This fucker should be killed

He is responsible for more American deaths than Bin Laden.
Why isn't a SEAL team stomping his faggot face in right now? I want him killed on live TV.

Attached: SEAL team target.jpg (1242x1409, 877.31K)

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drone his ass when he's at home with his family. Funny how the CIA has no problem doing that to nobodies and 16 year old US citizens

Yup. He comitted an act of war against the world as a means of backing up China's act of war against the world. Seal Team Six needs to be doing a lot of work ASAP.

I Agree fuck this commie piece of shit

Attached: cptShaneequah1.jpg (712x999, 189.46K)

Why does he look like such a nigger? Why is he so black?

because he is a proud negro

>I want him killed on live TV
This. Public executions should be brought back. People would be less inclined to commit crimes if they knew millions on people would watch them die on the internet.

He looks indian desu.

Not sure about the killed, but he should be facing life in prison.

Fully expect him to be hiding out in China for the rest of his life. Protected by his commie handlers.

Attached: geoffpeterson01.jpg (400x300, 34.24K)

Tedros is a personal friend of mine

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>no source
Is this a psyop to manufacture consent to oust this guy?

Not that I object but this thread is glowing

If you haven't connected the dots, the 5th column communists that have infiltrated the government and gov agencies are the hidden enemy POTUS is talking about.

Bumperino. This rat fuck’s face should wind up being synonymous with the chink flu and the act of war committed by China against all of humanity. Nuke China now and burn all of those dog boiling shit eaters alive.

Based. Plus he’s a shitskin

there's no value in that
if he's ousted, he's on his own

Link faggot

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He's allegedly Ethiopian and lied about a cholera outbreak. But trust the WHO, goy!

What about his culpability?
Who applies for criminal proceedings, what does such criminal proceedings presuppose and who would be in charge of judging him?

Attached: whoInfiltration.jpg (1492x1206, 275.18K)

Bro, why did you suck off a nigger?

Stop sucking him off


How did you know he sucked a nigger dick you niggerfaggot?

How many nigger cocks have you sucked lately?

He did nothing, it was the governments job to protect their citizens, but instead, except for North Korea, all the other governments just waited until it was to late. The data was there, there was no need to listen to his interpretations and recommendations.

>cointelpro shills flooding in to post stupid shit in a scorched earth tactic
OP and thread minus shills are over target

shill niggers kek. Do you fags work for the CCP?


Your ability to recognize glowies is non existent if this is what you think intelligence agencies spend their time shilling.

it would certainly be a start

nope. Kill him and his entire fucking family. If he has daughters, rape them in font of mom and then shoot them in the head.

His demise has just started. The curtain is open.
He can't hide now. We got him.

> First WHO President who’s not a physician
> covered several epidemics in ethiopia prior to his appointment
> was installed due to significant financial help of the chinks
> wanted to make a literal dictator an WHO ambassador
> ignored Taiwanese warnings of man-to-man infections as early as in December
He needs to be hanged unironically

I get not everyone is following this stuff closely but I can tell you this isn't entrapment or whatever. It's very obvious he's been rubbing shoulders with the CCP

They're all coming out too. It's been amazing to watch. I wonder what fraudchi and Birx think when they stand there next to Potus.
Potus knows.
They know he knows.
Enjoying the show.

trying too hard glowie

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The fast spread is his fault. He must pay.

based and "liberation"-pilled


back when late-night actually had comedy. rip secretariat

>Enjoying the show?
Not particularly, but being so far ahead of the game in pattern recognition and intuition to the point of having to wait years upon years for it to play out has that double edge to it. To say that I am impatient for heads to roll would be quite the understatement.