck you with our reverse psychology bs. You want me to talk about Palmyra, South Arabian kingdoms, ethnically Arab philosophers, mathematicians and mystics, but no, I won't, fuck you nigger, go fuck a goat

Nonsense, OP.
And this
Arabs were studying the stars and doing all kinds bretty graet science and cultural shit before you-know-who came around

yeah bro I think this is larp
remove memeflag

I’m Arab but I’m completely right wing and Christian am I ok?

what a BVLL