Waste of space

Why does Belgium exist Yas Forums ?

Can't we divide it between France, us and Germany? Germany gets back what they lost in 1919, France gets Wallonia and we get Flanders + Brussels.

Will this give Europe much needed peace?

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No, but nuking it would.
Btw Belgium should still be Spanish clay.

> Belgium should still be Spanish clay

I am okay with that. As long as Fr*nce does not get Flanders I am totally fine with that.

In compensation paellas free for every Dutch person, for 100 years.

I am willing to give Dutch Limburg as well to Spain. Nothing in return needed. Just want to give away Limburg as a bonus.

France gets Brussels.

Attached: FRENCH-RESISTANCE.jpg (700x810, 93.14K)

They should be grateful with Wallo...

Never mind. I apologize offering just that ungovernable shithole named Wallonia to France. But Brussels is no option.

>Germany gets back what they lost in 1919, France gets Wallonia and we get Flanders + Brussels.

Doubt it, Walloons and Flemish don't particularly like their French and Dutch neighbours

Brussels is 70% French speaking lmao it's us, keep Antwerp you fucking Gouda eater

Bij graties Gods,

Zullen wij Nederlanders, nakomelingen der Geuzen en Orangisten, Vlaanderen bevrijden van den Paapsche Fransisten

Dat God Almachtig de Nederlansche Volk genadig mag zijn in den heilige oorlog tegen den Goddeloze en Paapsche Fransisten Tirannie die onzere Bourgondisch stad Brussels bezet

Wij zijn de Orangisten. Wij vergeten noch vergeven de vijand!

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Lol you can forget about Brussels. I'd rather see the Spanish King owning that place than the Marseillese being song in that shithole city. A shithole but our shithole. It will learn to speak proper Dutch

Ahw cute. You think Belgique has an opinion. Germany showed us otherwise.

Why not make brussels an autonomous entity belonging directly to the EU ? A bit like washington ?

I am fine with that.

Now returning back to the division. We are willing send less annoying trash Dutch families on Holiday to France if you accept Wallonia. We both win. Deal?

prepare for a new europe, just one more decade of failure and it will break up and rearrange it's self

Attached: europadivide2.png (913x805, 91.65K)

Belgium is a buffer state.

Flanders to NL
Wallonia to LX

>I'd rather see the Spanish King owning that place than the Marseillese being song in that shithole city. A shithole but our shithole.
You want it to belong to anyone but the french, but claim it to be yours ?

Oh I get it. You think if it's spanish the inhabitants will not become spanish, but if it's french they will become french. In short you're recognizing that their natural inclination is to be french.

This means war

Do you even know that Royal Flanders even belonged to the Kingdom of France from 9th century to 6th century ?

I hate my government but if tomorrow, Macron, our gay bigger lover president declares war i would gladly shot Flemish citizens, kids and womens

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It is our rightful clay

No longer needed. Germany and Fr*nce joined forces to dominate Europe. No need for Belgium anymore.

Flanders should return

Germany and France don't really need a buffer state anymore since they're both so completely cucked

To 16th century*

Try to stop your Algerian and nigs from rioting lol. Your army will be busy in Paris to deal with nigs.

>*blocks your path*

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No I just don't like Fr*nce

What have they given the world except tintin and smurfs?

Also acceptable. But LX is a wealthy country. What will they do with a Congo tier region like Wallonia?

why not call yourselves "new africa union" and get a new flag? that circle of stars is gay

A world without German domination

Which is not necessarily a good thing but they gave the world that.

Chop the natives Hands off hopefully

I am waiting for the day the UK is declared New Pakistan, Capital is removed to Birmingham and Sharia Law is enforced.

Britannia rules the waves my ass

Says the Dutch, whose country is litteraly invaded by Moroccans and full of Surinamese savages while having a much smaller white population than France.

You are fucked

You do know that you can also claim European Congo/Wallonia right?

>literally the Shire after Saruman conquers it.

12% Islamic vs 6% Islamic

Who is more fucked? I have not seen Turks and Moroccans burn cars here.